Dinner meeting

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Four days wasn't a long time! Shion woke late the next day. He scrambled out of bed. By the time Nezumi got up, Shion had the main kitchen opened up. In their kitchen he had breakfast ready along with the flyers. Nezumi walked in yawning. Shion was a whirlwind.

He spun from. The sink to the warmer where he yanked don't their food to place on the table. Next he dashed to the coffee maker, which just finished Nezumi's coffee. Shion whisked it to the table as his own brewed. Nezumi caught him.

"Hey, slow down!" He cried trying to tame the spinning spirit in his arms.

"I can't!" there is so much to do!" Shion cried.

"You can give me a kiss, first." Nezumi pouted.

Shion stilled in his arms. He smirked. Fine, boyfriend." He teased as he kissed Nezumi tenderly.

The glow of the term he could now use for the human filled him. Over the next three days. They placed the flyers out. Then, together, they set to check everything in the main kitchen. Nezumi was good with his hands. He was able to fix a lot of the stuff. What he couldn't, either due to not knowing what it did, or not having parts, was taken into the store room for later. Shion cleaned everything. The inn sparkled under his care.

The days were spent in hectic preparation, while their nights were spent together. Nezumi insisted they stop working by dinner time. Shion would make dinner while Nezumi cleaned up. Afterwards, Nezumi would take care of the dishes while Shion showered. It worked well for them.

They would meet in the lounge to spend time together. Sometimes this meant Nezumi acted out parts of plays, or he sang to Shion as they danced around. Other times they sat close together reading. That's how life was for the next few days.

Shion worked on a menu plan for the upcoming dinner. He made sure there was something for everyone to look forward to and enjoy. He also made sure to make a bit extra of everything in case someone from a different sect wanted to try something new. During these days he saw little of his rat.

Nezumi often spent the days working outside while the weather made it possible. He fixed the roof, the siding, painted the in, fixed the front porch. Shion could often look out the window to see him. It was fun to watch the lanky male work. Shion found he would get lost in the act, often shaking himself to go back to work.

Finally the day came. The inn looked better than ever. Shion opened the large back doors for the bigger creatures to enter. Those too large to come inside, he opened the windows so that they had access to everyone. Fairies, brownies, gnomes, dryads, elves and other creatures that lived on the island all showed up. Shion was thrilled with the outcome.

Nezumi was a splendid host. He looked amazing in black jeans, without holes or rips which thrilled Shion, a nice button up blue shirt that set off his eyes, and a sport coat. Shion could see him as some sort of business man on the mainland. This made his mile faulted a little. There was only a few more weeks u til winter ended.

"Thank you all for coming!" Nezumi moved to the front of the room.

He spoke in a way that his voice seemed to surround them. It boomed off the back walls, filtered out the windows, heads turned to watch him. Shion worried that he would be too loud for the smaller creatures. Nezumi had placed them near the back for this reason. Shion glanced at them, but they seemed OK.

"Please get some food, enjoy each other's company for here we are all friends. Once dinner is over, I will explain my plan." Nezumi bowed away.

He came up to Shion. "Looks like a great turn out!" he beamed.

Shion wore his traditional robes. They were white with red sticking and sash. They marked him as the houses spirit. All those here understood this. It was the very robe his father wore so often when they had been a thriving inn. None of the guests understood the meaning of it, just that it was his uniform, they called it.

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