Worries and wonderings

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It had been three days. Shion watched as Nezumi cleaned the old paint off the wood around the base boards. Three days. Shion had gone through the stuff Nezumi brought for food supplies. He rationed it, stored it properly.

He was also taking care of the injured fey. They had mostly healed. Only two remained in the dresser. Both with badly sprained wings. But even so, they should be gone in another day or two.

Then it would be just him, alone, with... Shion's red eyes danced to the bent shadowy form he could just see out in the hallway. They had spent the last three days separating and storing all the supplies. Nezumi had found the library, he added his own collection of books to it. He hadn't brought many, explaining he had much more to add.

Then there was the outer shed. It was piled high with woods, paint and other supplies needed to bring life back into the inn. Nezumi had told Shion just what he planned to do. He wanted to turn the inn into a theater of all things.

Well, not exactly. Like the inn would still be the inn. It would be where the actors and stage personnel lived while they had a show going on. They would rent rooms to people who paid to come see the performances. It was going to be glorious! Nezumi planned to build an actual theater. He was going to go out today to search for a spot.

Lighting flashed. Nezumi's head lifted to the window. They had awoken to one of the many strong powerful storms the island saw during the winter. Nezumi had been disheartened over breakfast, but cheered up once he decided to work on painting the interior of the inn. Shion had to admit it had been nearly three decades since someone painted his home.

As Shion worked on making lunch, Nezumi had begun the laborious task of scrapping the old paint off. Much was peeling or gone already, but there was still some stubborn spots where it clung to the wood. Shion had giggled, at first, watching the dark thin male work. Now he found it hard not to watch him.

It had been three days that Nezumi was here. Three days since he ordered Shion to kiss him. Three days since he stated it was fine for Shion to wait until he was ready. Shion punched the dough he was kneading into bread. Three days since he had kissed his rat! Why was the human not doing anything else?

It was all about the house this, the inn that, this fixing, that fixing! What about Shion? The ghost like spirit wanted to scream sometimes. They still slept beside each other every night! Nezumi! What was the human feeling? Or even thinking? Shion couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly a loud clap of thunder sounded. All lights inside the inn went out. Nezumi made a sound then Shion heard a thud. He chuckled, thinking the guy hit his head on something.

"You ok?" Shion called out.

There wasn't a response. Shion pulled his hands from the floured ball of dough. It was ready to be baked. He picked up a towel to wipe some of the stuff off of his hands. While doing so, he walked toward where he had last seen Nezumi. Out in the hall, he didn't see the dark haired male.

"Nezumi?" Shion called out.

"How do you have power here?" a voice asked further down the hall.

Shion blinked. He turned to follow the voice. The man stood before the open front door. The wind whipped at his clothing, but the rain wasn't coming in. Shion looked at the handsome profile of the male. For a moment he lost himself in the others appearance. Nezumi turned to look at him. He awarded Shion's starring with a smirk.

"Power, Shion how does the house have power?" Nezumi snapped his finger in front of the startled spirit.

"Oh, uh, well." Now it was Shion's turn to smile knowingly.

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