Chapter 21 - Fighting For A Path

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   Siveth. Siveth wake up. You need to wake up.
   Wake up, Siveth. Come back.
   Come back.

   Siveth took a deep breath, relief flooding through her as the air filled her lungs. Her heart pounded against her chest, reminding her that she was alive and kicking. As her eyes fluttered open, the once radiant glow that had illuminated her surroundings had vanished. Darkness enveloped her, and for a moment, she feared she had lost her sight.
   But then, she noticed something incredible. She was standing on two feet, her human form restored. She wiggled her fingers, marveling at the sight of her hands, and glanced down at her feet, relieved to see them free from shadows or light.
   Taking a moment to examine her body, she realized she could see herself, even in the midst of the darkness. It was as if she was the only source of light in this mysterious void.
   "Siveth," a voice whispered in her ears.
   Siveth's ears twitched. She stood still, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.
   "Siveth," the voice said a little louder.
   Siveth's breath caught in her throat as she whirled around, her movements as swift as a bolt of lightning. Her gaze lifted, and she found herself face to face with a mysterious woman.
   The woman's skin was pale, and her yellow eyes pierced through the darkness. Gray braids adorned her head, blending seamlessly with her white button-down shirt and coat adorned with golden markings. Her pants matched the hue of her hair, while her obsidian black boots barely stood out in the dim light.
   Siveth couldn't help but notice the woman's pointed nose and ears, realizing she was in the presence of a dragon. An air dragon.
   "Sora," Siveth said quietly as she stared into her sunny eyes. "What are you doing here?" She looked around. "Where are we?"
   "Your spiritual connection was invaded. What you're seeing right now is what happens when you have no spiritual energy stored inside of you," Sora explained.
   Siveth was taken aback. "What?" she whispered. Her eyebrows angled up as she felt her blood rush. "What happened, Sora?"
   Sora frowned and then sighed. She couldn't look Siveth in the eye as she had to explain what happened.
   "I believe you were breached. Whoever the human boy in the black was, he used his powers against you and temporarily invaded your mind and spirit."
   Siveth's eyes widened. She felt her heart jump and it was as if it had sunk into the darkness.
   "That human boy has dark powers," Sora added. "I was able to detect his elemental energy as he sabotaged you."
   Siveth's hands shook as she tangled her fingers into her hair. She panted heavily and shook her head in disbelief.
   "Oh, my gods."
   Siveth gasped, her hands slapping against her cheeks as she dragged them down her face. The sharp sensation of her nails digging into her skin brought back the memories flooding in.
   The chamber she had entered was initially a blur, but she could now recall the thunderous roars and cries of dragons, searching for their leader. Chains had bound her, trapping her within that confined space. She closed her eyes, and a vivid purple hue flashed against her eyelids.
   Opening her eyes once more, she remembered the boy with purple eyes, the one who had questioned her about the ancient gemstone. A chilling sensation washed over Siveth as she froze, realization dawning upon her. That boy was the thief who had stolen the precious gemstone from the Ancient Highlands.
   Siveth's mind was suddenly flooded with another memory. A young boy with dark brown eyes appeared in her thoughts, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness seeing someone so young caught up in all of this.
   However, her emotions shifted from guilt to fear and anger when she realized who this boy was. How could this have happened? How could she have let herself be drawn into this situation?
   Siveth couldn't recall exactly what the boy had done, as her memories seemed to fade after locking eyes with his piercing obsidian gaze. It was as if her soul had been captured within the depths of his eyes, as if she now existed within the very essence of the boy.
   "Sora, I have to get back!" Siveth stuttered. "Sora, please. You have to tell me there's a way we can fix this!"
   "Siveth, please calm down," Sora said softly. "Your spirit remains. Remember that your emotions affect your spirit."
   Siveth turned her head away and whimpered softly. She wiped away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She's never shown weakness before but this time she couldn't help it. The connection with her spirit was gone. Her strength was gone.
   "We can fix this, Siveth," Sora whispered as she walked over to Siveth. She placed both hands on Siveth's shoulders. "We can fix this together."
   Siveth sniffled. She wiped her eyes again and then looked up at Sora. "We can?"
   Sora smiled at her reassuringly. "Yes, we can. That's what I'm here for, Siveth. I'm here to put you back together."
   Siveth stared into Sora's eyes. She lowered her head and frowned. "But how? How are we going to get out of here?"
   "You have to believe in yourself, Siveth," Sora told her. "Remember why you're here. Think of the people in your life."
   Sora tightened her grip on Siveth's shoulders, her eyes filled with determination.
   "Think of what strengthens your spirit. It's not lost, Siveth. Your spirit is still with you. You can't give up. Because Ren hasn't given up."
   Siveth felt energy rush through her and into her heart. The glow in her eyes began to spark to life.
   "Ren?" She lifted her head and started to look around. "Ren... He connected with me earlier. He's—"
   Siveth gasped when she felt her heart jump. Her face slowly brightened through the darkness with her bright smile.
   "Ren's here! He's come for us!"
   "Your elemental powers may be strong, Siveth," Sora began. "But never forget what truly strengthens your spirit."
   Siveth paused and then looked up at Sora. She was able to relax enough to remove her hands from her hair, letting them drop to her sides.
   "What about you, Sora?"
   "I'm okay, Siveth," Sora reassured her. "I am your guide Siveth. If I wasn't okay, I wouldn't have been able to reach you."
   Siveth slowly nodded. "I guess that's true." She lowered her head. "They haven't hurt you?"
   Sora shook her head. "No, they haven't. But we can't waste any more time. I don't know what's happening out there. You must wake up, Siveth."
   Wake up.
   Siveth shut her eyes tight. She lowered her head and relaxed her body.
   Don't give up. Remember your true strengths. What brings your spirit to life.
   "I'll save you, Sora. I will save everyone."

The Legend of The Ara'dos - BOOK 1: Human's Draconic AscensionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant