Chapter 14 - Unfamiliar Roads

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   Dachi snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that the water he had been staring at had transformed into a lush forest. He blinked a few times to clear his vision and lifted his head to see Ren nearing the jungle. Dachi couldn't help but be amazed by the vibrant greenery and the crystal-clear water. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Even though it was the same world, the Misty Jungle felt like a whole new realm compared to Dhiashrir.
   "Looks like we're here," Ren announced.
   Dachi gasped in awe as he looked around. "Everything looks so bright and colorful here."
   "It does," Ren agreed. "Not my type though." He glanced up and squinted his eyes at the Sun before looking back down. "So bright," he groaned.
   Dachi agreed with that. It was bright and it made it hard to see but at least there weren't a billion raindrops blocking his view.
   "So have you decided if we're going to the major city or a village?" he asked Ren.
   "Yes," Ren answered. "We're going to a village. The major city is risky. Plus, it's still daytime, right around the evening. We have time for more traveling."
   "What? It's the evening?" Dachi looked back up at the sunny sky. "It would be dark by now."
   "Some parts of the world are sunny, some are dark," Ren told him. "Anyway, we're going to the village closest to the Golden Sanctum with the inn so we can rest for the night or make plans."
   Dachi nodded. "Sounds good to me."
   They fell into silence once more. Dachi estimated it would take about another hour to reach the village, but he wasn't entirely sure of Ren's speed or the terrain in this area. Crossing the ocean had taken them around three hours, or at least that's how it felt to Dachi.
   After what seemed like another hour, Dachi noticed Ren descending towards the treetops. He glanced down and felt a surge of tension, fearing that they were about to collide with the trees.
   "Um, Ren?"
   "What are you doing?" Dachi asked.
   "Landing," Ren replied. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. There's a small field over here."
   "Why are we landing over here? I don't see the village anywhere," Dachi said.
   "The village is near. It's hidden in the trees," Ren reassured him. "Besides, it's not safe for me to land right in the village in my dragon form."
   "Oh, right," Dachi muttered.
   As Ren flew over the trees, they gradually thinned out, revealing a charred field that appeared to have been affected by a forest fire. Ren extended his wings as wide as possible before diving down towards the field. With a graceful landing, Ren touched the ground with their feet and quickly regained his balance. He folded his wings neatly over their back and stood motionless, as if anticipating something to happen.
   Dachi noticed him. "Um..."
   "Are you going to get off?" Ren growled.
   "Oh, right." Dachi threw his legs over Ren's side and slid off of him, landing on the ground. "So, we're walking the rest of the way there then?"
   "Obviously," Ren grumbled.
   Dachi turned to look at Ren. He had to take a moment to look around until he found Ren in his human form.
   Dachi flinched. "How did you do that so fast?"
   "Practice," Ren said. "Let's go."
   Dachi hurriedly trailed behind Ren as they ventured into the thick jungle. Dachi couldn't help but notice the dense tangle of vines draping from the trees, the obstructive fallen trees and bushes in their path, and the persistent plants poking out from the ground. The thorns grazed against Dachi's legs, but thankfully, his pants shielded him from any harm. However, he found himself stumbling every few seconds, unable to avoid tripping over the uneven terrain.
   "Are we almost there?" Dachi groaned. He was already getting tired of the jungle.
   "Almost," Ren called back. "It's right up here."
   Dachi was suddenly startled with a branch unexpectedly hit him in the face. He let out a yelp and quickly rubbed his face to ease the pain. After groaning, he moved the branch out of his way and took another step, only to find himself standing on a stone pavement instead of soft grass.
   Looking down, he noticed a path leading into the village ahead. As he glanced up, he couldn't help but admire the village. The houses were constructed with a combination of stone and wood, and they were quite spacious. The village had community gardens and fountains scattered throughout, adding to its charm. The shops, although small, had a pleasant appearance. And right in front of Dachi and Ren was the inn.
   "Wow, I didn't expect this place to be nice," Dachi gasped in awe as he continued to look around.
   "Yeah." Ren nodded. "I've been here a couple of times." He started to walk to the inn. He threw his hood over his ears to hide them. "I'm hungry. You better buy me food."
   Dachi chuckled at the hungry dragon. "I might as well."
   Dachi and Ren stepped into the cozy inn, feeling the immediate warmth from the crackling campfire. Although it was already warm outside, the inviting ambiance made them feel even cozier.
   As the door closed behind them, they made their way to the counter. Behind it stood a tall and pale human man wiping off some wine glasses with an old rag.
