Chapter 14: 👏🏻Congrats your whipped😍

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•*Katherine Leon•*

Was I dreaming about telling the Black Veil Brides about my past. No.

All fresh and cleaned up, I head downstairs to make us breakfast.

I checked the time.
5:40 a.m

World record for me I've never woke up that early.

I wonder if Hayley really did stay the night. I'll just make breakfast fit for a king then, let's just say we like to eat well.

In 40 minutes I had breakfast ready, I turned to walk out the kitchen when I bumped into a dark shadow.

Holy fuck! a zombie! I grabbed the shadow by it's hand ready to knock it out.

"Whoah, it's me calm down". My eyes adjusted to the figure.

Stupid me why would I think that a zombie will be in my house! I need to stop playing Resident Evil for a while.

"I thought you were a zombie". I chuckled releasing Andrew from my grip, he was about to fall but I grabbed him.

"Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? The guy usually saves the hot babe from falling and hurting themselves". I winked at him seeing that his cheeks were a light crimson red.

"Not today". He breathed out, we were very close to each other, his metallic blue eyes mesmerized me that I didn't notice him leaning in.

Uh-oh. My body froze, damn those attractive lips.

It must be the lip piercing...yeah that must be it. I wonder how those lips taste like.

I found myself leaning in too, our foreheads touched. Almost there.

"Morning Kat". A familiar female voice boomed through the kitchen causing me to jump back, slipping on the tile floor.

Note to self: Never wear socks to sleep.. ever!

I waited for my body to land on the cold floor, that way I'll have an excuse that I was just hugging the floor.

Okay what the fuck? I think I still need sleep. This is why I don't wake up early, I don't have all my senses together.

"Awe! Andrine is so perfect together". Hayley cooed mostly talking to herself.

I wanted to facepalm myself but Andrew's strong arms were holding my hands avoiding my fall.

I composed myself clearing my throat.
"Thanks Andrew, breakfast is ready Hayley go wake up the others".

Hayley jumped with joy before leaving she began mumbling something about Andrew and I finally together.

Oh rock's hard avoiding these guys..especially Andrew at this point.

Oh well, What's done is done, I don't regret meeting them, I don't run away from my problems, well not anymore.

"Are you alright Kat? you're spacing out on me". Andrew chuckled waving a piece of eaten bacon in my face.

Yummy bacon! Wait.
That's mine!

"My bacon!". I gasped nearly tackling Andrew for it.

"No, I bit it see, now it's mine". He retorted raising it high above his head.

"I made it with my own hands so it's mine". I jumped, being short sucks!

He shrugged finishing the bacon.
"It WAS yours, never forget lil Kat sharing is caring".

"My ass". I mumbled smirking that I remembered I made a whole pile of bacon.

"Why are you smirking like that". Andrew stared at me following my every move.

Andrew Biersack? Who?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum