Chapter 19 - Final Destination

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   The dragon's wings trembled as the wind swept through them, causing a chill to run down his spine. The gusts grew stronger, and the sky darkened with ominous clouds. It was clear that a storm was on its way, ready to make its grand entrance.
   "Are you okay?" Ren asked Dachi. "We're almost there. I can't have you moping while our lives are on the line."
   "I'm fine," Dachi muttered. He then glared at the back of Ren's head. Ren could feel it. "And I have every right to feel what I feel. I don't even have time to take this in!"
   Ren sighed. "I understand," he said. "But you can't let it distract you."
   Dachi scoffed. "Oh, and how am I supposed to do that?" he growled.
   "Oh, there's that lightning dragon personality," Ren remarked. "I didn't know you would already get the hang of it."
   "Knock it off!" Dachi grumbled. "This isn't helping. Why would you tell me this now?"
   "You wanted me to," Ren reminded him.
   Dachi groaned as he slapped his hands over his face and dragged them down to have them land back on his thighs. "Okay, um. What if my mother got powers from a dragon? And they reached me due to genetics?"
   "No. Doesn't work like that," Ren replied.
   "Are you serious?"
   "Yes. If your mother was human, and she got powers from a lightning dragon, those powers wouldn't go to you," Ren explained.
   "And how would you know that?" Dachi questioned.
   "Because I'm a dragon," Ren merely said.
   "Ugh!" Dachi flopped back on Ren's back.
   Ren frowned. "Dachi, I can't help but notice that you're upset. Do you not want to be a dragon?"
   Dachi interrupted himself. That was another thing to process. Did he really want this?
   Well, it was hard to decide when he thought he was human for the little over two decades he's been alive. He grew up with his mother until he was an adult and he never knew she was a dragon. Why would she hide that? She hid it so well but why?
   And his father. His father has killed dragons before. At least that's what Takashi told him. Takashi hated dragons. Did his mother's disappearance have to do with his father?
   Dachi almost forgot he had to process if he was happy with being a dragon. It was difficult and stressful to think about. His whole mindset changed. His whole life changed. He didn't know how to feel. He already had too much to worry about.
   "I don't know, Ren," Dachi mumbled. "I just can't comprehend this right now."
   "I understand," Ren said. He sighed. "I got the idea of telling you before the fight because like I said before, this could have a lot of potential. You're more powerful than you think."
   That was true. Dachi was way more powerful than he thought he was. This information could be useful for getting the ancient gemstone back. He just didn't know how.
   Dachi took a deep breath and let it out. He almost felt the fire within him escape with his breath. He frowned and continued to lay back on Ren.
   "Yeah, I guess so," he mumbled.
   "We're almost there," Ren told Dachi. Dachi could hear the shakiness in Ren's voice.
   "You're nervous," Dachi said.
   "Do you really have to point that out?" Ren grumbled.
   "Well yeah. I'm nervous too!" Dachi said. "I still can't believe all of this is happening."
   Dachi glanced around, trying to get his bearings. They were soaring above a village nestled in a chilly desert, which seemed odd considering the hot desert ahead. That hot desert, known as the Glass Desert, used to be home to fire dragons, sand dragons, and sometimes even lightning dragons. Belozersk, a small city on the edge of the Glass Desert and by the ocean, was where Soren resided. Soren, the one who had stolen the ancient gemstone. Soon, he was going to figure out how the ancient gemstone worked and its true power.
   Or maybe he already did.
   "What are we going to do when we get there?" Dachi asked.
   "You know the guy," Ren reminded him. "Tell me more about him."
   Dachi frowned. "Well, he has fire and water powers. He knows lightning and I'm sure he knows ice by now."
   "So he has four elements. Great," Ren said sarcastically.
   "That's not helping," Dachi groaned. "Tell me why you're nervous."
   Ren frowned. He sighed and looked down. "I just want to make sure my sister and Sora are okay. I don't want to risk losing them by doing the wrong thing."
   Dachi slowly nodded. "I see."
   "And it's going to be hard to get the ancient gemstone back," Ren added. "That artifact is the most powerful thing to ever be created. And it's in the hands of a human!"
   Dachi sighed heavily. "I know... I'm anxious to see Soren again."
   "Well, you need to get over that," Ren told him. "I see Belozersk just up ahead..."

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