Chapter 6 - Worried Troubles

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   Dachi had carefully laid the ice dragon on the cozy couch a couple hours ago, but he still hadn't woken up after their journey through the Glacial Range. It almost seemed like the dragon was lifeless, but Dachi could see his chest trembling as he breathed.
   Noticing that the dragon's coat was soaked, Dachi decided to remove it, revealing a light blue sweater underneath. As Dachi's gaze wandered, something caught his eye—a glimmering object in the corner. He looked down and saw an arrow lodged in the dragon's hip.
   Dachi's eyes widened in shock. This wasn't just any ordinary arrow—it was dragon's vein, telling from the green tip. These arrows were known to weaken and make dragons faint. That must be why the dragon hadn't woken up yet.
   Dachi had done some research on dragons and their vulnerabilities. He had read about dragon's vein, which gave humans an advantage in attacking dragons. It seemed like this dragon had been flying in his dragon form when he was shot down with the dart. Dachi felt a mix of surprise and relief that he had found the dragon first. If the humans had gotten to the dragon before him, his fate would have been in different hands.
   This would also mean that there was an attack against dragons. There could be more dragons out there that got attacked like this dragon.
   With the research Dachi gathered, he had no idea how to take care of the arrow. Though, he knew he needed to take it out of the dragon. What did he have to do after? Dachi would have to clean the wound and maybe get a healing potion to stop the arrow's effects and heal the wound.
   Dachi stepped away from the couch and entered another room, which was bathed in a soothing blue glow. The room had sleek, dark blue walls and a plush black carpet. On either side, there were two stands—one for brewing potions and the other for enchanting objects.
   Approaching the brewing station, Dachi noticed a small cupboard above it. Opening the cupboard, he revealed a collection of potion ingredients: flowers, bags of dust, powders, warts and fungus, sugars and salts, and even animal droppings. Mixing these ingredients together could create some pretty unpredictable concoctions.
   Using a red rose and some sugar, Dachi ground them together and mixed them in sparkling water, creating a simple healing potion. He poured the potion into a cup and left the room, ready to use it when needed. Nothing too fancy, but it could come in handy.
   Dachi returned to the living room, finding the dragon still trembling but slightly less so. Removing his wet coat and lighting a fire had helped warm up the space. Dachi placed the cup on the table and went to the kitchen to fetch a cloth soaked in warm water.
   Crouching down beside the dragon, Dachi hesitated. Carefully, he reached out and removed the arrow, not too fast or too slow. Dachi set the arrow aside and gently applied the warm, wet cloth to the spot where the arrow had been, applying a bit of pressure.
   A small movement from the dragon startled Dachi, but he forced himself to stay calm. While there was a hint of fear, Dachi knew from past experiences that adult dragons had never harmed him. Still, it was hard not to be a little scared in this situation.
   The dragon relaxed once more. A groan escaped his lips, but that's all that was said. Dachi sighed and kept the cloth on the dragon's side for a couple of minutes. Dachi slowly pulled away. There was a red spot on the dragon's side. It wasn't too bad. The healing potion should fix it up.
   Dachi carefully stood up and then slid his arms under the dragon. The dragon would probably still be too weak to turn to his dragon form. He would need to recover for about a day so Dachi didn't worry too much. He sat up the dragon and took the cup. He gently placed his thumb on the dragon's mouth and pulled down, opening his mouth. He took the potion and poured it into the dragon's mouth. Dachi swiftly put the cup down and closed the dragon's mouth, rubbing his throat. The dragon swallowed the potion and then relaxed again. Dachi moved the dragon back down to lie on the couch. He carefully slid his hands out from underneath the dragon.
   Dachi took a moment to observe the dragon, noticing how his light blue hair began to dry and regain its fluffiness. The dragon's pale skin shimmered like the snow in the Glacial Range, and Dachi couldn't help but admire his unique features, like his shorter stature and slender waist.
   Feeling the warmth returning to his own cheeks, Dachi glanced away from the dragon. He realized that the dragon might still be cold and decided it was time to find a better spot for him. Even with all the curtains closed, Dachi worried that someone might see the dragon lounging on the couch in the middle of the living room. He needed to move him somewhere more discreet and cozy.
   Dachi thought of his own bedroom, with its king-sized bed and thick blankets. He didn't mind sleeping on the couch if it meant the dragon would be comfortable and warm. After all, he wanted to ensure the dragon's well-being.
   He slid his arms back underneath the dragon and lifted him. Dachi turned and walked to his open-door bedroom. He went to his bed and set the dragon down. He took one of the thick, fluffy blankets and gently tossed it over the dragon. He didn't tuck him in because he didn't want to make the dragon uncomfortable. He didn't want him to feel trapped. Dachi stepped back and took another look at the dragon. The dragon seemed more comfortable now. He didn't shiver or wince. He seemed to be peacefully sleeping. Dachi didn't have to worry about anything now. His worries could wait the next morning when the dragon would probably freak out and attack Dachi.
   Dachi had experience taking care of others, like children who were found without a home. He would provide them shelter and care until they were taken to an orphanage. However, taking care of a dragon from an unfamiliar biome was a new challenge for him. Dachi looked away from the dragon, leaving the room with the door open, hoping to ease any fears the dragon might have about being trapped.
   In an attempt to create a calming environment, Dachi kept the fireplace and dimmed the main light, leaving a side lamp on. He took one last glance at the dragon before leaving the room, leaving the door open. As Dachi made his way back to the living room, he tried to relax, but the presence of the dragon kept him on edge. He sat on the couch, knowing that sleep would be difficult to come by.
   Just as he was starting to doze off, a knock at the door jolted him awake, bringing back all his worries and anxieties. Just as anxious as he felt when the guard from before called his name.
   Dachi's eyes widened. That's probably who was at the door. A guard demanding Dachi for answers. He must've seen the dragon in Dachi's arms. But he shouldn't know what the dragon is. The guard should think the dragon is human. The only thing to tell of a human being part dragon is their ears. The dragon's ears were covered.
   Dachi took a deep breath as he got up from the couch. What did this guard want from Dachi? He had no authority to ask him questions. Or any authority to even walk up on his doorstep. Dachi furrowed his eyebrows, preparing himself to be tough and shoo the guard away.
   Dachi cautiously approached the front door. He turned the knob and flew the door open.
   "What is the meaning of—" Dachi tensed. It took him a moment to squeak out the rest of his sentence, "...this?"
   "Good evening, Dachi," a middle-aged man spoke.
   The man looked sharp in his black overcoat, with a stylish grey belt cinched around his waist. His rolled-up sleeves showcased his luxurious silver jewelry, adorning his wrists and neck. A striking purple jewel hung down from his neck, drawing attention to his chest. He completed the look with black pants and sleek black boots. His dark skin and dark purple eyes added to his intriguing appearance. With his black hair neatly pulled back in a bun, revealing shaved sides, he exuded a professional aura, keeping his hands clasped behind his back.
   "Mateo," Dachi mumbled. Father really sent the courtier after me? He growled internally. I can't believe this. "Why are you at my doorstep? It is nearly midnight!"
   "It's past midnight, sir," Mateo corrected Dachi.
   "I don't need you correcting me," Dachi scowled. Dachi was often nice to everyone in the village, but the courtier always got on his nerves.
   "Apologies," said Mateo with a bow. He stood back up again to look Dachi in the eyes. "Your father would like to speak with you."
   Dachi clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. He could feel his knuckles popping. This was exactly one of his fears on the way here. Those dammed soldiers told his father about him coming to the fight. He was going to be in so much trouble. Especially after being gone for so long and then coming back with a dragon who he was currently hiding in his bedroom.
   Another fear. He couldn't leave the dragon. He was thinking to himself that the dragon was going to wake up soon and immediately panic. He was going to try to leave and then get caught in the middle of the city. Then, everyone would have to gather around to watch the dragon's head get cut off.
   Dachi slowly glared at the courtier. He had many questions. So did his father, but he had to ask first. "Why?"
   "He didn't tell me," Mateo responded. "And I didn't feel the need to ask. I figured you would know why. Besides, it's none of my business. I am respectful to the royal family."
   Dachi rolled his eyes. Respectful to the royal family. Blah, we're not even respectful to each other. He eyed Mateo. "Tell my father I'll be there soon. Run along now."
   "High King Takashi has given me the orders not to leave your house until I am able to escort you back to the temple," Mateo said. "You have no choice, but to come with me as soon as possible. That would mean right now."
   Dachi resisted the urge to throw his head back and stomp his feet on the ground like a little kid. He sighed heavily. "Can I at least change clothes first? I am soaked."
   Mateo raised an eyebrow, just now noticing Dachi being drenched with water. He paused for a moment. Then, Mateo let out a short sigh.
   "I suppose," he says. "Please, make it quick. Your father is waiting."
   Dachi didn't have time to argue, so he took a step back and swiftly closed the door. Frustration washed over him as he ran his hands through his wet, tangled hair, completely ruining his messy bun. Letting out a heavy sigh, he forcefully yanked out the hair tie, feeling the weight of stress on his shoulders. It was unbelievable how he had encountered not just one, but two lightning dragons, both sparing his life for some mysterious reason. And now, he found himself harboring a dragon in his own home, needing to leave it behind to talk to his father about the perilous encounter. The situation couldn't be more overwhelming.
   "Ugh!" Dachi groaned as he took his hands out of his hair and threw his hands back down. "What am I supposed to do?" he asked himself. He was hoping for an answer, but nothing came to him.
   Right now, Dachi wanted to get out of his drenched clothes. He went back into his bedroom to find that the dragon did move. He was laying on his side, curled up into a ball under the blankets.
   Shit. Dachi thought. He's going to wake up soon.
   Dachi shook his head and went to his closet. He picked out new clothes. A dark blue sweater and black pants. He went to the master bathroom and closed the door behind him. He took off his wet clothes that practically stuck to his body. It was a struggle, but he threw them off and got into his dry clothes. He combed his tangled hair. He didn't bother putting it back up. He stepped out of the bathroom. No more movement from the dragon. He was breathing normally now, with no signs of shivering.
   Dachi stared at the dragon. He had to cross his fingers to reassure himself this talk with his father was going to be quick and that the dragon was going to be asleep by the time he got back. No need to panic. Dachi took a deep breath. He should leave now so the dragon doesn't wake up so soon.
   Dachi exited the bedroom. He still kept the door open. All the curtains were closed. Dachi grabbed his jacket and put it on along with his boots. He threw his hood over his head. He grabbed his only key to lock the door. He went to the front door and opened it again. Mateo was still standing in the same spot like a statue. Dachi glared at him as he came out of the house, closing the door behind him. Dachi spun around and struck the key into the keyhole. He twisted the key until he heard a click. He took the key out and shoved it into his pocket as he turned back to Mateo.
   "Let's get this over with," Dachi said.
   "Of course," Mateo says with a nod. He turned around and walked away, leading Dachi away from his house.
   Dachi frowned and took a look back at his house as he walked away. All he knew next was that he was in so much trouble.

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