Magicians and scientists

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July 1st, 2009.
Central city.

Another day, another coin tossed into my lap. I'd been sitting on the coast front at the harbour for about a week now since heading into Central City a month or two back. To be honest, since everything that happened in October of 2008, I'd been enjoying the seclusion, though I'd been unconscious for most of it. What fragments of my memory remain reminded me that Oliver met me on the island a week roughly on the 27th of September 2007, meaning Fyers demise was more of a Christmas present or news years gift if anything. Though if I ran with that concept for too long, I'd end up reminding myself that the events since Olivers' death were nothing but horror and torture...oddly fitting for October. It had taken me maybe 5 or 6 months to awake. I recall waking up in some hut in Asia, though I don't even remember what the place was called. I do know the calendar read March 2nd, though I was quick to get out of there and make my way through what I believe was Bangladesh to a boat willing to house a stowaway.

That's how I ended up in this city.

I did just spend a little while drifting about before making my way here adamantly avoiding Starling city as I did...I didn't deserve to be near there, hence why I came here.

Though this place hadn't been so bad despite my homeless predicament. The lack of money, food, clothing, or anything in general didn't bother me too much. The water, though it was soothing, comforting. I'd spend each day watching the waves go by letting my mind get dragged away from everything that happened however...every so often I'd remember something.

I know that at some point by someone, I was dragged out of Nandar Parbat in my comatose state and moved to another country! Whoever they were, they left supplies for me and had been nursing me back to health... but I couldn't trust them... I couldn't trust myself around them...

Either way, I was relishing in the sun, and I remained slumped against the metal wall of a harbour warehouse. Until I saw a familiar face that made my entire body go tense. He was young about 19, maybe 20, and had short hair that stood up perfectly. I'd spotted him travelling around the city several times in his various shirts, most notably in a cafe called Jitters. I believed he was a scientist of some kind from all the stuff I had spotted in his brief case over time. Though a scientist with a police escorts? Perhaps he was a forensic? No, he appeared to be special for that to be all he is. There's something more behind that smile.

Anyway, I was getting sidetracked. There were cops here with him. Why?

Hmmm, I slowly moved a hand across my duffle bag beside me, sealing it shut so I could hide the green hood encased within. No one could know my secret nor my past. Especially not cops.

I watched them for a few hours, but they eventually began to thin out, and I wanted to rest, though sitting here wallowing meant I was always resting yet always tired. My eyes had long been closed when I felt the tap of a hand on my shoulder. It was light and without Malice, but it didn't stop me from grabbing the arm that touched me and pushing with all my might, forcing them into the wall beside me. I opened my eyes to spy on my attacker only to see the mysterious man I'd been seeing everywhere.

"Oh, oh dear crap so-sorry sir," I sputtered out of my throat.

"Ow no, I'm sorry haha wow, you're pretty strong... OK." He chuckled as he sat up beside me, clutching his shoulder that nearly got shattered against the wall.

"Barry Allen," he commented, extending a hand towards me. Was he stalking me? Why did he want to talk? Was he into me? There are so many questions and literally no answers... yet. I made the decision to meet his palm with my own.

"Nice to meet you, Barry Allen,"I reply before turning back to the water front. There were two ways to go about this, talk to him and learn or maintain who I am now and spend most of my time ignoring him.

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