Chapter 27 - Crossroads

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   As Mateo and Takashi strolled through the bustling streets of Dhiashrir, snowflakes danced down from the somber clouds above. The snowfall was swift and plentiful, though light in nature. Snowstorms were a rarity in this city, and it was only the second time Takashi had witnessed such a spectacle.
   Approaching the frozen wooden gate, Takashi's arms crossed tightly, his body shivering in the frigid air. Grumbling under his breath, he strained to peer through the falling snow. Yet, the relentless flakes clung to his eyelashes, causing his eyes to squint and impede his vision.
   "Shift into your form," Takashi told Mateo. "And do it quick so we can get over these damn gates."
   "Yes, sir," Mateo sighed shakily.
   Mateo scanned his surroundings, ensuring he had enough space. A frown etched across his face as he gazed down at the ground, perplexed by the overwhelming emotions coursing through him. It was all so confusing. He had been taught not to feel, not to act upon Takashi's instructions. And now, here he stood, on the verge of revealing his true self before the High King of Dhiashrir. After years of confinement, this sudden turn of events was simply too much for him to comprehend.
   "I told you to hurry up!" Takashi scowled at him. "We can't waste more time than we already have."
   Mateo flinched. "Yes, sir." He nodded. "I apologize. I haven't done this in a very long time."
   "Yeah, yeah. Just get on with it," Takashi grumbled.
   Mateo nodded once more. He closed his eyes and relaxed his body. Was he really going to do this in the middle of the city? Well, he didn't have a choice.
   Mateo's head hung low as he let out a heavy sigh. Suddenly, a searing pain coursed through his entire being, causing him to wince in agony. Groaning, he struggled to maintain his balance, but his body betrayed him, and he collapsed onto his hands and knees. The pain intensified, sharp and throbbing, as his body underwent a remarkable transformation.
   Black scales covered his skin, his nails grew into sharp claws, and horns sprouted from his head, eliciting cries of anguish. Massive wings unfurled from his shoulder blades, and a short, nubbed tail extended from his lower back. Rising to his four feet, he lifted his head skyward, drawing in a deep breath before unleashing a resounding roar that echoed through the air. Relief flooded his being with each mighty roar, until he could roar no more. With a groan, he shook his head, scraping his claws against the ground.
   Takashi groaned and slowly uncovered his ears. Even with his ears covered, he could still hear Mateo roar without it being muffled. When Mateo stopped roaring, screams were followed that soon faded away with the sound of the wind howling. Takashi growled and looked up at Mateo.
   "Why would you do that?" Takashi scolded him. "Are you trying to terrorize everyone in the city?"
   "I didn't mean to," Mateo said softly. "I apologize."
   "Come down here so I can get on," Takashi demanded.
   Mateo let out a deep sigh before crouching down low. Takashi hopped onto his back, gripping his neck tightly. With a determined look in his eyes, Mateo swiftly rose to his feet and wasted no time in launching himself into the air.
   Flapping his wings vigorously, he soared over the city gates and gracefully touched down on the ground. As all four of his feet made contact with the earth, Mateo felt a surge of anticipation course through his body. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. But he welcomed it, relishing in the sensation. He knew he couldn't afford to be distracted or overwhelmed by fear. This was his moment, and he was determined not to let anything get in his way.
   Mateo gazed into the distance, captivated by the crashing waves of the vast ocean. Memories flooded his mind, but he knew he had to set them aside for now. He had to conquer the ocean and venture into the unknown. Recalling the map in his mind, he knew it would guide him on his journey.
   Mateo hurried towards the shoreline, feeling the discomfort of his claws digging into the sand with each step. But he couldn't let that slow him down. As he neared the water, he picked up his pace, pushing through the pain.
   And then, with a powerful leap, he launched himself into the air, flapping his wings vigorously to gain altitude. Maintaining a swift pace, he soared above the ocean, periodically flapping his wings to maintain speed.
   Mateo's heart sank as he observed Takashi's silent reaction. He wasn't surprised, though. Takashi had always been cautious around Mateo's dragon form, knowing the danger it represented. Mateo had been kept from embracing his true self, even before the war. He had been deemed too dangerous, meant to serve humans without any emotional involvement.
   As Mateo frowned, he glanced at his reflection in the water, feeling a twinge of uncertainty. Being able to be his true self brought him joy, but was it the right choice in this moment? Was it ever a good thing? Mateo knew he was seen as a threat, feared by everyone, even some dragons. That's why he sought refuge in the cities as a young boy. Other dragons had never accepted him due to his unique nature.
   As Mateo ventured through the jungle, he couldn't help but be amazed by the vibrant green leaves. Despite the encroaching darkness, an oddity for the early afternoon, Mateo marveled at the brilliant colors. It was as if the jungle possessed a supernatural glow, surpassing even the brightest summer days. Hidden beneath the emerald canopy were treasures waiting to be discovered - a bustling city, quaint villages, and majestic waterfalls. Mateo cherished every moment, soaking in the enchanting hue of the jungle.
   As Mateo soared above the jungle, he felt an unusual pull, as if the green leaves were magnetically drawing him down. Flapping his wings vigorously, he fought against the sinking sensation, determined not to be engulfed by the foliage.
   Meanwhile, the sky grew ominously darker, extinguishing the excitement he had felt earlier. Something was definitely amiss, and Mateo couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The once vibrant green began to fade, transforming into pale hues and eventually blending into the surrounding tan landscape.
   After an hour of traversing the jungle, Mateo's gaze was captivated by a towering volcano. Its majestic form held him spellbound, far surpassing his initial perception of a mere mountain. Eager to uncover its secrets, Mateo's curiosity burned brighter than ever.
