Chapter 7 - Echoing Consequences

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   Dachi stumbled and swayed with each step, feeling the water slosh against his new boots, further saturating them. The thunderous roar of the lightning sent shivers down his spine, nearly scaring him out of his wits. Every crackle and flash made him flinch, as if the lightning itself was screaming in the clouds. Dachi had never been one to be paranoid, but in that moment, he was as jumpy as a fire dragon.
   It was astonishing that the city hadn't been struck by lightning recently. There were times when lightning would suddenly strike, wreaking havoc and nearly destroying houses. Dachi worried that now that he was away from home, the lightning would strike his house and obliterate it, along with the dragon.
   Speaking of which, what if the lightning woke the dragon up? The dragons controlled the lightning storms, after all. The dragon would be startled by the sudden bursts of lightning and would surely try to escape. Dachi didn't fully understand how it all worked. He had read somewhere about dragons manipulating the weather and how it attracted other dragons. It was a peculiar phenomenon indeed.
   "Could we hurry up?" Dachi asked as he clenched himself tightly. "It's cold, and wet."
   He wasn't bothered by the cold because of the Glacial Range. Being freezing in the snow biome made him realize that he shouldn't complain over some rain and wind here too much. At this moment, he wanted to hurry because he wanted to be back with the dragon and prepare for the next worse thing.
   "We are almost there, Dachi," Mateo responded. "Trust me, I am just as cold as you are."
   Dachi scowled silently. Then walk faster. It was like Mateo was taking his sweet time walking up the stairs to the temple. The temple had an unnecessary amount of stairs. Whoever built this temple for the High King was dramatic.
   Finally, they made it up the stairs. They walked up to the giant wooden doors of the temple. Mateo stepped in front of Dachi. He approached the doors and pushed them open.
   Dachi couldn't handle the temple's warmth, but after enduring the freezing Glacial Range, he didn't complain. Complaining was the last thing on his mind anyway. This whole situation was just ridiculous! His father had summoned him all the way to the temple just to scold him for protecting soldiers that Takashi had sent to their demise. He was in deep trouble, and for what? For standing up for humans?
   So stupid. So paranoid. Dachi clenched his fists as he walked along the red carpet, traced with ashes from the fireplaces along the walls. The red carpet led to a silver throne where a glaring High King sat tall, impatiently waiting for Dachi to walk up the steps to his throne.
   Dachi kept his head lowered as he walked up the five steps. He stopped at the top edge of them, just standing six feet away from his father. Dachi refused to look at him. It was already like he knew what his father was about to say. Besides, shouldn't Takashi be in bed right now? Maybe four hours ago.
   "Dachi," Takashi spoke. Dachi immediately flinched. "I see your finally home."
   Obviously. Otherwise, I wouldn't be standing in front of you. That's what Dachi wanted to say, but he would be banished from that much sass.
   "Yes. I have returned, father," Dachi merely replied. He made sure to keep his tone neutral. He couldn't risk raising his voice again like last time.
   Takashi glared sharply at him once again. "Dachi, do you understand that it is past midnight?" Dachi opened his mouth to reply, but Takashi continued, "you had just gotten home and you tried to slip away from my grasp. You didn't think I would notice?"
   "I was already expecting this," Dachi mumbled, keeping his head lowered.
   Takashi scowled. "Look at me when you are talking to me, young man."
   Dachi sighed and lifted his head, making harsh eye contact with his father. Dachi was right about how Takashi should be in bed four hours ago. Takashi looked exhausted. He must've been staying up for Dachi to come back home. But why did that matter?
   "Why would you go out with the soldiers to fight a dragon when you already know what I'm going to say about the situation?" Takashi questioned Dachi's intentions. "What exactly were you trying to accomplish?"
   "Those soldiers were going to be killed," Dachi immediately responded "You sent soldiers out to find the mighty Ara'dos, who is the leader of all dragons because you didn't believe me!" Dachi furrowed his eyebrows.
   Takashi scowled. "Why would I believe a child who says the Ara'dos suddenly vanished out of thin air?"
