Soul talker

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"Shion!" Nezumi caught the falling body.

It was denser than the usual lightness he felt whenever he held the spirit. Shion's eyes rolled back in his head, before they closed completely. The noise in the room stilled as everyone watched the spirit slump to the floor.

"Is he alive?" A fairy flew close to Nezumi to ask.

"He's breathing." A wood elf pointed out.

"What happened to him? Why did he scream like that?" a Brownie fluttered their wings anxiously.

"Children, children, calm down. Shion is under going a change." Gia moved closer to the fallen boy.

"Mother?" A forest elf came over to ask. "Is he becoming..." his voice trailed off u able to speak the word.

"Human?" Mother Gia offered.

Her kind smile filled the room with light in the wake of the dark fall of the house spirit. She turned to look at everyone gathered in concern over the unconscious body.

"I believe so." She offered.

Lastly her starry eyes fell to Nezumi. "No other human would have offered the place a house spirit lived in, to that spirit. You are a kind one." She touched his dark silken hair.

"Will he be alright?" Nezumi's voice came out choked.

He sat on the floor cradling Shion in his arms. He didn't know what to do. A part of him wanted to take Shion up to his room to rest. The problem with that was all the creatures here. They cared for the boy nearly as much as Nezumi did. They had the right to know what was happening to their friend.

It wasn't long. They gathered tighter together as each one looked down upon the fragile boy. His pale body almost glowed in the darkness they created over him. Yet the light that once shone from him, was gone. The spirit he possessed looked as if it had fled from him. They all waited as Shion began to stir.

"N, N, Nezumi?" Shion spoke in a rough voice.

It held none of the wonderful and magic his normal voice one used. Nezumi began to rock him slowly in his arms. They looked upon each other in a mixture of fear and wonder.

"Where?" Shion looked around at all the creatures gathered around him. Nezumi smiled as they looked down upon him.

"Where did everyone go? Why did they all disappear?" Shion turned his turbulent eyes back to Nezumi.

"Even Mother left." The pain in his voice nearly broke their hearts.

Nezumi looked up. Confused he stared at the creatures that surrounded their friend. Some began to weep. Others looked away. A few shuffled back. There began a whispering of what the humans had done!

"Song for him soul talker." Mother spoke with a voice that sounded like the wind.

It wrapped around Nezumi drawing him closer to her. They looked at each other. Int hat moment Nezumi knew she was only taking to him. The others weren't hearing her words.

"You broke his connection to the world we all love in. Not many humans can see us clearly." She explained.

"But, he was apart of that world! He should be able too..." Nezumi whined. He hated the tone in his voice.

"Exactly!" Gia smiled kindly "Why do you think you were born? To live alone as a hostag3 on some mountain top?" She tilted her head, small giggle escaping her lips.

"You were given life, handed a gift that will untie our worlds. Sing soul talker. Show him he still has his family." She commanded.

There was a tugging on Nezumi's shirt. He blinked. The moment with Gia was gone. She was still close by, but not next to him as it felt like she had been. He turned his grey troubled eyes down to see Shion watching him worriedly.

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