   As Mateo soared above the bustling city, he skillfully maintained a high altitude to remain unseen. After taking in the awe-inspiring sight of the volcano, his attention shifted to a colossal mountain on his right. Despite being informed that the Forbidden Hillslide was the largest mountain, this one surpassed it in size.
   Covered in patches of snow, the mountain stood proudly, surrounded by a forest reminiscent of the one near Dhiashrir. Mateo strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of a monument atop the mountain, but its details eluded him.
   Continuing his journey, Mateo flew over a watchtower, and the vast mountain continued to stretch out before him. Soon, a village came into view, marking their entry into the desert of Belozersk. In a mere twenty minutes, Mateo had already passed the volcano, a major city, and the village, propelled by his swift flight.
   Mateo just crossed over the border between that section and the desert of Belozersk. And when he crossed over that line, a sudden roar erupted through the desert.
   Takashi instantly lifted his head and looked out into the distance. Then he gasped sharply and gripped Mateo for dear life.
   "What in Sor'zurn is that?!" Takashi shouted as he pointed like Mateo could see, which he couldn't.
   Mateo's heart skipped a beat as he flinched, his head snapping up to face the source of the thunderous roar. His gaze fixated on the northeast, where a black shadow loomed, massive and stretching toward the heavens. Eager to uncover the mystery, Mateo quickly surveyed his surroundings, searching for any clues about the enigmatic presence. To his astonishment, Belozersk had vanished, replaced by the haunting remnants of shattered structures.
   Glass, wood, and stone lay scattered, a testament to the devastation that had unfolded. Mateo's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the sight of the broken materials strewn across the desolate landscape. Before he could delve deeper into his investigation, another earth-shaking roar pierced the night sky, drawing Mateo's attention once again to the source of the chilling sound.
   Mateo's body jerked back abruptly, his wings flapping furiously to maintain his balance in mid-air. Takashi tumbled onto his back but quickly regained his composure. Amidst the chaos, Takashi's voice reached Mateo's ears, muffled and indistinct amidst the deafening roar. The noise ceased, leaving Mateo in a disorienting silence, his ears filled with a persistent ringing. Even the sound of his own racing heart seemed to fade away.
   Mateo's heart sank as his vision was engulfed in a blinding purple haze. He frantically shook his head and blinked, trying to regain clarity. With a groan, he snapped back to reality, his senses fully restored. Now he could hear everything clearly. Takashi's urgent shouts pierced the air, warning him to take cover. The furious roars of a menacing black dragon with piercing purple eyes echoed through the desolate wasteland, adding to the chaos.
   "An obsidian dragon!" Takashi gasped. "How is that even possible?"
   "I'm not sure but something is wrong with that dragon," Mateo explained. "He's obviously feral but something else about him makes him seem special in a dangerous way."
   "We need to get out of here!" Takashi growled at Mateo. "Come on, move!"
   Mateo's heart raced as he hesitated, unsure of where to go or what to do. Curiosity burned within him, driving him to understand the dragon's motives. Why was it so enraged? The demolished remnants of Belozersk provided a clue to the dragon's destructive path.
   As Mateo observed the dragon's furious stomping and tail thrashing, he noticed something intriguing. It seemed that the dragon was pursuing a target. Fueled by his curiosity, Mateo made up his mind to venture closer and uncover the truth.
   "No, what are you doing?!" Takashi shouted and yanked on Mateo's horns to try to stop him.
   Mateo roared as pain shot through his head. He growled and shook his head, knocking Takashi's hands off his head. He flapped his wings and quickly went over to the dragon and whatever else was out there.
   Mateo's curiosity grew as he approached, his eyes widening at the vibrant hues that filled his vision. Shades of purple, light blue, grey, and white danced before him, captivating his attention. To his astonishment, he soon realized that these moving colors were none other than dragons. A roar of surprise escaped his lips, but he couldn't stop there. His curiosity piqued further when he noticed a figure perched upon the back of the majestic light blue dragon.
   "Mateo, you will listen to me," Takashi grumbled. "Turn around right now or you'll have us killed!"
   Mateo paused, a small whimper escaping his mouth. He needed to find out what was going on. All of those dragons were stressed. He wanted to help them. If he was finally out to the world then this was what he was going to do.
   Mateo tucked his wings in and began to dive down into the commotion. He squinted his eyes at the crew of dragons. He made sure to keep his distance as he examined them. He got closer and closer, trying to see who was on top of the light blue dragon's back. Until—
   "That's my son!" Takashi exclaimed with a sharp gasp. "What on Sor'Zurn is he doing down there?!" Takashi held his breath as he leaned down for a closer look, eyeing the purple dragon. "And is that... the Ara'dos?"
   Mateo flinched and flew back up, making sure to keep his distance again. He stared down wide-eyed at the dragons. That person on top of the light blue dragon really was Dachi. Dachi was riding a dragon and he was by the Ara'dos's side. How did this all happen so fast?
   Mateo stared down at the dragons. He swallowed nervously, not knowing what to do. He paused and then hesitantly looked back at Takashi.
   "What do we do?" he asked Takashi.
   Takashi's heart sank as he witnessed his son clinging onto the light blue dragon, desperately evading the relentless pursuit of the black dragon. Frowning deeply, Takashi's mind raced, overwhelmed with thoughts on how to protect Dachi. This moment served as a wake-up call for Takashi, realizing the need for changes in their relationship. Though it may not have seemed like it before, he deeply regretted his past indifference towards his son.
   "We're going to save Dachi," Takashi said. "And bring him back home."

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