Date night

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They stayed at Nezumi's place for exactly long enough to have him unpack. Shion was darting to the windows, calling out as he saw different people. Nezumi laughed.

"Shion! I know you've seen people before!" He called.

Shion turned. He saw Nezumi framed in the doorway to the bathroom. His shirt was off, hair pulled up in a high tight ponytail. Shion eyed the scars on his back. He watched Nezumi nearly forgetting what he was going to say. It came to him as Nezumi spat the Toothpaste out. He glanced at Shion.

"I have seen people, but they were always on holiday. Relaxing enjoying their time with us. It wasn't like this." He gestured toward the window where everyone was hurrying about.

There were so many people! None of them talking to others! They weren't even looking at each other. Shion had turned back to the window.

He watched, but didn't shout out to Nezumi any more. As he was looking, a small boy tried to cross before the foot traffic. He was knocked over by a large man. The boy was kicked as others stumbled over him, or simply walked around him. None tried to help him up.

Shion cried out. Nezumi looked up to see his front door thrown open.

"SHION!!" he yelled.

Shion heard but didn't listen. He beat the traffic to reach the huddled figure on the ground. Bending down he looked at the boy. Tears raise down the small dirt streaked face.

"Can I touch you to help you up?" Shion asked.

The boy looked at him. It was as if Shion's words shocked him. He had stopped crying as he looked at the former spirit. The boy held out his hand.

"Please, help me." He begged.

Shion smiled reaching down to lift the child back onto his feet.

Nezumi had rushed out. He stood on the sidewalk watching the two. Shion waved as he gently led the boy to a safe place out of the flow of people. Nezumi came up to them.

"I asked first!" Shion smiled.

"Brian!" an older teen cried.

She rushed up to them from the shop next to where Nezumi lived.

"What are you doing here?" she asked the boy, hugging him.

"Mama got mad. She yelled at me, hitting me!" the boy was crying again.

"Thank you for hoping him." The girl said. She pulled a cloth from her pocket to wipe his tears dry.

"You're welcome." Shion smiled.

He pulled a fairy treat from his pocket. He offered it to the boy. His smile made Shion's grow even bigger. Nezumi laughed at seeing it.

"Uh, Nezumi, you don't have a shirt or shoes on. Plus, you left your door open." The girl pointed.

Nezumi huffed. "Come on Shion!" He ordered. Turning he went back toward his place pulling Shion with him.

Shion laughed as he waved to the two kids. "They were nice." He grinned.

"Don't just run out to help people like that. I nearly had a heart attack!" Nezumi buried his face in Shion's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. There are so many rules on the main land!" Shion huffed.

"Yes. When you have so many people living together in one place, you need something to keep them safe." Nezumi said.

Nezumi led Shion to the bathroom. "Clean up, I'm taking you out on a date tonight." He ordered.

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