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Warm water. Warm air. Solid bath.

I can practically taste the boiling water vapour in the air around me. Though I keep my eyes shut, I can feel water creeping through my eyelids due to the excessive heat in the room. I open them. All I feel is warmth.

White bath. Bubbled water. Shampoo bottle.

My skin is scorched red from it.

Brown drawer. Yellow light. Closed window.

Just breathe, I tell myself. Does it work mostly but not completely, It never works completely. My throat is missing the taste of cold refreshing drinks now. My tongue has gone senseless. My cheeks are redder than an apple. My scars...those still feel the same. I wonder when those get to finally change... or if they ever will.

I step out.

Soft carpet. Wet tile. Golden handle.

My head is spinning, spiralling into a never-ending cavern. I can't stop spinning.

I face my blunt gaze back to the water, red. It's a sea of crimson colours now. I look to the floor. The velvet hue is distinct amongst the carpets and tiles. The warm smell of the room is now filled with the burning sensation of chemicals. I dart my eyes around to my wrists as they shake in confusion, as red as a fucking-



"HEY, GIRL OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS! Damn it. Come on!" A male voice cried out. I could feel their hands around my arms shaking me. NO GET OFF. I'm flailing my whole body but it's all in my mind, I know I can't move.

"Daddy, here's the water! Help her, please!" Screamed a girl through sobs. Sobs I'd heard before...Sobs I'd heard when Oliver...



"Easy easy!"

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I pleaded. I swung my arms, but the man doges them with surprise but ease. I'm moving so much slower. Why?

"Elizabeth, it's us calm down, it's Sara, remember?" Sara said, gradually getting calmer as she got down to my level. "That's my dad, remember?" She said, looking behind her at the detective climbing off his back on the floor. Right Quentin Lance. Sara Lance. Friends.

"Wh-what happened? What did I do?"

"I'll tell you what you crazy son of a bitch you cut your wrists in the damn home my daughters sleep in,"

"NO dad stop!"

"I-im sorry Mr...detective Lance I'll be out of here soon,"

"Oh and where are you going to go seems the hospital bill you fitted us with isn't enough? Look, I can tolerate you. You seem like a nice enough girl, but this is where my daughters sleep!"

"I am really sorry, sir..."

"NO, Shado, don't apologise. It's OK he knows better,"

"Oh, so that's your real name Shado, don't you even think about doing whatever crazy shit it is you did on that island when you were feral and shit. Sara may not have told me everything, but what I do know is there was you, her, and pretty boy Queen. Even though I was never a fan of the playboy, he didn't return like you did. I wonder why,"

"Take...that...back," I swear through gritted teeth.

"Huh, so that's what makes you tick, huh, bringing up someone who's dead because of you, bet you got your own parents killed,"

Arrow : Shado of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now