Chapter 16 - Blockades

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   The rain continued to pour down on Dhiashrir. Thunder rumbled in the clouds. And lightning flashed and escaped from the angry clouds. There was no telling when this storm would be over. But it was plain to see that the storm wouldn't stop any time soon. It wasn't getting any better as it did a couple of nights ago. There would be aggressive moments and certainly no calm ones.
   "How is this outrageous storm still going on?!" Takashi shouted at the rainy window. "I can't even tell if it's day or night without looking at the time."
   "It's the evening, sir," Mateo told him as he stood behind him.
   "I know what it is, Mateo," Takashi growled.
   "My apologies, sir." Mateo bowed to him before standing upright again. "May I suggest something?"
   Takashi glanced at Mateo's reflection in the window. He glared. He didn't have much of a choice at this point. "What?"
   "Perhaps send some soldiers out to make a clear path to the mountain," Mateo suggested.
   Takashi stood silent as he focused his gaze back on the raindrops. After a minute he sighed heavily. "Fine. I will send out the same soldiers from before." He turned to Mateo. "They should be in the training room down below."
   "Okay. I will send them on their way." Mateo bowed to Takashi once more.
   "Good. And hurry up," Takashi told his courtier.
   "Yes, sir," Mateo responded quickly. He spun around and walked off to retrieve the soldiers.
   Takashi let out another sigh, his gaze fixed upon the window. The thunder roared in the clouds, but he couldn't help but wonder if it was truly the thunder or the dragons on the mountain.
   Everyone knew the dragons had control over the weather, always keeping the storms at bay from Dhiashrir. But it seemed different this time, as if the dragons themselves wanted the storm to wreak havoc.
   Takashi imagined them laughing as lightning destroyed homes, a cruel twist of fate. He scoffed at the window, turning away and returning to his throne, impatiently awaiting the soldiers to emerge from the training room.
   After a long minute, the doors from the training room flew open and the soldiers came marching out. Mateo walked out after them. The soldiers went to stand in front of the stairs that led up to Takashi's throne. They all stood side by side, facing Takashi.
   "What are your orders, sir?" one of the fire soldiers asked.
   "I need the six of you to clear me out a path to the Forbidden Hillslide," Takashi demanded.
   The soldier went silent. It was like they stopped breathing as they got cased in ice. They exchanged glances at one another. Then they tensed when they noticed Takashi's glare.
   "Is there a problem?" Takashi asked firmly.
   There was. All of the soldiers knew there were several problems but none of them were brave enough to speak up.
   "No, sir," the same fire soldier replied, a hint of shakiness to his voice. "There are no problems. We will clear a path for you right away."
   Takashi furrowed his eyebrows. "Then get moving!" he growled.
   The soldiers immediately spun around and began to march to the doors. Mateo stood by Takashi's side, holding his hands behind his back. They watched the soldiers march out of the doors.
   "They may take approximately five minutes to reach the gate," Mateo explained. "And then—"
   "I don't need your inaccurate timeline, Mateo," Takashi grumbled.
   "Yes, sir. Apologies," Mateo responded. "Is there anything you'd like me to do at the moment? Perhaps check on your son?"
   "No," Takashi answered. "Dachi isn't important right now."
   Mateo paused. He then nodded. "Yes, sir." He glanced at Takashi. "You should get ready while you wait for the soldiers."
   Takashi sighed. "Fine." He stood up. "Have my sword sharpened and polished when I get back in here," he told Mateo before he walked off.
   "Yes, sir," Mateo sighed.

* * *

   After approximately ten minutes, Takashi came back into the main room. He was readied into his steel plate armor. Mateo stood by Takashi's throne, steel sword lying in both hands. He turned to Takashi and handed him his sword.
   "Here you go, sir," Mateo said.
   Takashi took his sword. He turned to face the large doors that led outside. He growled. "Why aren't the soldiers back yet?"
   "It takes quite a while to travel to the Forbidden Hillslide and back," Mateo explained. "They should be back in half an—"
   Just then, the large doors flew open. Both Mateo and Takashi flinched at the sudden action. The six soldiers all came marching inside.
   "Sir!" the same fire soldier called out. "The gates are stuck. They won't open."
   "What?!" Takashi exclaimed. "The gates are stuck? You came all the way back just to tell me this? You're expecting me to handle this?"
   "We tried everything, sir," the fire soldier stuttered. "Nothing's working. The gates won't open. Not even the tower doors are opening."
   Takashi felt his blood boil and thunder rumble in his head. He clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles popping. He gripped his sword tight, and stomped down the stairs. All of the soldiers quickly scattered from the door to get out of Takashi's way. Takashi shoved his sword into his sheath and then flew the doors open. He marched outside, the doors slamming shut behind him.
   Takashi rushed down the stairs of the temple. He couldn't believe how stupid these soldiers were. This whole situation was absolutely unbelievable. The soldiers were gone for ten minutes only to come back and say the gate wasn't open? How ridiculous.
   Takashi stormed through the entire city in less than three minutes, reaching the gates that led outside of Dhiashrir. He paused by the watchtower on the right, immediately noticing that the lever next to the door was broken off. Takashi tensed, staring at the broken lever as if it held the answers to what had happened. But, of course, it didn't.
   Frustration building, Takashi growled and attempted to open the door to the tower. No luck. He kicked and shoved at the door, but it remained stubbornly unmoving. With a groan, Takashi pounded roughly on the door, hoping to find a way inside.
   "Open this damn door!" he yelled to the guard in the tower; if there even was a guard in the tower.
   Takashi let out a frustrated grumble as he abandoned the first tower. He made his way to the other tower, only to find that the lever was broken off as well. Takashi's irritation grew, causing him to twitch in annoyance. He resorted to pounding on the door, relentlessly hammering away for what felt like an eternity. But despite his efforts, the door remained stubbornly shut.
   Takashi's fists were now bruised, and he couldn't help but feel a bit foolish as onlookers observed his futile attempts from the safety of their homes and shops.
   Takashi made his way to the gates, pressing his hands against them and exerting all his strength to push them open. He let out a frustrated growl when the gates refused to budge. In a fit of anger, he pounded his fists against the gates, hoping for a different outcome, but to no avail. It seemed impossible to open these gates. Takashi couldn't help but wonder why this was happening and how it was even possible.
   "Dammit!" Takashi screamed as he pounded his fists against the gates. "Stupid, stupid storm! Stupid gates! Stupid guards! Stupid soldiers!" He gritted his teeth as he took a deep breath. "Stupid humans!" he shouted up into the sky as he continued to pound his fists against the gate.
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