Chapter 13 - A Long Talk

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   Ren and Dachi embarked on the adventure through the rainy forest, accompanied by the continuous fierce lightning storm. The darkened sky crackled with electricity, illuminating the dense foliage around them. Each flash revealed the rain-soaked leaves, glistening like jewels in the stormy night. Thunder boomed, shaking the ground beneath their feet, adding an exhilarating sense of urgency to their journey.
   Undeterred by the tempest, they pressed on, their hearts pounding. The rain poured down relentlessly, drenching them to the bone, but it only fueled their determination. Amidst the chaos, they found solace in the symphony of raindrops dancing on the forest canopy, their rhythm harmonizing with the crashing thunder.
   As they navigated through the treacherous terrain, a flicker of hope sparked within them. The distant sound of crashing waves reached their ears, promising respite from the storm's fury. With renewed vigor, they pushed forward, their anticipation growing with every step.
   Finally, the forest gave way to a breathtaking sight—the vast expanse of the roaring ocean. The waves crashed against the shore with a ferocity that matched the storm above. The salty mist hung in the air, mingling with the petrichor of the rain-soaked earth. Ren and Dachi stood in awe, feeling the raw power of nature surrounding them.
   In that moment, they knew that their journey through the storm had been worth it. The ocean beckoned them with its untamed beauty, inviting them to explore its depths and discover the secrets it held. With hearts full of wonder, they took a step towards the shore, ready to embrace the next chapter of their extraordinary adventure.
   Dachi looked up at the sky. It was still cloudy and slightly rainy, but Ren reassured him the clouds and rain will all go away once they got over the ocean.
   Dachi looked at Ren. Ren was doing a few stretches. He reached down and touched his shoes. He stood upright and then reached toward the sky, wiggling his fingers. He sighed as he dropped his hands to his sides. He then started doing side lunges.
   "Are you almost done?" Dachi asked.
   "Well, excuse you," Ren growled as he finished up his left-side lunge and then moved to the right.
   Dachi held his hands up. "I didn't mean to offend you," he quickly said. "You just seem anxious."
   "Well, maybe I am," Ren grumbled as he stood upright again. "I haven't been a dragon in a little bit. Not since I was knocked out of the sky with dragon's vein."
   "Right..." Dachi sighed. "Sorry."
   "Now just um..." Ren frowned nervously. "Look away!"
   Dachi raised an eyebrow. "What?"
   "Look away!" Ren hissed.
   Dachi flinched. "Okay, okay!" He spun around and covered his eyes with his hands.
   Ren took a deep breath, his nerves tingling as he flexed his fingers and stretched his neck. His brow furrowed with worry as he gazed at the ground, contemplating the upcoming moment when he would reveal his dragon form to Dachi.  
   Despite knowing that Dachi had likely encountered dragons before, a nagging fear gnawed at Ren's heart, whispering doubts about their bond. This connection with a human was unlike any Ren had experienced before, and the thought of losing Dachi was unbearable, even if they just met.
   However, Dachi's nonchalant attitude towards Ren's transformation reassured him. It was time to put aside his hesitation and face the truth. Ren resolved to stop wasting time and confront this pivotal moment head-on.
   Ren cautiously took a few steps backward, ensuring he had ample space to transform without endangering Dachi. With a deep breath, he allowed his body to relax, triggering a remarkable metamorphosis.
   As he surrendered to the transformation, Ren's physique expanded, his once-pale skin taking on a mesmerizing light blue hue. Scales emerged, adorning his body and engulfing his clothing and hair. Majestic white horns sprouted from his head, while his hands transformed into formidable front paws, firmly planted on the ground.
   Ren's magnificent wings unfurled, battling against the forceful wind. After a valiant struggle, he folded his expansive wings against his back, settling down on the earth. His long, spiky tail curled around his front paws, its icy spikes resembling glistening icicles. His wings boasted small, icy claws, while his paw claws remained short yet razor-sharp. Rough and chilly scales covered his form, while his horns curved back with sharp edges.
   A deep exhalation escaped Ren's nostrils, releasing a frosty breath into the air. He opened his eyes, revealing vibrant, colorful irises with vertical pupils. Blinking a few times to adjust his vision, he noticed that Dachi still averted his gaze. Ren sighed, mustering the courage to approach his companion.
   "You can look now," Ren mumbled.
   Dachi paused. He knew when he would turn around, he would see a dragon. He had to remind himself the dragon wasn't going to hurt him. He lowered his hands to his sides and opened his eyes. He turned around, looking up. His eyes widened when he saw Ren looking down at him. Dachi's heart fluttered at the sight of the magnificent creature towering over him.
   "Wow..." Dachi gasped. "You look amazing," he said honestly.
   Ren raised his eyebrows. "I do?"
