Amazing rat

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There had been something off about Shion lately. Nezumi was beginning to think the house spirit didn't want him here. He would answer direct questions, but if Nezumi was just talking, getting his thoughts out, Shion would just go about his daily business. It came to a point where if Nezumi talked about fixing up the house, Shion ignored him.

After breakfast he had set out to scrap paint off the walls. Then the power went out while Shion was making lunch. Nezumi had hit his head, but he had a thought. How did they get power on an island. When he asked Shion this, the house spirit tried to tease him. In the end he showed Nezumi the oldest, most dilapidated piece of something... Nezumi had never seen anything like it. He was sure it wasn't put together right at all.

Then he had hurt Shion by trying to go up the stairs. He needed to fix that. But the kiss. It had been worth it to be able to touch him again. Nezumi was afraid Shion didn't want him here, let alone touching him. He had thought about creating his own room, but he just couldn't.

Nezumi sat in the chair watching as Shion fixed a tear in a garment. The deep concentrated look on Shion face had Nezumi fighting not to laugh.

"You look like some old woman!" Nezumi snickered.

"Hmm, maybe I should dress up like some hot young woman. Would you notice me then?" Shion asked.

His red eyes never left the work his hands were doing. Nezumi tucked his head into his scarf. What did that mean? He noticed Shion! He noticed everything about him! How he was kind to the fairies, even when they played pranks on him! How he looked after the other creatures on the island.

Whenever he could, Shion made sure they all found food or shelter. On night, during a storm, his root caller was filled with creatures from the forest who hadn't been able to find shelter in time. Shion made sure they were comfortable. He was kind to a fault!

"What do you mean? I see you every day." Nezumi huffed.

"Do you?" Shion tied his head to the side.

"Or do you see the house? Am I just a..." He waved his hand in the air.

Nezumi had failed to notice that Shion had finished sewing. The brooding brunette frowned at him.

"A what?" He demanded grumpily.

He had been sitting in the chair but he window. A book was open on his crossed knees. Supposedly, he had been reading. Two things interrupted that. One, the most important, was Shion being so close to him! The boy sat across a small end table sewing. Granted this was the only light source other than the over head light.

The other was the fact that Nezumi had read this story at least six times already. He could, almost, recite the entire book from memory. Therefore it didn't capture his attention as much as the mysterious boy across from him.

Shion shook out the material he had been working on. He surveyed his work, before folding the garment over his arm. His ruby eyes drank in the male before him. Nezumi tried not to shift under their unwavering gaze.

"A fixture. Something that is apart of the house, but you can interact with?" Shion offered.

"Maybe you fancy this being one of those smart houses? Am I just the brain of this place for you?" Shion's cheeks were becoming flushed.

He rose up, one fist clutched to his side. He didn't look at Nezumi as he stormed from he room. Nezumi saw he left the garment on the arm of his chair. Nezumi glanced toward the door to the sitting room they were in. The fairies had all healed. The last two left as soon as the storm stopped. He was alone in the house, for the first time since coming here to stay, with the house spirit.

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