Sick - Oliver Berman

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A/n: this is a little request from  burnt_ch33se_pizza enjoyyy

I shiver under the covers as my body aches, I feel so hot yet my body is shivering. I heard a groaning form behind me "oh love, you're boiling hot" ollie groans as I turned towards him he placed the back of his hand to my forehead "you have a fever" he grumbled still tired as I snuggled up to him. "Everything hurts" I whine "I know, it must suck." He rubbed his eyes as he got out of bed "stay here yeah?" I nodded as he left me alone in the room I practically hid under the covers as my body aches and I felt so weak "love" he entered the room after a good hour with a soft knock "yeah" I peek my head from under the covers "sorry I had to order you soup... I mean I don't know how to cook" he comes in with a tray with a bowl of soup a glass of water meds and a pleasant plate of fruits "it's okay" I smile weakly as he placed the tray on the bed and he sat down in front of me and fed me till I finished my bowl, he didn't let me not finish the food "good job" he smiles as I took the last spoon "now let's get your meds in, sleep and hopefully feel better" I happily took the meds and I lay back down I feel slightly better with a full stomach. Without any notice I fell asleep.


Olie's POV

I smiled when I got back into the room and saw her asleep, I left the apartment and drove to the grocery store, grabbing a few things that might help her like those fever patches that cool gel that could cool her down. I took some time to see what fruits would help, I also happily went and grab some meds I hate it when she's sick. I got her some take away porridge, I got home to a quite and very messy I really need to clean up. So I did and got to cleaning as best as I could that's when I heard the door open and there she shook weakly "oliee" she rubbed her tired eyes as she walked over to me "oh, how are you feeling?" I smile kissing her forehead "better" she hugged me burrying her face into my chest. I run my hand through her messy hair "well I got you some food and those fever patches you always give to me when I'm sick" I smile as she looks up at me "Mmm you're the best" she smiles that made my heart melt "well go sit down I'll warm the porridge up  she nodded and walked over to the table sitting there all tired, I heated up the porridge and placed it in a bowl giving it to her "it's hot, be careful" I smiled as her eyes lit up at the porridge. She ate the porridge without any hesitation and in no time it's all gone "was it good? Love?" She nodded happily "sooo good" I laughed at her cute face, "well let's clean up you take a shower and take your afternoon meds so you can come watch my race this weekend" I patted her head as she smiled contently.

As she went and shower I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes. I know i may not be the best at doing these stuff but I'm trying my best so she could rest and not worry about these stuff while she's sick and all, I'm trying my best this is so small compared to what she does for me everyday and what she does for me when I'm sick knowing damn well she goes out of the way just to take care of me. If only i could help her more, but there's still so much i have to learn about. I don't actually know what to do when she's sick 

your POV:

i yawned and walked out of the bathroom feeling much much much better then before. i love the feeling after a nice warm shower, i walked into the Livingroom and saw ollie on his phone and had blankets set up on the couch the TV all ready set up the lights are dimmed "what's this all about ollie?" he smiled  "i don't know what will help you feel better so i thought having a nice cuddle while watching TV works?" i smile and walked towards him "you are too sweet" sitting down and getting under the covers "i know i am" he smiles as i lay my head on his chest. we watched different movies just binged any movie we saw and it was all well and i fallen asleep at one point. best sick day ever.

A/N: I'm so so sorry for being inactive, I've got a few stories written but unfinished in my drafts and I'm juggling  between this one-shot and 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙚𝙙║𝘓.𝘕 4 (self promotion 🤗)

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