Chp 25- Fvck It Up!🔥

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Stepping into the place my eyes instantly saw Kat in front of that scum.

"I got front row seats, let's go". Oliver chirped literally almost skipping to the seats.

"We got the bodybags and the candy ready". The twins grinned racing to the seats.

Sometimes they scare me.
"All these celebrities, Look it's Selena Gomez!". Trevor was drooling already.

Chuckling we sat and I realized who we sat next to. I expected my heart to sting a little at least but it didn't. Looks like I'm finally over it.

"Andy". She said shocked to see me.
Ignoring her I continued to watch my baby, her muscles flexed on her well toned body.

"So that's your ex? at least you definitely upgraded". Hayley giggled loudly for her to hear before cuddling up against Oliver.

"Andy, We need to talk". She started to say but Jinxx who unfortunately sat next to her shushed her.

"Ma'am it's starting and I can't hear with you yapping in my ear". He spoke clearly mad at her for ditching us.

Everyone used to get along well with her before we called-

"One hit!". The host announced breaking my thoughts.

Christian was down holding his head, groaning in pain.

That's my girl.


"I did love you". I whispered to him before throwing the first hit. He kept on defending but I knew my words will get to him.

"Get up and answer me this; what went through your mind when you abused me". I spat.

Groaning in pain he got up putting his hands up in fists. He keeps being on defense.
"I..I kept thinking you would leave me and I was mad at myself for not being trustworthy".

Ugh I really want a good fight here. Looks like I need to push buttons.

"I fucked Larry in your car once it was the best I had ever-". He cut me off by punching my gut.

I grabbed onto him throwing him over me. Good.

"Don't lie". He mumbled getting up again.

Cracking my neck I felt my blood boil more.
"I also was the one who robbed your sister".

His eyes gleamed a bit before charging at me, kicking my hand I dropped to the floor to punch him in the stomach.

"Lies it was Micheal and I took care of him but since you want to remember the past, I maybe did touch your sister in a way she loved".

He tried pinning me to the ground but I pushed up with force to get out of his strong grip. Clenching my teeth I couldn't ignore what he said about my sister.

Our fists collided each other trying to reach our face. He slapped my fist away hitting my sides, He fucking keeps blocking my hits. No way in hell he touched her. She would've told me. I hissed in pain as he managed to hit my jaw. Fuck I felt my body fall to the ground. Shit! I need to concentrate.

Stop thinking too much Kat! I instantly got up ignoring the pain crying out to me. I'll use this pain to charge my fuel.

I feint an uppercut and spun around to give him a good kick in the neck he landed on the floor as I held my foot in the air.

Fucking prick.

"Knock out!". I heard for the first time, the crowd began hollering. I was too busy trying to kill Christian to even remember we had the public's attention.

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