A good host

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Nezumi leaned against the door jam. He watched as Shion all but glowed in the house now. The pale small house spirit was tucking in the last of the injured fairies that had assisted them. Luckily none were severely hurt. A few sprained wings that Shion bandaged or put calming salve on. Now they were tucked into a dresser in one of the guest rooms. Nezumi had helped where he could.

Shion walked to the door. "Leave the door open." A small voice called out.

"The light in the hall, could that stay on?" another asked.

"Of course." Shion smiled fondly at the tiny critters as they settled themselves in the bed of fabric the house spirit lined the drawers with.

Nezumi nudged Shion forward. They turned to walk down to the kitchens. The stopped in the hall between the second floor and where the kitchens were located.

"You bought the inn." Shion whispered.

"Yeah. So dose that mean I own you?" Nezumi asked with a smirk.

"Yes it does." Shion's eyes darted away.

"So, if I commanded you to do something, you would have to?" Nezumi asked.

"Within reason. You can't make me harm the inn." Shion said.

"Kiss me, Shion." Nezumi purred.

"Wha, what?" Shion stuttered.

Nezumi couldn't tear his eyes from those perfect pink lips. The way they hung open just enough to make the spirit looked shocked. He saw how his red eyes widened in surprise. Honestly, Nezumi's own heart pounded in his chest. What the hell was he doing?

Yeah he had thought about this house, this island for years. Since meeting Shion, there had hardly been a moment he hadn't been thinking about the house spirit. He had discovered a possible way of setting the spirit free. Yet there was so little on it, that Nezumi hesitated with even trying it. So why had he asked the guy to kiss him?

Maybe to see what he would do? Or to see if Shion liked him that way? Nezumi wasn't sure. All he knew was that his request wasn't being fulfilled. This sprint was defying him. He kind of liked it. Was that strange?

He smirked at Shion as all of this ran through his head in a matter of seconds. His hand reached out. He caught that of the pale spirit. Shion was indeed stronger. He looked solid, Nezumi didn't have to sing just to touch him. He drew the small slight body toward him. Shion shivered. It sent a thrill through Nezumi.

"One day, when you're ready." Nezumi whispered as his arm encircled the other's back.

Nezumi pressed Shion against his chest. The house spirit's free hand landed over Nezumi's rapidly bearing heart. Shion blinked at the sensation.

"Nezumi?" He muttered.

"The invitation is there, Shion. When you're ready." With that, Nezumi began to move them.

He pulled Shion's hand out. They stretched up away from their bodies, yet Nezumi kept him close to him. He began to hum a soft tune. His body moved with the music playing in his head. He only hummed for Shion to hear the melody. The spirit was light in his arms as his body flowed with Nezumi's.

"You know how to dance." Nezumi smiled.

He didn't allow Shion to respond. He had reached the point in his song where he was to sing. It was the first time he sang before the house spirit. If he thought Shion's eyes were wide before, it was nothing compared to how large they got when Nezumi sang.

He was trained to sing for the spirits since an early age. This gave him a basis, a framework for his chosen path. Nezumi left the order he was born in for very personal reasons. He used what they taught him to get into theater work. Being able to sing, dance and memorize lines quickly had propelled him to near stardom. People flocked to shows he was in.

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