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Regulus POV:

Weeks passed since Y/n and I had that heart-to-heart conversation in the quiet corridor. The support she offered and the determination I had found within me gave me the strength to begin my journey toward change. I started to distance myself from the Death Eaters, subtly questioning their actions, and planting seeds of doubt in their minds. However, the path to redemption was far from easy, and the drama was just beginning.

One evening, I received an owl from my parents, Kreacher bringing it to me with a sense of apprehension. Their message was stern and unforgiving, urging me to reaffirm my loyalty to the Dark Lord and to prove my commitment to their cause. The threat of consequences loomed ominously in their words, and it became clear that they were growing suspicious of my wavering allegiance.

The pressure intensified when I was summoned to a secret meeting with the Death Eaters, my heart pounding with anxiety as I entered the dimly lit room. Amongst them was Bellatrix, my cousin, who had always been ruthless in her devotion to the Dark Lord. She eyed me with suspicion, and it was clear she had her doubts.

The meeting was tense, filled with discussions of their dark plans and strategies, and I felt like a traitor in their midst. I had to play a dangerous double game, showing loyalty while secretly working against their cause. The drama was reaching its peak as I struggled to maintain this precarious balance.

Y/n's POV:

I had noticed the growing tension in Regulus, the weight of his double life becoming more pronounced with each passing day. Our secret meetings in the quiet corridor were now a source of solace for both of us, a brief escape from the chaos that had engulfed our lives. But it was clear that Regulus was running out of time.

One evening, he returned from a Death Eater meeting visibly shaken, his usually steely demeanor shattered. He confided in me about the increasing suspicion from his family and fellow Death Eaters, and the threat of exposure was looming larger than ever.

"Y/n," he whispered urgently, "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. They're getting closer to discovering my true intentions, and I fear for our safety."

I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to hide my own fear. "Regulus, we'll find a way. We'll figure this out together."

Regulus looked at me with desperation in his eyes. "I can't do this alone, Y/n. I need your help."

The drama was escalating, and the stakes were higher than ever. We were now faced with the daunting task of not only protecting our newfound friendship but also Regulus's life, as the darkness of his past threatened to engulf him once more.
474 Words

When Stars Align {Regulus x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now