   Then, the man glanced up at the incoming human and hidden dragon. "Hello," he greeted. "You two seem new around here. How may I help you?"
   "What's on the menu?" Dachi asked him. He found the man staring into Ren's eyes. Ren got uncomfortable as he lowered his head to hide his eyes under his hood.
   Dachi glared at the man and crossed his arms. He furrowed his eyebrows, and growled, "excuse me."
   "Oh." The man shook his head. "Right, right, the menu." He crouched down behind the counter for a couple of seconds and then he came back up with a thick piece of paper with writing on it. "Here you go. The pricing is next to the food items."
   "Thanks," Dachi muttered. He and Ren looked over the menu.
   After a couple of moments, Ren pointed at a food item on the menu and looked at Dachi. Dachi glanced at him and got the message. He looked back down at the menu. He decided what he wanted.
   "Can we get a medium rare steak and smoky seared cod?" Dachi looked up at the man behind the counter.
   "Eight silver," the man told Dachi.
   "Huh." Dachi dug into his pocket. He took out a gold piece and gave it to the man. "Keep the change."
   The man quickly took the gold piece. He held it up to the light, squinting his eyes as he examined it. The man scoffed, "boy, where did you get coin like this?"
   Dachi raised an eyebrow. He glanced around behind him, examining the inn. He couldn't help but notice the humble surroundings of the inn. It seemed like the people here might be struggling financially. He felt a pang of sympathy for them, wishing he could lend a hand. However, he understood that there were limits to what he could do to assist them.
   Dachi turned back to the man. "Work," he merely replied.
   "Aye. You're a fine young man." The man stuff the gold piece in his pocket. "Anything else for you?"
   "Um..." Dachi hesitated. He didn't know how the rooms were going to work. He looked at Ren. It seemed like he didn't have a clue either. "I'll be back later," Dachi told the man.
   "Aye," the man responded. "Your food should be out shortly." The man walked away and went down the stairs behind the counter.
   "Come on. Let's sit at a table." Dachi motioned for Ren to follow as he walked over to a table. Ren followed.
   Dachi and Ren settled down at a nearby table, sitting side by side. They noticed a sizable fire pit positioned behind them, with a crackling fire that emitted comforting sounds. The warmth from the fire gently caressed their backs, creating a cozy atmosphere without being too overpowering.   
   Dachi carefully removed his backpack and placed it on the table. He unzipped it and pulled out the map, laying it flat on the table for them to examine.
   "So, we're staying here at this inn for the night," Dachi started. "And then pass the Golden Sanctum, right?" He looked at Ren.
   Ren's determined expression showed that he was really thinking hard about something. He took a long pause, fixating his gaze on a specific spot on the map. Dachi couldn't help but be drawn to Ren's eyes. He wanted to figure out where Ren was looking, but instead, he found himself getting lost in Ren's captivating icy and cosmetic eyes. They were unlike anything Dachi had ever seen before, even in Siveth. There was something special about Ren's eyes that he found incredibly beautiful.
   "Can you stop staring at me? I'm trying to think," Ren mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Dachi.
   "Oh!" Dachi flinched. He felt his cheeks turn hot and he looked away. "Sorry." He cleared his throat "So, what will we be doing in the morning?"
   "I'm thinking," Ren grumbled.
   Dachi lowered his eyebrows. He needed specifics. "Okay, about what?"
   Ren sighed. "About what we're actually going to do when we get to Belozersk." He frowned. "We don't know if Siveth and Sora are actually there. Even if they are, we don't know where they're held up at."
   Dachi lowered his head. "Oh. I suppose we need to figure that out, huh?"
   "Yes, we do," Ren groaned. "I've tried to connect with Siveth but I don't sense her anywhere!" He gripped his hair tight and clenched his teeth.
   "Okay. Calm down a little," Dachi said softly. "What do you mean by connecting with her?"
   Ren paused for a long moment. If he wanted to explain this, he would need to relax. He took a deep breath and then let it go.
   He began, "Siveth and I are close with each other. The closest siblings out of the rest of them. Since Siveth and I are twins—"
   Dachi gasped, "I don't remember you mentioning she's your twin! All I knew is you guys are siblings."
   "Seriously?" Ren furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought you'd figure it out by now."
   "No..." Dachi slowly shook his head.
   "Whatever," Ren sighed. "Anyways, since Siveth and I are twins," he continued, "we have a strong spiritual connection and we can often reach out to each other by meditating."
