Funerals and ghosts

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It was quiet and peaceful. Moutain side, next to his father like he would have wanted.

Funny it's the same place that my father met him, I never would have met the wonderful man if he had not buried his father here it's only fair that his arc, his story comes full circle.

Sara was the only soul to cry at Olivers grave. Me and Slade cursed ghosts at this point, remained very still and soulless without feelings behind us. Slade hadn't said a word about his resurrection. He stopped breathing. Oliver died believing he failed, believing he failed his brother! At this point, I didn't care how he lived. All I cared about was the man buried in the soil beneath my damaged feet.

I lifted the hood off my head. My father wore it, and in some way, it felt like it was meant for someone greater than me, and that greater man is... was Oliver Queen.

I caressed the old and worn fabric one last time as tears were finally drawn to my eyes once more...its ivy colour was broken just like me.

"Shado...the ship... there is a way off this island," murmured Slade. His voice was course and reminded me of gravel screeching against stones.

I knew he was right and that we had to act fast but I...I didn't want to leave Oliver had given me everything I needed after being ripped away from my life, my sister and having my father taken from me.

"Hey...Shado?" Whispered Sara. Her voice was practically dead from her crying all night, not that I blame her, but she took my loves death very emotionally compared to a phantom of a woman like myself.

I gave a subtle nod and commented, "we take the ship, and we get off this island."

Sara turned to leave and placed a hand on Slades shoulder. To her and myself, it was evident that he didn't want to leave Olivers' grave, though I could not tell if it was because his brother was buried here or because I was standing there.

His...confession seemed meaningless after everything that had happened, but maybe it still mattered to him even with the death of my beloved.

I reached a hand into my pocket. My fingers felt weak and my bones heavy, but that shaking had stopped, that had to count for something, right? I withdrew a small notebook the one Oliver used to carry around. It was one of 4 things I took from him. One was his father's list, and the second was his arrowhead he acquired from the mirakuru cave the third was a picture of Laurel Lance and the last being a small strand of hair. It felt weird and stupid to take all these things from him especially when I could hardly support my own weight let alone the extra of these items but I needed them if only to be a little closer to him for the last time.

God knows he's taking Oliver to paradise and me to the overgrown firey Bahamas below. This is as close to him as I'd ever be again.

My pale and dirty thumb ran along the notebook over and over and over again.

I was going to finish what he started. I was going to get off this island and return this book to Starling city and expose his father for all the wrong he did and make it right. It might not be much just handing the book over to his mother or sister or even that girl Laurel, but it was something.

"The boats free the taking...Shado." his voice was as rough as iron, but he was right. "You have a plan to get onboard?" I replied, turning my head ever so slightly in his direction. I could feel his eyes burning into me..."You know you could have saved him, right?" Scoffed Slade. I couldn't respond to that. My head just reset itself, staring straight forward at the grave. "He loved you Shado...we both did," A thousand damn knives stabbed right into my heart right then and there. Slade was my best friend and only friend, and yet he blamed me for Ollies death. "Me and Ms Lance will board the boat via parachute, but someone needs to kill the deck crew, I recommend you for that job. Death seems to follow you anyway."

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