*Sim racing- Alex Albon

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It's still lock down, and lately he's been busy playing his sim or games with the others all day long and they all started to stream on twitch. Today he's playing with the Leclerc brothers, George, lando and latifi. I was sitting in the corner of the room on my phone watching Charles stream with my own headphones so I wont be bothering Alex, but I watched charle's stream because if I do watch any of the others stream I can't tell if it's Arthur's or Charles's speaking because their voice is identical, so watching charles's stream really helps. For a while I was starting to get really thirsty and walked out for a while for water and just stretched out my legs because I have been sitting all day.

The moment I walked in they were about to finish, I watched as they round the last few laps. I wait for them to finish patiently as I walked up to him removing his headset placing it on the table to keep his focus to me "are you done yet?" I whisper "not yet" he pulled me down on top of him, I kissed right under his jaw making him whimper "come on baby we are still live on twitch and thousands of people are watching" I pulled away for a moment "well then... Be quiet for me yeah? " I whispered before I started grinding my hips on to his. He started to groan, I didn't think anyone noticed as I heard them talk loudly about something. "Go tell them you're done playing for the day?" I licked his neck, he did tell the others that he's done for the day calling it a night, said goodbye and then left shutting the computer down.

He picked me up brought us into the room, "what is it? Why are you so needy sweetheart? Jelous of my sim?" He wisper as he lay me down. "You've been playing the sim for hours" I pulled him down "do you need my attention?" He kisses my neck as he undress me slowly "I really need you" I whine, hooking my arms around his neck as he goes tossed my pants and underwear somewhere in the room. "God I you're so needy" he growled pulling on his own pants, I moved my hands down grabbing his cock in my hand stroking him. He lead down connecting our lips together, he slowly moved my hands away as he lined himself up with me "god so tight" he hissed slowly pushing himself in me "good girl, taking me so well" he wisper.

He slowly picked up his pace as he kept wispering praises in my ear "what a good girl" he kisses my cheek "do you need to cum, beutiful?" I nodded as I held onto him "use your words, princess" he growls "please let me cum?" I stutter, he smirked "go ahead cum like a good girl" I did letting out a breathy and long moan, he continues to thrust in me even though I am extremely sensitive. "Alex Alex Alex" I repeat "what is it? Are you sensitive?" I kissed my cheeks "you can do this" he looks at me lovingly as he slowes down. I tried to push him away but I was way too weak to do anything, He smiled slowly pulling out making me whine and whimper at the feeling of being empty again.

He picked mu up and help clean me up in the bathroom and dresses me up in his shirt and using his boxers as pants. He then carried me back to bed and cuddled me "I love you sweetheart" he kissed my face "you did such a good job, baby" he continues to praise and kissed all over my face. I smile tired and worn and slowly drifts off to sleep in the warmth of the bed and his arms.

Few days later

It's been a few days later, I was sitting on the couch my head on Alex's lap as he watched TV while I scroll through tiktok when a clip from carles's steream popped up of that day "oh yeah and after that were going in Euro track simulator!" Charles exclaimed "I need to download it" Arthur's voice came in, and poor confused George said "what do you mean you have to get it downloaded? It's all sorted, right?" he said extremely confused "Charles, you already have it downloaded what are you talking about?" Latifi chimed in. I couldn't help but laugh at this clip "no no, that was Arthur mate" Charles tried to clear things up everyone started laughing "Everytime you speak just say your name before" lando joked. I laughed but then got confused "when did this happen?" I looked up at Alex "isn't this the stream a few days ago look at charle's outfit" he pinter out.

I scroll through the comments and conformed it was from a few days ago and noticed that a lot of people mentioning that they hear moaning in background and most of them are saying it's Alex moaning wich I missed, I played it again louder this time and I could hear Alex in the background moaning  and groaning clearly "Alex listen closely" I played the video again and his eyes widen in shock. "That's me?" He asked "yeah it's you" I roll my eyes "they caught us" I laughed "caught you to be exact" I tease as he laughed along "well it's on the internet forever now" I laughed lightly.

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