   "The Ara'dos didn't just vanish!" Dachi gritted his teeth for a moment and then spoke, "the lightning storms indicate that something happened to the Ara'dos."
   "Just because you have your mother's powers, doesn't mean you have dragon senses," Takashi growled. "Yours and your mother's powers are weak and they do nothing to help humanity." Takashi winced as he had said that out loud, but Dachi didn't take notice.
   Instead, Dachi's eyes widened. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his palms. They nearly drew blood. Sudden anger grew inside Dachi. It's like his blood was boiling. He was tired of this. He was tired of letting his father talk back to him. He was tired of Takashi including Dachi's mother to win arguments.
   "Do not speak of my mother!" Dachi shouted as he pointed at Takashi with his index finger. He instantly took back his finger and tucked his hand behind himself. "You may be the High King, but you can't dare to speak of her."
   Takashi's eyes widened. He was struck with utter shock like he had been struck with lightning. He furrowed his eyebrows. He rose from his throne. Dachi instantly shrunk down with regret.
   "You dare speak to your father that way?!" Takashi shouted. Dachi flinched hard and quickly put his sweaty hands behind his back. He held them together tightly like he was about to fall off a cliff. "How dare you, child?" Takashi clenched his fists. His hands shook with rage like the storms outside. "You do not bring attitude to me, boy. You're just a child!" He squinted his eyes, returning to his glare. "You are a fraud."
   Dachi flinched. His heart jumped like he witnessed a lightning strike directly in front of him. He swallowed hard. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut? Well, it was simple. Takashi couldn't keep his mouth shut either. Dachi was tired of letting his father toss him around like this. How dare he speak of his mother and then call him a fraud?
   As much as it hurt him, and as much as he wanted to fight back, Dachi knew he had already gone too far. Another word and he would be banished. Or worse. He didn't say anything else. Besides, he didn't want to waste his energy. He couldn't argue anymore. He needed to get back home as soon as possible. Though, he knew there would be consequences for his actions. For once, he was impatiently waiting for them.
   "Do you understand me?" questioned Takashi. "Do you understand that you have no place to speak to me the way I speak to you?"
   No. "Yes," replied Dachi. "Yes, sir."
   "Although you're pretending to understand, you will be punished." Takashi continued to glare at Dachi. "This time, you're lucky."
   Just get on with it. Even though he was impatient, Dachi was still nervous. He feared this punishment more than the others and he haven't even heard it yet. He feared he would have to leave the dragon again.
   Dachi's eyes widened. He tensed as he clenched his fists tightly behind his back. He could feel himself squeezing the nervous sweat out of them. Now he was coming up with the consequences in his head. It was driving him insane.
   What if his father wanted to come inside and inspect his house? What if his father were to send Dachi out to fight a dragon and bring back its head? What if Dachi had to spend his time down in the basement? What if—?
   "You are forbidden to leave your house," Takashi told him. "All you have been doing is messing up the hunting of dragons."
   That's not so bad. Dachi thought to himself, slightly relieved.
   "While I go up into the mountains myself and kill every dragon I come across until I find the Ara'dos," Takashi added.
   Dachi froze up as he did in the Glacial Range. His father was more insane than he thought. "What?" Dachi gasped, bringing his gaze to his father. "You can't do that!"
   Takashi growled. Almost more terrifying than a dragon's growl. "And why is that?" he questioned. "What makes you think I can't kill dragons?"
   Dachi furrowed his eyebrows. He was more worried about the dragons' lives more than his own father's. Takashi knew how to kill dragons. Even only after a few short years, Takashi's bedroom walls were made out of dragon scales. Well, that's what Takashi said. No one has ever seen it themselves. Not even Dachi. Or Mateo.
   Why was it necessary for Takashi to kill so many dragons? Even as a human, it hurt Dachi. Just a few years ago everything was peaceful. His father used to love dragons. Now his floors were supposedly painted with their blood.
   Dachi cleared his throat. He quickly collected his thoughts. He couldn't keep this up with his father. "Because you'll get killed," Dachi hesitantly said. "Those lightning dragons are some of the most powerful dragons in the world and you'll lose your life!"
