Mei we meet again

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The streets seemed much colder despite their warm glow this time as I walked at a brisk pace amongst people I used to not fear.

The grey hoodie and blue jeans from Tatsu were a nice refresher from all the gross and unsanitary conditions I had been in yesterday. At this point, it wasn't typical of me to care about how I looked or smelled or wore but I needed Meis help on this and not getting stopped by the police on the way because of blood stained clothing was a nice bonus too.

The concrete beneath my feet felt warm even with the shoes on my soles, an interesting feeling juxtaposed with my frozen blood as I turned down to Meis old house. It's been a few years, but my sister should still be in there or in town at the very least.

I walked up to the front door and raised my knuckles to it. The bones were still visibly weak and frail from my body trying to recover. That recovery was definitely not going smoothly with my stubbornness to do this and that and kill what, and whoever else ends up in my way.

My hands felt paralysed even though one was nestled safely in my hoodie pocket shielded from the outside world. My right arm had one task, just one! Knock on the door. Oh god father, I'd walk in there and tell Mei of how I'm alive and our father is not and then have the audacity to plead for her help in getting to Nan-Nandaaaa oh forget it I just need her help getting to Pakistan. But that might be far too much to ask.

But lives were on the line, and that now includes Maseo, Tatsu, and poor little Akio. I couldn't let them be dragged into this the way I let Sara get wrapped up in this sick and twisted chess match, which includes me a pawn versus the rest of the board.

I didn't have the time for this, and so I knocked. I was as quick in my knock as I was to hide my hand back in another hoodie pocket, mirroring my other side.

Just in time to see the door open. A face, my face stared back at me, eyes the same colour as mine, hair that would have been like mine if it was still cordial and a face that shared a innocence I now lacked and had lacked for a long time.

Both our faces, though, were frozen, out of fear perhaps, shock possibly? I'm not to sure Mei knew either, but we took forever just getting comfortable to move in eachothers presence. Suddenly, a pair of arms were wrapped around me, gripping my small body to a much healthier one in a flurry of tears no less.

"Shado... is it really you, sister?" Wept Mei, her eyes withdrawing from over my shoulder to look at me once more.

I subtly nodded for her, my words trapped in my throat. Hell, maybe they were falling into my stomach with the way I felt.

"Oh, thank the gods that you and Father are OK. I pleaded with fate itself for your protection."

"M-Mei fathers no-not...he's gone Mei, and it's my fault..." I stutter out the measly little sentence as I ushered her back inside the house, shutting the door behind me.

The look on her face could kill me. She was more than broken with this realisation.

"NO NO, I BEGGED FOR YOU BOTH BACK!" She screeched with sorrow.

I wanted to do nothing more than comfort my twin all day long... but that wasn't a luxury I possessed anymore.

"Mei...I want to stay... more than anything, but...I'm so so sorry I need a flight..."

She looked back up at me as she began pacing the room. Her cheeks were growing red despite how raw they had already gotten in the short time I had been standing in her hallway.

"So let me get this straight sis you come back into my life after years to tell me my dad, our dad, is dead and then you plan to leave again and your only here for a flight?"

Arrow : Shado of the PastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant