Chapter 23 - Gifted Redemption

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   Thace's ears were suddenly assaulted by a loud ringing, and the darkness became clear to him. The ringing was so piercing that he felt like ripping his ears off and stomping on them. And then he realized something else. Along with the ringing, he could hear faint roaring and growling.
   As he slowly opened his eyes, the ringing didn't stop. Everything was a blurry mess, and he tried blinking and shaking his head to clear his vision, but it didn't work. It was dark, and everything appeared quadrupled and blurred at the same time. What was happening to him? What had happened before he got knocked out?
   Thace attempted to sit up, but he bumped his head on what felt like a solid brick, causing him to collapse back onto the ground, face first. He lay there for a moment, feeling the impact and the throbbing pain in his head. But within a few seconds, the pain subsided.
   Next, he tried to move his arms. He extended his left arm, but it hit against a wooden plank, not budging at all. Then he stretched out his right arm, only to hit his fist against glass. Luckily, the glass didn't break.
   Thace gave it another try. He lifted his head slightly and scooted to the left until he was sitting up on his side. Then he pushed himself over until he was on his back. He groaned and arched his back when he felt pebbles sticking to his skin. He sighed and decided to relax, letting the pebbles dig in.
   He looked up, but he couldn't see anything. It was tough to see in the darkness, but luckily, he knew how to fix that.
   Thace closed his eyes and focused on the darkness of his eyelids. He stared at the darkness for a moment and slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly, everything around him was as bright as the sun. Thace groaned at the brightness and took a few moments to adjust. At first, everything was still blurry, but as his eyes adjusted to the light, everything started to come into focus.
   Thace looked around. He found himself under a pile of stones, wood, and glass. Although the materials weren't directly on top of him, they fell in a way that created a makeshift den, keeping him secure. He considered himself lucky.
   Thace had to figure out how to get out of this situation without everything collapsing on top of him. But he already had a plan.
   Carefully, Thace lifted his hands and held them close to his chest. He put his hands together, and his tan hands turned jet-black from his fingertips to his wrists. Then, he clenched his fists tightly and slammed them down onto the ground. A dark shield suddenly appeared around Thace, protecting him from the debris. Next, he threw his hands up and pushed the shield upwards. The shield expanded, blasting all the materials several yards away from him.
   Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the night sky that Thace could see brightly. He covered his ears and quickly sat up to see what was happening. Why was he hearing roaring like that? Did the dragons manage to escape? He still didn't know what had happened. Everything in his mind was a blur.
   Thace had his ears covered, but the roaring didn't get any quieter. He quickly turned his attention to the dragon that had supposedly escaped. But as soon as he saw the dragon, he realized it wasn't an escaped dragon at all. He stared at the dragon with wide eyes, his heart racing. This dragon was one of the biggest he had ever seen.
   Thace couldn't help but admire the dragon's black scales, sharp claws, and massive wings. He wished he could touch those wings without upsetting the dragon. He also noticed the dragon's tail, covered in spikes that could cut through anything.
   His admiration was interrupted when the dragon roared again and stomped violently on the ground, causing a loud clanging sound. Thace groaned and covered his ears tightly. He stood up and looked up at the colossal dragon, finally giving its eyes his attention.
   Thace's heart sank as he stared into the eyes of the dragon, its violet reptilian eyes filled with violence. The dragon's pupils were so small, they were barely visible. Those eyes struck fear deep into Thace's soul. He knew exactly whose eyes they were. They belonged to Soren.
   "Oh, my god," Thace gasped softly as he stared up at Soren.
   Thace watched as Soren screeched and relentlessly stomped on the ground. Thace realized that Soren was stomping on metal, and it seemed like he had no intention of stopping. Thace knew exactly what Soren was trying to do. He was trying to break through the dungeon where the captured dragons, including the Ara'dos and her guide, were held.
   Thace understood that even though dragons couldn't normally destroy or bend metal, Soren would find a way. Thace knew he had to save the Ara'dos. It was his time to step up.
   Thace's shield suddenly disappeared, catching him off guard. He sighed and growled to himself. Of course, it had to happen at the worst possible moment. He had forgotten that his shield had a timer.
   Now, Thace needed to come up with a plan to lure Soren away from the chamber and buy himself enough time to rescue the Ara'dos and her guide from the dungeon. Thace wasn't sure how he would be able to do it. He didn't think Soren had any use for him anymore. He wasn't sure if he could attract Soren's attention and lead him away from the Ara'dos. Thace knew what Soren wanted. He wanted to kill the Ara'dos and become the feared leader of all dragons, ruling the world. So, what could Thace do to distract Soren and move him away?
   As much as Thace thought about it and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't kill Soren. That wasn't his destiny. As much as Soren hurt Thace, Soren has caused more pain to dragons than Thace could ever feel in his life. Besides, he didn't know how he was going to kill Soren. The ancient gemstone brought him all the power in the world. Thace didn't know how the ancient gemstone worked. But the Ara'dos did.
   Thace peered down at his jet-black hands, his determination shining through his intense gaze. He knew he had waited too long, but now was the perfect moment to act. Despite possessing incredible powers, Thace understood that they would only slow Soren down. However, he was determined to buy the Ara'dos as much time as possible.
   Even though he was human, Thace had a deep understanding of dragons. He recognized the importance of the Ara'dos and her guide. Without her, the world would be in the wrong hands, like Soren's.
   Thace lifted his gaze to the terrifying monster stomping just a hundred feet away. He needed to capture Soren's attention and establish eye contact. As terrifying as Soren's eyes were, Thace knew his own held more power.
   Taking a deep breath, Thace could feel the rush of blood and the pounding of his heart. Anxiety surged within him as he prepared to grab the monster's attention. He cupped his hands around his mouth and locked eyes with Soren.
   "Hey, you terrorizing monster!" Thace shouted at Soren as loud as he possibly could.
   Soren wasted no time, snapping his head towards Thace's position. Their eyes locked instantly. Soren growled, his gaze fixed on Thace's dark brown eyes. He had no use for Thace anymore, so why was he getting his attention? But Soren couldn't help but wonder... How was Thace still alive?
   Thace tensed up, meeting Soren's piercing amethyst-purple eyes. He lowered his hands, clenching his fists tightly. Despite his nerves, Thace couldn't afford to waste any time. He had to focus with all his might.
   Closing his eyes for a moment, Thace reopened them, revealing eyes as black as the night sky. He glared fiercely at Soren with his purple eyes. If looks could kill, Soren would be finished.
   Soren tensed, locked in a stare with Thace's black eyes. He knew Thace was plotting something, but it wasn't fear that filled Soren—it was anger. Angry that Thace was betraying him like this. Even though Soren had no use for Thace, this betrayal was unbelievable. He knew Thace would defy him, but not like this.
   Soren desperately tried to tear his gaze away from Thace, but it was as if an invisible force held his eyes captive. He felt a strange pull, drawing him deeper into Thace's eyes, like a swirling vortex of darkness.
   As Soren's vision plunged into blackness, panic surged through his veins. He thrashed his head around, finally breaking free from the hypnotic hold. But to his horror, he found himself shrouded in a pitch-black void, unable to see anything around him.
   Frustration and fear consumed Soren, fueling his primal instincts. He unleashed a guttural growl, reverberating through the empty space. In a desperate attempt to find clarity, he lashed out, clawing at his own face, crimson trails marking his scales.
   The pain intensified, but Soren couldn't stop. He was driven by an insatiable desire to escape the suffocating darkness. Each swipe of his claws only deepened the wounds, eliciting agonized roars that echoed through the void.
   Meanwhile, Thace watched with a mixture of amusement and caution. He had never anticipated the extent of Soren's torment. As Soren's fiery roar pierced the darkness, Thace knew he had to tread carefully, wary of the power that lay within Soren's chaotic rage.
   Thace's smile widened as he watched the flames dance before him. The ancient gemstone may have prevented him from fully controlling Soren, but it didn't stop him from harnessing his own powers. In that moment, Thace felt a surge of confidence and pride, his pounding heart steadying and his hands steady.
