The Legend Of Lian Yu

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I'm stuck as a soldier on my island now. Once again, I'm stuck.

How do I even justify half of this shit?

Abusing workers, enslaving innocents, torturing the people. From what I gather, these are mostly Russians from a passenger vessel that was attacked by Reiter and Conklin and all the others. Their all prisoners now, their goals... feed the colony, build the colony, and find something. It's called a Kushu Idol. Though I confess the only reason we all know this is because none of us know what it is. I'd ransack the plane for books on what this could be, but I know for a fact that there's no books on idols, let alone non-fiction ones.

Their detonating bombs in the prison, too. Yeah, I forgot that this island was supposed to be a prison. There's one I've never been to, it thought. East side of the island, deep underground too. They recon there are catacombs or something down there, a cave maybe, that leads to this... Idol.

I assume my mission is to prevent the mercenaries and all getting the idol, as if it contains any actual power. If it had powers, I'd recon Constantine would have swooped in and acquired it by now. Right?

Surely... but then why am I here?

Waller said this was an outlet... might as well just play along. I'll treat it like the chess me and father use to play. A move from one person and then another move from me.

Currently, Wallers made her move, and Reiter has made his. Key threats consist of Conklin and the soldiers around here, possibly another agenda from Reiter as well. Those people could make the next move, or I could. If I wait, I get a better scope of the fight I'm getting into. If I act now, I might just escape the slaughter from the other components. I can't decide. If there is a god, would he tell me what to do? Would he force my hand? Would he sit idly by for I am a sinner and murder that clouds his vision of perfection?

I look up to the orange glowing blades of the sun peering through the slivers of wooden planks in my huts' roof. I share a hut with 7 other soldiers. 4 bunk beds, I get the top bunk of the closest bed to the door on the right. Guess I arrived too late to be picky.

The glow hovers over my hand, conveniently in perfect place on my chest, warming it up with a soft heat.

This position, my back to the hard mattress and placed atop the blanket, head propped up on a pillow, is comforting. I don't sleep this well often, and my back doesn't get this fortune often either. It's far from normal or real comfort, but it is better than my normal. I rejoice in that for now.

I reel in a collection of cool, fresh, and pure air, holding it tight and boldly in my chest. My palm levitated upward with my breasts, my brain in denial, and refusing to release the air. I contain it for as long as I can, seconds, nearly a minute even. I can't relinquish control. It's the one thing in my life I have a modicum of control over. I can't save people, especially not the people I care about. I can't protect myself even. I can't even prevent whatever situation this is.

A yelp makes me exhale, maybe a little too quickly and harshly.

My head hurriedly goes up, my messy and far too long hair brushes the straw roof as I rise. My ears perk up, scanning the winds for a gust of trouble. Unfortunately, they find it.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" A voice screams.

"SHUT IT FREAK!" Another demands.

I internally gulp and jump from my perch down to the wooden boards that form the floor. A bit of dust and dirt is kicked up as the tan boots hit them, followed by me swiftly acquiring my bullet-proof vest, gun belt, and rifle. I stow the gear on me and form the rifles grip into my hands, bracing for the ensuing war.

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