Chp 17- 💁🏻‍♀️That's not important right now.🙅🏻‍♀️

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•*Andrew Biersack•*

"Give it to me now!". Kat ordered, her hot breath fanned my neck.

I couldn't help but to chuckle and let my dirty mind wander for a bit.

A goofy smile appeared on my face.

Kat growled and hit my chest.
"Wipe that smirk off your face Andrew! You're lucky I'm not tall enough to reach for it".

I didn't reply and went on my tip toes.

"Jerk!". Kat jumped trying to reach her phone on my out stretched hand.

The reason why I have it is because it interrupted our beauty sleep.

Last night Kat and I were extremely tired to even walk to our proper rooms.

So I slept in Kat's huge comfy bed.

Since this mansion is huge.
Our bands are living here for a bit.

She didn't even realize that I slept in her bed until her phone went crazy with notifications, texts and calls from who knows who at 6 A.M waking both of us up.

It was funny how she reacted though we were cuddled up together but somehow she ended up sleeping on top of me, when waking up she thought she was floating til she saw me and fell off the bed-

I felt something soft on my neck causing me to squirm a bit.

What the-
My body heat rose a bit when feeling Kat's mouth on my neck.

Wrapping my arms around her she quickly snatched her phone and ran.

I fell for it.

"Hey Biersack how's it-whoah". Hayley stopped midway staring at me with a shocked face.

I scrunched my face in confusion.

"You got a uh...". She was starting to say but was cut off by Oliver whom walked in wrapping his arms around her waist.

Oliver and I stared at each other in surprise.

"What the-". Both Oliver and I said at the same time.

"What?". We both continued saying.

"You guys are dating?!". I asked right when Oliver said..

"Did you have you know what with my sis?!".

I chuckled shaking my head.
"No why would you-".

Hayley flashed me a mirror.
I had a love bite on my neck it was the form of Kat's lip.

Now that's sexy. It also gave me an idea. I'll make sure to remember it later.

"No we didn't, She just did that to get her phone back from me". I said with a very serious face.

"Good. Because I haven't given you The TALK yet". Oliver grinned evily.

I looked around innocently.

"Breakfast is served!". I heard Kat's angelic voice call out.

"Hey! you haven't answered my question ye-". I was cut off by the loud thumps coming from the stairs.

"Stampede Alert!". Hayley shouts running towards the dining room.

"I call dibs on the king chair!". Oliver yells running behind her.

"Hell no! It's my turn". I heard The twins Damon & Drew scream along with the others.

I laughed walking out from the living room towards the big dining room.

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