   With a sense of purpose, Thace matched the swirling movements of the fire with his own graceful gestures. He could feel the heat radiating from the flames, as if he were absorbing their energy. As his hands grew hotter, the fire transformed, its vibrant colors fading into a deep, inky black that mirrored Thace's eyes.
   Soren's mouth snapped shut, his expression shifting from awe to horror as he realized he was no longer in control of the fire. He turned his gaze back to Thace, his heart sinking at the sight of him manipulating the flames. It was a realization that left Soren speechless, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.
   Thace's body ignited with an intense fire, filling him with a thrilling sensation. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, he prepared for a powerful move. With a swift motion, he raised his fists high in the air, causing the black fire to twist and spiral towards Soren. Thace then pulled back his fists before unleashing all his strength, thrusting them forward. The fire surged downward, colliding with Soren's chest.
   Soren let out a piercing scream as the dark fire exploded upon impact. It felt as if the flames seared through his body, igniting his heart before reducing it to ashes. The force of the blast sent Soren hurtling hundreds of feet across the wasteland, heading towards the waiting ocean. His roar gradually faded as his body soared over the wasteland and the ocean. Eventually, the air released its grip on Soren, causing him to plummet and crash into the ocean, creating a massive wave that just barely grazed the edge of the Glass Desert.
   Thace's breaths came in heavy gasps as he gazed at the ebb and flow of the ocean. The waves crashed onto the shore, then retreated, leaving him in a moment of stillness. Soren was nowhere to be seen, no roars or even a trace of his presence.
   Letting out a weary sigh, Thace groaned and placed a hand on his head, trying to ease the ache that radiated from his scalp to his chin. He closed his eyes, allowing his body to relax for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, they had returned to their usual dark brown color.
   Lowering his hand, he examined both of them. His hands had regained their pale complexion. Shaking off the lingering effects of the battle, Thace shifted his focus to the distant metal trapdoor that Soren had been repeatedly stomping on. After a brief pause, he began to make his way towards it.
   As Thace walked, his body tensed with the memory of his recent encounter with the Ara'dos. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and regret for his actions. Even if his own demise was imminent, he couldn't forgive himself. He wasn't sure if he could reassure the Ara'dos that he was there to help, but he knew he had to try.
   Thace walked over to the trapdoor and crouched down to it. He sighed and then threw it open. He wasted no time and jumped inside the dungeon only to immediately slip and fall back onto the ground. He yelped in pain as his back hit the solid floor. He groaned and got up to look around.
   "What the?" he gasped.
   The floor underneath him was ice. Every part of the metallic floor had turned to ice. Thace slowly got up and brushed off the microscopic scrapings of ice. He lifted his head to look at the humans who were supposed to be guarding the chambers of the captured dragons. But that wasn't the case. Every single human was encased in ice, whether they were standing up with shocked looks on their faces or face first on the ground. None of them were moving; they remained frozen.
   "Who did this?" Thace asked himself in a hushed tone. "Did Soren do this?"
   Soren had ice powers. Maybe he lost control and went rogue on the humans. Thace wasn't sure. He noticed the eerie silence in the dungeon, no dragon roars or cries. What happened? Did the dragons escape? If they did, it would be a mess with blood instead of ice on the floor.
   Thace peered down the dungeon, struggling to see through the icy chambers. He sighed and cautiously made his way, careful not to slip on the ice. Sliding his feet to maintain balance, he approached the end and began to hear voices.
   Thace strained to listen as he continued exploring. The voices were deep, but they sounded like women. Maybe some dragons found the dungeon and freed the others. That would explain the destroyed city and the chaotic cold in the dungeon.
   Thace was just five yards away from the dungeon. The voices grew louder, but he still couldn't make out their words.
   “NO!" A voice suddenly shrieked over the others from the chambers at the end, followed by loud sobbing that rang in Thace's ears.
   Thace's eyes widened. He needed to find out what that sobbing was. Was it a dragon? A human? He didn't know. All he knew was someone was in trouble. Maybe it was a dragon and the Ara'dos was hurt.