   Dachi flinched when he realized what he said. He cleared his throat. He wasn't wrong and he wasn't going to hide the fact that he was right.
   "Oh, thanks." Ren averted his gaze. "Come on." He crouched low to the ground so Dachi could come on.
   Dachi's eyebrows shot up in astonishment as he witnessed Ren gracefully lowering himself onto the ground. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning - he was about to embark on a dragon ride.
   The idea of a human bonding with a dragon in the midst of war seemed utterly insane, yet undeniably incredible. Dachi couldn't contain his excitement, a wide smile spreading across his face. Without hesitation, he rushed over to Ren and eagerly climbed onto his back. He sensed Ren's initial tension, but it quickly dissipated as they both settled into their roles. With Dachi firmly placing his hands on Ren's neck, the adventure was about to begin.
   "I'll try to fly as gently as possible," Ren said.
   "It'll be nice not to fall off." Dachi nodded.
   Ren sighed. "But you'll have to brace yourself for take-off."
   Dachi frowned. Now, he was worrying. "Oh, okay. Uh, thanks for the warning I guess."
   "You're welcome," Ren replied. "Are you ready?"
   Dachi took in a deep breath. He held it for a couple of seconds and then let it out. He nodded like Ren could see him. "I am."
   Ren nodded, his excitement palpable as he carefully positioned himself, chest touching his front paws while his hindquarters remained raised. With a gaze fixed on the sky, he spread his magnificent wings, readying himself for take-off.
   In an instant, Ren lunged forward, propelling himself into the air with a powerful flap of his wings. Another flap followed, giving him the boost he needed to ascend higher. He maintained a steady rhythm, beating his wings against his sides as he reached his desired altitude. Aligning his body and wings, he clapped his wings once more, providing a small burst of energy before allowing himself to relax, surrendering to the whims of the wind.
   Meanwhile, Dachi had kept his eyes tightly shut, his hands gently gripping on Ren's neck. As Ren's tension dissipated, Dachi cautiously opened his eyes, gasping in awe at the breathtaking sight that greeted him. Water and air stretched out endlessly around them, a stunning panorama that left him speechless.
   "We're alive?" Dachi asked.
   "I can drop you in the water if you want," Ren grumbled.
   Dachi gasped and shook his head. "No thanks!"
   "That's what I thought." Ren looked up at the sky. The clouds became less the further he flew from land and the sky began to get its color blue back.
   Dachi gazed up at the sky, his smile widening with each passing moment. The vibrant blue hue above brought a sense of joy and relief to his heart. In the land of Dhiashrir, storms were a constant presence, casting a perpetual grayness upon the sky. It often left Dachi feeling down, much like the gloomy clouds themselves. But now, in this moment, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. Finally, he was able to enjoy the outdoors without being drenched by rain. As much as he cherished the rain, a break from it was much needed.
   "It's nice out here," Dachi gasped softly.
   "Yeah, I agree," Ren replied. "It's always nice to see the blue sky."
   Dachi nodded. He glanced down at Ren. "What's the weather like in your place?"
   Ren flapped his wings once more. "I thought you've seen how it is there."
   Dachi raised an eyebrow. "It's always a snowstorm?"
   "Well, for the most part," Ren mumbled. "Other than that, the sky can be clear or there would be some light snow."
   "Clear skies in the Glacial Range?" Dachi repeated
   "Yes," Ren responded. "It's nice, but not with the Sun reflecting off of the snow, making everything seem a hundred times brighter."
   Dachi smiled. "I wouldn't mind seeing clear skies where I live. I love the rain, but it gets boring."
   "You really think so?" Ren asked.
   "I do," Dachi sighed. "It doesn't look pretty all of the time. Though, I sometimes get sad when it doesn't rain because I don't have a chance to meditate and work with my powers."
   "Jeez, make up your mind. Do you like the rain or not?"
   Dachhi lowered his eyebrows, unamused by Ren's remark. "I like the rain on most occasions. Is that better?"
   They fell into a comfortable silence, the gentle breeze enveloping them. It was a welcome change from the relentless windstorms of Dhiashrir.
   However, Dachi couldn't help but feel a slight unease in the silence between him and Ren. He longed to strike up a conversation, to learn more about Ren now that they would be together for some time.
   He recalled a tidbit of information Ren had mentioned earlier, which answered one of his burning questions. Yet, it only sparked even more curiosity within him, leaving him with a multitude of unanswered inquiries.
   "So, you mentioned earlier that you have more siblings," Dachi started.
   "I do," Ren replied.
   Silence. Dachi didn't know what to ask next. He had so many questions, but he didn't know what to ask first.
   "Do you want to know about them or are you just asking?" Ren asked.
   "Oh!" Dachi cleared his throat. "Um, I do want to know about them."