   Suddenly, Takashi bursted into laughter. Not humorous, or genuine, but a sinister, wicked laughter.
   "Oh, you are just so bold!" his voice echoed through the hold. "This is none of your business, boy. How about a little faith in your father?"
   Before Dachi could respond, Takashi immediately followed with a scoff, "only kidding. I don't need it." Takashi cleared his throat and then returned to his spine-chilling glare. "Run along now, boy," he grumbled as he waved his hand. "I have things to do that have none of your concern."
   Dachi looked down at his wet shoes. He was definitely concerned. He was more concerned than he had ever been. His father didn't have powers like Dachi did, but his father was as blood-thirsty as a dragon. He needed to do something about this.
   "Yes, sir," Dachi mumbled. He cringed. "Goodnight." He turned away and started to walk off.
   Though, he was immediately stopped when Takashi spoke once again, "Mateo will escort you on your way out."
   Dachi rolled his eyes. Great. He immediately heard the sound of the courtier's boots tapping the floor. Mateo stood by Dachi's side, hands behind his back. He waited for Dachi to start walking. Dachi side-eyed Mateo. This was pathetic and embarrassing. He didn't need a courtier taking him home at midnight. It's not like Dachi would run off again.
   Well, he would, but not right now. He needed to go back home. He couldn't waste any more time. He started to walk to the doors. The guards standing on both sides of the double doors quickly opened them up for Dachi. Dachi internally thanked them for opening them so fast. They were heavy doors and it was a pain to force them open. Dachi stepped out and walked down the stone stairs. Despite Dachi walking unreasonably fast to Mateo, Mateo was still able to keep up.
   Not a word to each other and Mateo led Dachi back to his house. Before Mateo could wish him goodnight after stopping at the stairs to the porch, Dachi hopped up the stairs and flew his door open after jabbing his key in the keyhole and unlocking it. He quickly scattered inside and threw the door shut behind him, taking his key with him.
   Dachi and Mateo stayed silent as they made their way back to Dachi's house. When they reached the porch, Dachi hurriedly unlocked the door and darted inside, making sure to lock it behind him. He leaned against the door, waiting for a few tense seconds. Mateo should be far enough away now. Just to be safe, Dachi peeked through the window, watching Mateo walk away until he disappeared from sight.
   Finally, Dachi let out a dramatic sigh, feeling the tension leave his body. He regained his balance and stood up straight, listening intently. The distant rumble of thunder filled his ears. The lightning storm was going to continue for a while.    As he listened, Dachi noticed the lightning striking closer than before. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand... He could almost feel the electricity coursing through his veins. The storm wasn't as fierce as earlier, but it was definitely getting closer.
   After listening for the lightning, Dachi focused his ears on inside noises. Nothing. His house was completely silent. Even though there was no sounds of panicked pattering and anxious roaring, Dachi could still feel his stomach drop. What if the dragon already escaped? But how? Maybe through the window. The back door possibly.
   Dachi flinched at that thought. He threw his jacket and kicked off his boots. He picked his feet up and rushed to his bedroom as fast as the wind blowing outside. He scattered into his room after he carefully opened the door. He stopped in his tracks right in front of the doorway. Dachi noticed the dragon still lying in bed under the blankets. The dragon hadn't moved. Dachi stood completely still and held his own breath. He stared at the dragon until he saw the blankets rise. Dachi sighed. He was surprised the dragon hadn't woken up.
   Is he hibernating or something? Dachi frowned as he watched the dragon for a couple more seconds. Then, he walked away and closed the door again.
   Dachi walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Now he was hoping for the dragon to wake up. Dachi didn't have a lot of time before another conflict would come up. His father was going out to go fight dragons. Dachi couldn't believe it! He had to stop this madness. He wouldn't let a dragon get hurt, considering the dragon sleeping in his bed.
   Dachi looked down at the floor, scanning the pattern of the carpet. He couldn't sleep now. He would wait for the dragon to wake up so he could immediately explain and calm the dragon.
   Hopefully, the dragon could help Dachi.

The Legend of The Ara'dos - BOOK 1: Human's Draconic AscensionWhere stories live. Discover now