The mafia and his angels

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Tommy was in the distillery, looking at some work he was needing to do. Maryanne left a note on the desk.
to my dearest Tommy,
my future husband. Its the day of our wedding. I will my step sister will be doing my hair and my makeup. I will be the one in white, you will be at the later.
i love you forever.
-your peaky blinder wife, Maryanne Gunslinger Grant Shelby.

"Arthur, hand me the note on the table." Tommy said. "Aye." Arthur said. "You marrying her today?" Arthur asked. "Aye, I am." Tommy said smiling. "You love her don't you?" Arthur asked. "Aye." Tommy said. Maryanne was at her stepmother's house, Krystaline Lilane was her stepmother's name, she runs a beauty parlor. Maryanne got her hair curled, pinned into a beautiful bun. Maryanne's wedding dress, was at the dry cleaner, getting cleaned. "So who is this Thomas Shelby?" her stepmother asked. "He is this handsome gangster, who protects me. Tommy saved me from getting shot. He saw me on the street laying down like a dog. I was covered in blood. I was pushed, to where I hit my head on the pavement." Maryanne said. "Who pushed you?" Krystaline asked. "My ex husband." Maryanne said. "What happened to you after Tommy found you?" she asked. "Tommy took me to hospital. To make sure that there was no other major injuries. Tommy stayed there beside me. Once my eyes opened, he talked to me, asking me what had ocurred.
I don't remember anything." Maryanne said to her stepmother. "Oh, I'm just glad you're alright my dear." Krystaline said to her, putting the last pin in her hair. "The dress is on it's way." The maid said. "Thank you Celeste." Krystaline said. Maryanne smiled.
Meanwhile, back at Shelby Limited, Tommy was getting his suit on for his big day! Arthur helped Tommy put his presserved rose on his lapel. "Arthur, she will be the most beautifil bride, me nervous at are rattled." Tommy said, sitting down. "Tommy boy, this is the dream you always wanted to remarry." Arthur told him. "Aye, I did." Tommy said. Back at the beauty parlor, Maryanne was in the dressing room, putting the dress. "It's a perfect fit." Krystaline said, wiping her tears away. "Tommy will cry, if he is a crier." she said. "He really is not." Maryanne said. "Aye then. The carriage should be here in any minute." The maid said to them. "Aye." Maryanne said, holding her rose bouqet. Maryanne sighed, she shook a little. "Fuck." Maryanne whispered. Once the carriage got there, the carriage driver called out, "May the bride of Thomas Shelby step out is she is ready." he said. "Aye. I am Maryanne Grant, the soon be to be Shelby." Maryanne said, running to carriage. "You one who is marrying Mr. Shelby?" asked the carriage driver. "Aye." Maryanne said. "Who is coming along as well?" he asked. "My stepmother, my sister." Maryanne said. "Your stepfather as well." Krystaline said. "Aye." Maryanne said. "Step inside." said the driver. "The bride goes in first." he said to them, helpling Maryanne in the carriage. "Thank you sir." Maryanne said, to the carriage driver. "Welcome, Mrs. Shelby." said the driver. Once eveyone was in the carriage, The carriage started moving to the chapel. Tommy got there before his bride did. "Arthur, me hands are shaking." Tommy said. "It's the jitters Tommy boy, once you see your bride in front of you, you will be better." Arthur said. "Aye. Alright." Tommy said. Tommy got in the chapel, along with the rest of the peaky blinders. "Fuck." Tommy said. Maryanne showed up, her stepmother, step father, and her sister, they helped Maryanne out of the carriage. Tommy was inside of the chapel, they went into the fornt door. Maryanne went there the back door. "Maryanne they are in there." Krystaline said. "Make sure he does not see." Maryanne said, closing the door of the restroom. "No, they are far inside of the chapel, I don't even think you know you're in here." Madline said. "Okay perfect." Maryanne said. The music started playing, the wedding piano played a soft song. Maryanne heard Tommy sigh. "I heard him sigh." Maryanne said. "I think he's ready." Madilne said. "Maryanne, he's ready. Come with me." Arthur said. "Aye." Maryanne said, as she took Arthur's arms. "Ma, hand my flowers." Maryanne said. "Aye, here darling. We will see you there." Krystaline said. "Aye." Maryanne said. "Don't let me trip." Maryanne said. "Never." Arthur said. "Tommy would kill me." Arthur joked. Maryanne laughed. "Open the doors." Arthur said. Edwin opened the doors. "Hello." He said. Maryanne walked down the ailse. Tommy was talking to Johnny, when he tapped on his shoulder for him to look at his bride coming down the alise. "Oh my goodness, she looks so beautiful." Tommy said, sobbing a little. "Here she is Tommy boy" Arthur said.
Maryanne took Tommy's hand. "Hello darling." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled. The wedding is in Romani, The pastor was Romani.
"Ne-am adunat aici, pentru a asista la căsătoria lui Tommy și Maryanne." He said.
"Aye." Tommy said, taking Maryanne's hands.
"Repetă după mine;
Eu Tommy Shelby."
"Eu Tommy Shelby."
"Ia-te pe Maryanne."
"Ia-te pe Maryanne." Tommy said.
"Să fiu soția mea."
"Să fiu soția mea."
"A avea, a ține, a avea grijă de tine, a te prețui."
"A avea, a ține, a avea grijă de tine, a te prețui." Tommy repeated the vows. Maryanne was next.

