The bet

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He stood on the cliff, the wind blowing at the clothing on his body. His hands were buried deep in the pockets of his jacket. His eyes fixed out over the span of ocean before him. It was dark. The night was a friend to souls like his. He listened to the waves gently lapping at the shore.

"You always stare off in the same direction. What is it that you see?" A voice demanded.

"Nothing that I would tell you about." He said not turning to see the smaller person walking up beside him.

"Nezumi, I'm bored." The other figure kicked at a rock. It scuttled down the cliff, a dog whined at their feet.

"Sorry boy." The small hand stroked the soft fur.

"Inukashi, it's not my job to entertain you." Nezumi muttered. His night was ruined. He turned from the darkness.

"A bet then!" Inukashi cried chasing after him.

"What kind? What are the stakes?" Nezumi asked. Honestly he was a bit bored too. He waited as the other's thought.

"Well we're evenly matched in fighting..." Inukashi muttered. Nezumi tsked.

"We couldn't do sing or dancing, you're gifted with that." Inukashi went on as if their companion hadn't made a sound.

"Baking!" they cried suddenly.

"Baking?" Nezumi raised an eyebrow at them.

"Sure Rikiga could be the judge. I bet that I can bake a cake better than you! If I win, you have to spend the night on the haunted island!" Inukashi cried.

"When I win, you have to do me a freebie. Anything I ask whenever I invoke it." Nezumi swung to glare down at them.

"Deal. Let's get supplies and meet back at my place." Inukashi stated. They shook hands.

It had been a long time since Nezumi baked anything. He bought what he thought he would need and went over to the little b and b that Inukashi ran with their hoard of hounds. Tonight it appeared to be a slow night. Not many rooms were occupied. They went to the kitchen. Each one set out their ingredients and began to work.

Of course Rikiga was there. He was always up for anything free! Nezumi tried to ignore him, but the insufferable drunk didn't know when to shut up. Nezumi threatened him many times, Rikiga finally left the kitchen when Nezumi pulled out a knife to set on the table before him.

All that was left was to bake their goods. Inukashi had made an upside down cake. Nezumi had thought the idea was insane, but was interested to see how it turned out. He made a coffee cake. Once they came out of the oven, and cooled, they each cut a piece.

Nezumi's definitely looked better. It was all one depth, all the crumbs were in place and it didn't smell burnt. Inukashi's was tipsy. It looked like the leaning tower of Pisa! He had laughed.

Rikiga, being a twit, tried Inukashi first. He was amazed by the taste, but stated she lost some appeal due to how it looked. It looked like she scooped dog crap up from the floor and flopped it on his plate. Nezumi smirked waiting for the man to try his cake.

Rikiga, begrudgingly, said it looked the best. He tried one bite and spit it out. Gasping he snagged up a cup of water and downed it.

"How much salt is in that thing?" He cried.

"Salt, none!" Nezumi tried a bit as well. Sure enough it tasted as if he had just licked a salt lamp. He growled as Inukashi laughed.

"You switched the containers!" He accused.

"It's not my fault if you can't tell the difference between salt and sugar!" She yelled back at him. He humphed, folded his arms and looked away.

It was obvious that Inukashi won. At least Rikiga said, he could eat theirs. So the next morning Nezumi found himself on Rikiga's charter boat. This was how he made his living. He took tour groups around the various islands. Typically he steered clear of the very one he was going to drop Nezumi off at. It was said this island was haunted. There was a tale of Pirates that had hidden their treasure on it. Due to that it had booby traps as well as ghosts protecting the treasure.

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