Show time

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After that day, Shion hardly ventured from the island. He would follow Nezumi to the mainland about once a year. Nezumi had to go a bit more often, but he made sure he was home before the boat man couldn't return for winter. The inhabitants of the island grew to be great actors. They helped build the theater.

The dazzling lights, the loud music, it was always like a party on the first night of any show. They would spend the winter months working on the play. Nezumi and Shion would write, Nezumi wrote the music for it as well. They would then get their actors. Those who wished to be a part of the theater, but might not have a role in the play, took care of it.

They would build sets, greet guests at the door, or sometimes at the dock. The beings of the island began to thrive with humans coming only during the spring and summer months to see the two different plays they put on each year. The money made went to help the island, get materials for the next production season, or in some way make the lives of the beings better.

Since Nezumi owned a total of four islands, the other three were made for those beings who didn't want to he around humans all the time. They made various, and well hidden bridges, to cross from one island to the next. No human had ever been able to find them.

In this way, they all lived together peacefully, for five years. Shion ran the inn. It was always bursting with guests. They charged one price for the boatman to bring the guests to the island, a short three night stay at the all inclusive inn, with one night play accesses. With that, the guests were always changing. It was a fun and happy life.

Nezumi ran the theater, sang and acted. He was the only human actor on the stage, not that anyone watching ever knew this! Eve shined her brightest light on the far away island. It had called to Nezumi for so long, now he made a dream come true.

When building the theater, Nezumi designed a secret apartment. It was stowed in the top most reaches of the theater. From their bedroom, one could see all of the island, plus a part of each of the other three. Shion had loved it the moment he saw it. Here was where they lived, created and loved each other.

That was, until a past, unpaid, came to collect what it thought it was owed. The morning was as bright as any other spring day. Today was their fifth annual opening. Rikiga would be bringing in their new guests. As with the years past, this year's performers were getting into costume.

"Shion, where is my gold lip stain?" Nezumi cried.

"Look under the top tray." Shion called as he helped a brownie put extra glitter on her wings.

"I did! The gold isn't there!" Nezumi howled frustrated.

He turned to see Shion had a line of beings waiting for his help. With a huff, Nezumi walked back to his station. There was an elegant woman standing beside it. She locked eyes with him, before bending down to pick up the gold lip stain. She deliberately placed it front and center on the table.

"Thanks Naomi!" Nezumi called to the elf.

"You should care for him a bit better during times of stress." The whimsical voice of the elf floated over him.

Nezumi lowered his hand, his lips a glittering gold. "I know. I will make it up to him, but still, it's not right that I do this all the time." She shook her head.

"He is a delightful human. He could leave at any time." She smiled knowingly.

Nezumi fought his facial expression. Naomi's eyes danced. Soon they were both laughing. Each knowing the shy, quiet, protective human, would never fully leave this island.

"Its not in him to do that." Nezumi tossed the lip stain back into its spot in his makeup case.

"I will make it up to him once again." He offered.

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