Light of day

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The winter wound around them. They spent their days fixing up the inn. Shion grew stronger with each thing they worked. Soon they moved from the tiny hole of a kitchen Shion used. Nezumi found out why Shion never used the bigger kitchen. It was a power thing.

The house spirit had to show him just how they got electricity to the inn. It was rather complicated, but Nezumi was able to help figure out a way to make it work better. He shut the door to the metal box.

"That should keep us until I can get Inukashi here to look at it. They may be able to do more, or tell me who I need." He muttered more to himself than the spirit behind him.

"You have friends on the mainland." It wasn't a question.

Nezumi turned his head to seek out the pale form of the house spirit. He snorted when he saw Shion's head dip low as if he were thinking too much again.

"I wouldn't exactly call them a friend. More like a source of information as long as I can pay." He snarled.

With the inn getting stronger so did Shion. Nezumi loved seeing the small changes in the other. It could be as simple as a spoon flashing from across the room into the spirits hand as he cooked. Or maybe it was how far he was able to get around the island. It was nearly all open to him once more. There were still some deeper parts of the woodland he couldn't go without being yanked back to the house.

Nezumi hated when they were out for walks and this happened. Lately it was more unexpected. He would then have to find his own way back. It would take hours, it would be lonely. Sometimes Shion would come to find him, if he woke in time. Apparently when the house yanks him back, Shion is asleep for a time. It all depends on how long.

Even that seemed to be grower shorter as Nezumi found his way in the woods knew day. Shion usually took at least two hours to wake. Then it would depend on how he came about looking for Nezumi. This day, it was within the same hour. Nezumi hadn't even gotten lost yet.

He was giving some dried fruits and nuts to a group of dryads' that lived on the edge of the forest. Shion had been able to reach this spot before. He had been pulled away about two miles south of here. Nezumi had marked the spot. He did this every time it happened. Whenever Shion was able to go past a marked area, Nezumi took it down.

"Nezumi!" Shion panted as he ran up to him.

Spinning around, Nezumi looked astounded to see the spirit. Shion flung himself into the dark human's arms. They kissed deeply.

"I didn't pass out! The inn didn't keep me!" he cried in between kisses.

"Dose that mean your are stronger?" Nezumi asked holding the thin body tightly.

"It dose!" Shion cried happily.

The rest of that day they spent checking on the creatures that lived in the woods. The nights had grown even more steamy. Nezumi found that Shion had a hunger for sex that was very interesting. He was willing to try almost everything Nezumi could think of. He did find that Shion had an aversion to choking. It was about the only thing the spirit fought him on. Which was fine for Nezumi. He didn't want to hurt the smaller male.

One day, Nezumi snuck out while Shion was preparing their midday meal. He walked up the tall hill behind the inn. The sun was bright this day as Nezumi found his favorite place to sit. The days were becoming warmer, the light lasted longer. Soon spring would come. Shion warned that this brought a bit more trouble, at first.

Nezumi wasn't sure what he meant by that. The silly house spirit would just laugh or giggle if Nezumi pressed to hard on the subject. The dark haired male stood beside the large rock with his hand sin his pockets. He surveyed the dark choppy waters. No way the boats would be able to come yet.

Nezushi House Spirit Where stories live. Discover now