"Eu Maryanne." Maryanne said.
"Luați-vă pe Thomas Shelby."
"Luați-vă pe Thomas Shelby."
"Trebuie să țin, să prețuiesc, să iubesc, să-mi împart viața."
"Trebuie să țin, să prețuiesc, să iubesc, să-mi împart viața." Maryanne said, looking into Tommy eyes. "Tommy, o iei pe Maryanne ca soție?"
"Maryanne, îl duci pe Tommy la soțul tău?" the pastor asked.
"Fac." Maryanne said. Tommy lifted the veil, to see Maryanne's face. "You're so beautiful." Tommy said. "Poți să-ți săruți mireasa." said the pastor. Tommy kisses Maryanne, everyone stood up cheering. Tommy then gave Maryanne a Shelby crest ring. A pink stone ring. "This is a Shelby crest ring." Tommy said, placing the ring on her finger. "Tommy it's beautiful." Maryanne said, kissing him. After the wedding, the after party kicked off. Maryanne changed into a another dress, she wore the same one she had on for the engagment party. Maryanne's hair was let down, to keep her head from hurting.
"Bring the dress I wore to Tommy's engangemnt party." Maryanne said. "Aye Mrs. Shelby." Krystaline said to her. Madline grabbed the dress. "Where." Maryanne said. Tommy grinned from ear to ear when he saw again. "Hello darling." Tommy said, holding his newly bride in his arms. "Hello Mr. Shelby." Maryanne said. "Mrs. Shelby. You look stunning tonight." Tommy said. "You belong to me darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her. The Shelby crest ring had Maryanne's name around the band of the ring. "Tommy I to have a Shelby crest ring." Maryanne said. Tommy held out his hand, for Maryanne to put the ring on his finger. "Darling, this is a speical ring." Tommy said, kissing her lips. Tommy smiled. Maryanne sat down on the husband and wife table. "Maryanne, my darling. My wife." Tommy said, kissing her lips. Tommy smiles at her. Maryanne looked at her Shelby crest ring. "What is a Shelby crest ring?" Maryanne asked. "It's a way showing the woman of the man's grace." Tommy said. As the party died down, Tommy and Maryanne went around, looking around the chapel, Tommy was telling Maryanne about it's history. "How long as this chapel been here?" Maryanne asked. "This is has been here since the 1900's." Tommy said. "The 1900's?" Maryanne asked. "Aye." Tommy said, holding her hand in his. After everyone has left,
Tommy and Maryanne stuck a sign on Tommy's car saying 'just married.'
Maryanne smiles at him. Back home, Tommy carried Maryanne in his arms. "Is this traditional?" Maryanne asked. "Yes, the groom carries the bride after the wedding, to the groom, the bride is forbidden to touch the floor. It's bad luck." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled. "Maryanne "Gunslinger" Shelby Grant." Tommy said. Maryanne jumped at her new marriage given name. "What's the matter darling?" Tommy asked. "The name- it's so different. I love it." Maryanne said. Tommy said. "Maryanne, my darling. Marrying you, was the best decision I have ever done." Tommy said to her. Maryanne at his wife. "You are a queen. You're my queen." Tommy said to her touching face. "Maryanne?" Tommy asked.
"Mr. Shelby?" Maryanne asked. "Yes, Mrs. Shelby?"
"Can we make love?" Maryanne asked, wrapping her arms around him. "Darling, you're asking the love master." Tommy asked, pinning her down on the bed. Maryanne laughed, as Tommy kisses her neck. "Your body is my temple darling. Never let anyone else that is not me, place their hands on you." Tommy said to her, kissing her chest, as he ran his fingers through her hair. Tommy sat on the bed, taking off Maryanne's dress. "You're so beautiful." Tommy said. Maryanne got on the bed, taking off Tommy's suit. Maryanne ran her fingers down his body. "Fuck. Darling your fingers are of a dolls fraglie touch. The touch of an angel." Tommy said, pulling closer to him. Kissing her all over her body. Maryanne wrapped her legs around him.
Tommy grabbed her ass. Maryanne was laying down after they made love that night. Maryanne was unable to have any childern. Tommy knew that, Maryanne felt bad because she unable to give Tommy a child. "You know I unable to have a child." Maryanne said. "I am aware." Tommy said, holding her in his arms.
"You're a Shelby now. If you want to have child, it's fine by me. If you don't want ot have a child, that is also fine. That will never change I feel about you darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him. "Darling, come here, sit on my lap. There. Look at me." Tommy said, grabbing her chin. "I will not force you to do anything you don't want to do. Having a child is a very risky thing." Tommy said. Maryanne hugged his neck. "I love you." Maryanne whispered in his ear. "Te iubesc mai mult." Tommy said.

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