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Regulus POV:

We stood in that quiet corridor, the echoes of the chaos in the Slytherin common room slowly fading away. Y/n's presence was a calming force, reminding me of how much had changed between us. We used to be enemies, caught in the web of our respective loyalties, but now, our connection ran deeper than any House rivalry.

As I gazed at her, her concern and kindness evident in her eyes, I felt a swell of gratitude. Y/n had seen past the facade I had put up for years, the walls I had built to protect myself. She had seen the real me, broken and scarred, yet she still stood by my side.

"You know," she began softly, breaking the silence, "it's strange how things have changed. We used to be on opposite sides, and now, we're here, supporting each other."

I nodded, a hint of sadness in my eyes. "It's a testament to the absurdity of the beliefs we were raised with. Sometimes, we must unlearn the prejudices taught to us."

Y/n placed a gentle hand on my arm, offering comfort. "Regulus, you're stronger than you think. You've broken free from those toxic beliefs. You're your own person now."

Her words touched me deeply, and for a moment, I allowed myself to believe in the possibility of change and redemption.

"But," I hesitated, my fear surfacing, "I'm scared to tell anyone else about this change. Especially my parents. They've always been so entrenched in their beliefs, and admitting that I've changed could have severe consequences."

Y/n squeezed my arm reassuringly. "It's okay to be scared, Regulus. Change takes time, and sometimes, it's a journey we have to take at our own pace. You're brave for even acknowledging this change within yourself."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Y/n. Your support means everything to me."

Y/n's POV:

I could see the struggle in Regulus, the weight of his family's expectations pressing down on him. It was a burden he carried, a constant battle between the person he used to be and the person he was becoming. I knew he needed someone to confide in, someone he could trust.

"Regulus," I said gently, "you have Severus. He understands you, your struggles, perhaps more than anyone else."

He nodded, a flicker of relief in his eyes. "Yes, Severus has been there for me, supporting me through this journey. Without him, I don't know where I'd be."

"We all need someone," I responded, offering a small smile. "And remember, you're not defined by your past. You have the power to shape your future."

Regulus took a deep breath, his resolve strengthening. "You're right. I won't let fear hold me back."

We stood there, in the quiet corridor, facing an uncertain future. But with newfound determination and the unwavering support of each other, we knew we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Regulus POV:

As we stood together, the weight of my fears and past slowly lifted. Y/n's unwavering support gave me the courage to face the uncertainty that loomed ahead. She was my anchor, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"I'll face my fears," I declared, determination in my voice. "I'll stand up for what I believe in, even if it means defying my family's expectations."

Y/n smiled, a proud glint in her eyes. "I know you can do it, Regulus. You've already come so far."

With her by my side, I felt a renewed sense of purpose, a fire burning within me. I knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was ready to face it head-on. And as we walked away from that quiet corridor, hand in hand, I knew I had found a true ally, a friend who believed in me, and together, we would navigate the complexities of our world and strive for a better future.
662 Words

When Stars Align {Regulus x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now