   "Woah." Dachi raised both eyebrows. "Dragons can do that?"
   "Not usually," Ren answered. "I can sense her spiritual energy from miles. I didn't sense anything while crossing the ocean." He lowered his head.
   Dachi pondered for a while, racking his brain to find the right words to comfort Ren. He understood the importance of being there for his friend and wanted to contribute more than just offering the map.
   The sudden idea sparked in Dachi's mind, but he wasn't sure if it would make sense. He hoped that Ren wouldn't be upset with him for suggesting it.
   "Have you actually sat down and meditated?" Dachi asked.
   "No," Ren mumbled. "I've been just trying to feel her energy."
   "Then why not take the night to sit down and try to meditate?" Dachi suggested.
   Ren was at a loss for words, his mind consumed by thoughts as he stared at the map. He didn't even notice the kind man who brought their food and left after Dachi thanked him.
   Ren often found solace in meditation, especially in the Glacial Range where his powers were connected to his spiritual energy. He wondered if his powers and spiritual energy would awaken in this jungle. Ren had never tried before, but maybe it was worth a shot.
   "I can try," Ren said. He raised an eyebrow at Dachi when Dachi sighed with relief.
   "Okay. Good!" Dachi smiled. "Great idea." He paused when Ren continued staring at him.
Dachi pointed at Ren's food. "You should eat."
   Ren flinched. "Huh?" He looked down, seeing his food. "Oh." He nodded and started to eat.
   Dachi couldn't help but smile as he observed Ren's content expression while enjoying his cod. It was a small joy to see Ren savoring his meal. Dachi also dug into his own food, even though it wasn't as delicious as the steaks back home.
   "So, what are we going to do about the bedrooms?" Dachi decided to ask.
   Ren swallowed his mouthful of food. "Just get a room with two beds."
   Dachi slowly nodded. "I'll see if they have those here." He tilted his head. "What if they don't?"
   "Then I guess we'll have to get separate rooms," Ren replied.
   "Oh, yeah. I guess," Dachi muttered. He got up and went back to the man who stood behind the counter.
   "Ah, back for more?" the man asked.
   "We would like a room," Dachi told him. "Possibly a room with two beds?"
   The man stared at Dachi for an uncomfortably long moment. Then, the man chuckled. "What? You think this is some kind of slumber party?" Dachi's cheeks turned pink. "Look, the only rooms we got have one bed. There are two available. They're right next to each other. About the same." The man pointed toward the rooms.
   "Right," Dachi sighed. "I guess I'll take those rooms."
   "You want both of them for yourself?" the man asked.
   "What?" Dachi shook his head. "No. For my friend and I."
   "Right, right." The man nodded. "Got a couple more gold pieces on you?"
   Dachi lowered his eyebrows. There was no way these rooms were worth a gold piece. "What are the actual prices of these rooms? I'm not paying any gold for them."
   "Well now, that isn't fair." The man crossed his arms.
   "Look, you either get silver pieces or you get nothing," Dachi spoke.
   "Alright fine," the man sighed. "The rooms are four silver pieces."
   Dachi dug into his pocket. He pulled out a small pouch filled with silver pieces. He opened it and took out the required silver. He placed it on the counter. The man swiped it away.
   "Have a good night," the man told Dachi.
   "Yeah," Dachi only said before turning away.
   He walked back over to Ren. Ren finished his food. Dachi still had some of his left but he wasn't hungry anymore.
   "We got separate rooms," Dachi told Ren as he took the map. He rolled it up and put the map in his backpack. He closed his backpack and picked it up. "They're right next to each other."
   "Okay," Ren replied. He stood up.
   Dachi pointed to the rooms. "They're over there. They're the same. If you need anything, I'll be in my room."
   "Okay," Ren said again. He then waved to Dachi. "Night. You better be up early tomorrow."
   "I will," Dachi said. He hesitated before he glanced at Ren. "Are you going to tell me that theory about my mother soon?"
   "Yeah. I will in the morning," Ren told him.
   Dachi frowned. He wished Ren would've told him sooner. "Okay." The two of them walked to their rooms. "Goodnight."
   Ren entered his room, not accustomed to sleeping on beds like this. He usually preferred the cold, snowy ground. However, he decided to give the bed a try and sat down.
   With Dachi's idea in mind, Ren crossed his legs, formed two fists, and pressed them together. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, allowing his body to relax. He hoped that through meditation, he would be able to find Siveth before it was too late.

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