   "Okay, like what?" Ren asked.
   Dachi sighed. He hoped Ren would start spitting the facts, but that wasn't the case.
   Dachi paused to think. He didn't know how dragons worked when it came to family and bloodlines. Maybe he could start there.
   "How many siblings do you have?" Dachi started.
   "Six," Ren told him.
   Dachi hummed with surprise. "Wow, that's a lot." He tapped his chin until he came up with another question. "Are they all the same type of dragon?"
   Ren snickered a little. He thought Dachi's question was funny. He shook his head. "No. We are all different types of dragons."
   Dachi gasped. "Woah, really?"
   "Yep," Ren nodded. "Want me to start naming off everyone?"
   "That'd be great." Dachi swiftly nodded.
   "Okay." Ren smiled. He was happy to be talking about his siblings. "The oldest is Ranbos. She's an earth dragon. Next is Sonus. She's an air dragon—"
   "Wait!" Dachi quickly interrupted. "An air dragon? So, she lives on one of the islands?"
   "Yes," Ren says. "She lives on Sky Reach island."
   Dachi started to look around. "Is that the one we're going to pass?"
   "No," Ren replied.
   Dachi lowered his head. "Aw. We could've asked her for help."
   Ren's expression shifted, a hint of sadness clouding his features. The realization hit him, and he hadn't considered it before. But the truth was, he didn't know the whereabouts of most of his siblings. It had been quite a while since he had last seen them, and the thought weighed heavily on his mind. A frown formed on his face as he grappled with the emotions that accompanied the thought.
   "Anyways, continue," Dachi said.
   "Oh, right." Ren took a deep breath, shaking his head. "Next is Adhira. She's a lightning dragon. Then there's Siveth, the Ara'dos. She's a space dragon. Then me. I'm an ice dragon. Then there's Ryu. He's a fire dragon and lastly is Haru. He's a water dragon."
   Dachi smiled. "Your siblings sound cool! I'm assuming you gave me the list from oldest to youngest?"
   "That's right."
   "That's awesome," Dachi gasped. "Maybe you could reach out to the rest of your siblings sometime."
   "Yeah..." Ren slowly frowned. "Maybe." He shook his head to get rid of his sad thoughts. He flapped his wings a couple of times and relaxed again. "Do you have any siblings?"
   "No." Dachi shook his head.
   "That's lame," Ren groaned. "Though, surprising."
   "Why is that surprising?" Dachi asked.
   Ren shrugged. "I just thought you'd have siblings."
   "Um, okay. I don't."
   "Okay," Ren grumbled at Daichi's response. "So does your dad have any powers?"
   "No. He's a boring human," Dachi mumbled.
   "So, you got your powers from your mother," Ren assumed.
   Daichi paused. He slowly raised an eyebrow. "Yes, that's right."
   "Is your mother still with you?"
   Dachi frowned. He slowly shook his head. "No. She was taken by a dragon."
   "Really?" Ren asked.
   Daichi crossed his arms. "Yes."
   "Oh." Ren cleared his throat once more. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that."
   Dachi sat quietly, the silence between them growing. Ren didn't offer any further explanation or conversation. Dachi couldn't help but feel perplexed by Ren's earlier inquiries about his powers and mother. The confusion still lingered in his mind, leaving him searching for answers.
   So he asked, "why did you being that up?"
   "I'll explain when we get to the Misty Jungle," Ren told him.
   Dachi flinched. He sat up more. Now he was curious. "Do you know something about my mother?"
   "No," Ren quickly said. "No, I don't know anything. I just had a theory."
   "What's this theory about?" Dachi glared at Ren like he could see him.
   "I'll tell you once we're more settled," Ren said.
   Dachi paused. He sighed and slouched down. "Fine."
   They continued in silence, Ren soaring through the sky while Dachi held on tightly. Both of them were aware that the journey to the Misty Jungle would take some time. Dachi contemplated taking a nap to pass the time, but he hesitated. He didn't feel completely secure yet, unsure if Ren would be able to rescue him if he were to accidentally slip off.
   Dachi gazed down at the water, observing how Ren would flap his wings periodically to stay afloat. Lost in his thoughts, Dachi couldn't help but yearn for answers about his mother's disappearance.
   It had been five long years since she was taken away, coinciding with the start of the war. Dachi couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about that dragon attack. It seemed too convenient, as if they had specifically targeted his mother. His father's explanations didn't ring true to him, and Ren's words only reinforced his suspicions.
   Dachi remained curious about Ren's theory, hoping that it might shed some light on his mother's whereabouts or who was responsible for her abduction. He held onto the hope that the information Ren had would bring good news.

The Legend of The Ara'dos - BOOK 1: Human's Draconic AscensionWhere stories live. Discover now