Chapter 20 - A Change in Direction

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   Thace stood before a wooden door, fixating on it as if expecting it to speak. He found himself at the end of a dimly lit hallway, adorned with flickering lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The mossy and cracked stone bricks covered the walls, while cobwebs and roaches occupied the corners. Thace couldn't help but find Soren's living conditions repulsive.
   With the ancient gemstone in one hand, Thace clenched his other hand into a fist. A voice inside him urged him to turn back, but he knew that would mean certain death. As much as he desired to, he couldn't give up just yet.
   Taking a deep breath, Thace tapped his fist against the door in a specific pattern. He waited anxiously, fearing that no one would answer. Just as he began to walk away, he heard Soren's voice from within.
   "Come in, Thace."
   Thace pushed open the door, stepping into the room. It closed behind him with a loud creak and a click, sealing him inside.
   He surveyed the spacious room, filled with towering bookshelves against the walls. One side held a staff enchanter and an enchantment table for enhancing weapons, armor, and robes. On the other side, there was an alchemy station and a table for map-making. In the center stood a cluttered desk, where Soren sat facing Thace. Behind him, a lightning dragon's head loomed, capturing Thace's attention. He couldn't tear his gaze away, no matter how much he wanted to.
   Just when Thace thought he was trapped by the dragon's gaze, Soren's voice broke through, thankfully diverting his attention once again.
   "I suppose you have good news for me, Thace? Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. You should know what would happen if you come to me with dire news."
   Thace cleared his throat. He took a step forward toward Soren's desk. He almost tripped from how shaky he was. He glanced down at Soren. He almost felt himself die when they made eye contact. He knew it would be over soon.
   "Yes," Thace responded. "I've brought you good news."
   Soren's lips curved as they stretched across his face. Soren looked more terrifying to Thace when he smiled. Soren held his hands out to retrieve the ancient gemstone from Thace.
   "So, you got the Ara'dos to speak, did you?" Soren asked.
   "I did," Thace replied as he gave the ancient gemstone to Soren. "It was easy."
   It wasn't easy for him. It was the hardest thing he's ever had to do.
   Soren's eyes lit up but with darkness. "Impressive," he whispered and took the ancient gemstone. "What did she tell you? I'm quite excited to hear."
   Thace nodded, trying to hide his trembling hands behind his back. His fingers fidgeted nervously, betraying his inner turmoil. He possessed crucial information, but he hesitated to share it with Soren. This moment was pivotal, determining whether the humans would triumph or if a darker fate awaited. Thace understood that if he kept silent, the outcome would be even worse, but he couldn't bear the thought of not being there to witness it.
   "She told me that the ancient gemstone is activated on its own but only when the sorcerer of the ancient gemstone is well connected with their elements, mind, and spirit," he explained to Soren. "You must connect yourself with the ancient gemstone and allow it to feel your power. Allow it to control you."
   Soren's gaze remained fixed on the ancient gemstone, captivated by its subtle blue glow. The gemstone seemed to mesmerize him, as if holding some hidden secret within its depths. He carefully tilted it, examining every intricate detail. Placing it on his desk, he continued to cradle it in his hands, unwilling to let go. It was clear that Soren was determined to uncover whatever lay concealed within the artifact, and he had a plan in mind to do just that.
   "Truly impressive," Soren muttered. "Such a beautiful, and powerful thing. Often misunderstood. But yet so easy to understand when you look at it."
   Thace stood there in front of Soren's desk. He didn't know what to say or what Soren was talking about.
   "Why, thank you, Thace," Soren spoke. "I will look further into this." He glanced up at his comrade. "You never cease to amaze me. I'm impressed with your abilities."
   Thace swallowed nervously. "Thank you, sir." He clenched his fists tightly. "What do you want me to do now?"
   "Leave," Soren demanded.
   Thace paused. He glanced left and right, looking for answers. But the only answer was in front of him. "I'm afraid I need specifics, sir," he muttered.
   Soren groaned. "Leave my office! Go bother some dragons, I don't care."
   Thace slowly nodded. "Yes, sir." He bowed to Soren for what could possibly be the final time. "Goodbye, Soren."
   Thace stood upright and turned away. He threw the door open and stepped out of the room. The door closed behind him with a loud clank.

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