   Thace carefully slid his feet across the ice, maneuvering around the chunk that blocked his view of the chambers. Leaning over the ice, he immediately noticed that the Arados's chamber was open and empty. His gaze shifted to the chamber next to hers, and to his surprise (or maybe not), he spotted three dragons inside. Two of them he recognized—the gray dragon shielding something with her wings was the Arados's guide, and the purple dragon in front of her was the Arados herself. She really did escape.
   Thace's attention then turned to the unfamiliar dragon next to the Arados. The first thing he noticed was the dragon sobbing in front of the guide's wings. He was the one who screamed earlier. With his light blue scales, he had to be an ice dragon. That must be where all the ice came from. But why was he sobbing? And why did the other two dragons have sorrowful looks? Was there something hidden behind the guide's wings?
   "I'm so sorry, Ren," the guide whispered to the ice dragon.
   Thace's eyes widened as he witnessed the heartbreaking scene. The Arados's guide slowly removed her wings, revealing a motionless man lying in front of them. Ren, the ice dragon, leaned down and sobbed against the man, his grief palpable. Thace looked down at the lifeless figure on the floor, realizing that the man was dead.
   Feeling a surge of empathy, Thace wanted to help the dragons, regardless of whether the man was a dragon or a human. He knew this was his moment to make a difference, even if it came with consequences. With determination, he approached the chamber, knowing he had to earn the dragons' trust and do whatever it took to save their friend. Time was of the essence, and Thace couldn't afford to waste a single moment.
   "Hello?" he said softly.
   Thace's heart raced as all three dragons turned their attention to him. The Ara'dos reacted first, springing to her feet and roaring loudly as she backed up against her guide. She pulled Ren close, revealing their twin-like eyes. The Ara'dos's pupils contracted as she continued to scream at Thace, avoiding eye contact. Meanwhile, Ren looked at Thace with surprise, his curiosity evident. However, the guide shielded Ren's eyes, preventing any eye contact.
   Feeling a mix of fear and nervousness, Thace instinctively stepped back, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. He wasn't sure if it would help, considering his powers came from his hands. His throat felt dry as he swallowed nervously, unsure of how the dragons would react.
   "I'm not here to hurt you," he tried to plead.
   "Get away!" the Ara'dos screamed. "Get away, get away! Die! Die!"
   "Please don't scream," Thace said calmly. "I promise I'm not here to hurt you."
   "You're a monster!" The Ara'dos shouted. "Get back or I swear I'll blow your head off!"
   Thace frowned. He kept his hands up and he kept his feet in place. "I know what I did," he started. "I hurt you and I am regretful for it. I didn't have a choice but I promised myself I would come back to help you."
   "You're lying," the Ara'dos growled. "There's no way I would believe someone like you saying something like that."
   "I understand that," Thace said. "But I want to help you before it's my time to leave. I've done awful things in my life and I want to finish it by doing something good."
   The Ara'dos snarled and lowered her head. "What makes you think we will believe you? You're a monster!"
   Thace swallowed hard and glanced down at the man in between them. He slowly frowned and his eyes softened. "I can save your friend. I can bring him back to life."
   Ren shot his head out from the guide's wings. His eyes widened as he looked at Thace. "What? You can?"
   Thace nodded. "Yes, I can. I promise I know it will work."
   Ren quickly looked at his twin sister. He frowned nervously and nudged her. "Siveth, he can save Dachi! He can bring him back to life."
   The Ara'dos, being known as Siveth, as Thace just found out, growled at Ren. "No! He's going to take his soul next. I know it."
   Ren whined desperately and nudged Siveth again. "Please, Siveth! I don't care how selfish I'm being. I need Dachi back in my life!"
   Siveth frowned. "Ren, I—"
   "Give him a chance, Siveth," her guide interrupted. She looked down at Siveth, staring into her traumatized eyes. "I sense good in this boy."
   Siveth's wide eyes twitched. Her lips curled into a snarl, revealing her razor-sharp teeth.
   "Good? He almost killed me by manipulation! He tried to end the cycle!" Siveth hissed. She panted for a moment before she continued, "Sora, I—"
   Ren whimpered again, causing Siveth to trail off. She slowly frowned and looked back down at Dachi. She paused for a long moment and then she sighed.
   Ren gasped as he perked up. "Really?"
   "Yes," Siveth replied. "We will let this boy try to heal Dachi." Then, Siveth shot a quick glare at Thace. "You are surrounded by three loose dragons. The Ara'dos, her guide, and her twin brother. If you dare try anything. I will tear through your body, crush your puny heart and steal your soul myself."
   Thace blinked a few times, a bead of sweat dripping down his forhead. He swallowed and shakily nodded.
   "I understand," Thace said.
   "Oh, thank you, Siveth!" Ren hugged his twin tightly with his wings. "Thank you so much."
   "May I approach?" Thace asked. He didn't want to scare the dragons again. He took every precaution needed.
   "You may," Siveth said with hesitation.
   Thace cautiously approached the dragons, his every movement filled with apprehension. He was afraid that even the slightest twitch could startle them. He knew he had to seize this opportunity and not mess it up. It was his only chance.
   Taking careful steps, Thace neared Dachi until he was just a foot away. He paused, then slowly lowered himself to sit in front of Dachi's head. The weight of the dragons' gaze bore down on him, intensifying the already tense atmosphere.
   Thace's heart raced, but he took a deep breath, finding a sense of calm. With determination, he placed his hands firmly on Dachi's temples, closing his eyes as he focused. This was his moment to make a difference, even if it meant sacrificing himself.
   Thace let go of all his energy, guiding it from his heart through his palms. The energy flowed out, entering Dachi's head. Thace felt a slight twitch from Dachi, and he heard a gasp, likely from Ren.
   Suddenly, a glowing shadow appeared around Dachi's body, an unexpected sight. Thace focused intensely on transferring his energy to Dachi, but he started to feel the effects. His heartbeat slowed, and he grew weaker. His breathing became shaky, and his body relaxed more than it should have.
   "Oh, my gods," he heard Siveth whisper.
   Thace strained to hear their voices, but they sounded distant and muffled. He thought he caught a glimpse of Ren saying something, but he couldn't make out the words anymore.
   Suddenly, the dark aura surrounding Dachi transformed into a radiant white light, illuminating the entire room. The dragons squinted at the brightness but quickly adjusted. All three of them watched in awe as Dachi's body glowed brilliantly.
   At that moment, Dachi took a deep breath, his chest rising as he filled his lungs with air. Thace felt a sudden emptiness, as if the air had been sucked out of him. Breathing became a struggle, but Thace accepted this as the way he wanted to go. His heart slowed until it could no longer beat, and the air refused to enter his lungs. Thace's vision blurred once again, clouded by darkness. The sound of ringing filled his ears, but soon faded away.
   Finally, he found peace. Thace had achieved what he had wished for all those years. This was it. This was the end for him.
   Thace let out a groan and collapsed, hitting his head on the metal floor. The dragons gasped as they witnessed his sudden fall.
   But their attention quickly shifted back to Dachi. In a surprising turn of events, Dachi sat up and took a sharp gasp of air, his eyes snapping open. The glow surrounding his body concentrated in his eyes, once again illuminating his lightning-blue irises. Dachi panted heavily, his heart racing in his chest, pumping his blood.
   However, he soon groaned in dizziness. He reached for his head, but Ren swiftly moved in and caught Dachi with his massive head.
   "Dachi!" Ren cried out happily as he nuzzled him. "Dachi, you're okay!"
   Dachi blinked tiredly as he glanced at Ren. "Huh?" He sighed softly and gently pet Ren's face. "What happened?"
   Ren whimpered softly as he closed his eyes, letting the tears of relief and happiness fall down his cheeks. "I thought I lost you."
   Sora crawled over to Thace and leaned her head down to him, sniffing him. She frowned and then gently tucked her wing under Thace's head, lifting it. In the process, Thace slowly turned his head and looked at Sora with dull eyes.
   "Light cannot exist without darkness," Sora whispered.
   Sora softly closed Thace's eyes, letting him rest peacefully. His body relaxed, his head gently touching the ground.
   He did it. This was his destiny.

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