Chp 24- 🤭She Is So Mad!😮

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*~Andrew Biersack~

"Guess who fucking shows up at our door!". I grumbled clearly annoyed leaving him to think.

"Uh.. I don't know- Slipknot?". Jinxx joked around.

"God I wish it was but no- Christian fucking Simms is here". I groaned out.

"Uh you do realize he had nothing to do with Rose-".

"I'm just mad that I have to be seeing him around, Kat made it clear to make shit right with him". I said cutting him off. He stayed quiet knowing that I needed to vent.

"I mean he was a shitty boyfriend to Kat after he did drugs; we shouldn't forgive that idiot completely....I hate the fact that he just strolled in with gifts as an apology, oh by the way he got The twins that Guitar pick collection you used to gush about back then". I  stopped waiting for his reaction.

"So buying their forgiveness? I mean they're mature enough to forgive but not forget; this doesn't explain why you're angered about it, is it because you think he's going to try to take Kat away? or that he took Juliet away from you?".

"Ha! You wish; no it's more because he just took Kat out on a freaking red lambo and Oliver is just calmed about it, heck everyone's calm unlike me". I huffed out feeling much better. The fact that she's even giving him her precious time irritates my soul.

"I'm on my way then; but Kat knows what she's doing we just have to respect that ok". He tells me softly not wanting to add more fuel to my anger.

"Yeah I understand".

"Now go eavesdrop dummy, I'll catch you there in a few". With that said I hanged up.

Hurrying inside I tried to find Oliver and the guys. I saw them all waiting in the theater room I was about to go in but heard my name.

"Andrew's not taking it well; I may not know what Kat's been through with him but if it was a misunderstanding I guess making amends is a start, then again I did hear what he had done to her..the drug abuse". Ashley spoke.

"He was such a horrible person, the shit he used to put Kat through just horrifies me; one time he used to put out his cigars on her god damned skin as punishment". Trevor added with such anger.

"If I were Kat I would humiliate that bastard to death". Jake grumbled.

"Wait why wasn't he in jail before?".

"They didn't have enough evidence on him before so he only did time for the drugs".

"Oh because he wasn't actually the one who killed and raped her".

"You don't think he'll try to take Kat away?". Someone finally fucking asks what I've been worrying about. Thank you C.C.

"Hell no, over our dead bodies". They said altogether making me feel relieved. Satan knows what I would've done if he did try.

Sighing I saw Oliver smirk at him.
"I know my sister wouldn't forgive easily there's probably something up her sleeve, besides who said anything about forgiving him; Kat just asked us to hold off the body bags for a minute but nothing about forgiving".

She would probably make Christian suffer a bit more before even shaking his hand. Deciding to make my presence known I walked in.

"Sup guys". I plopped down next to C.C.

They all got quiet looking away probably asking themselves if I heard them talk.

"Here's the goodies!". Jinxx dashed in right on time throwing us bags of candy.

"So good!". Ashley blurted out stuffing candy in his mouth along with the others. Way to make it obvious Ash.

"Is Kat back yet?". Hayley plops down next to Oliver as he changed channels on the t.v.

"-Has been seen with Katherine Leon at Roman's Academy-Where they'll be raising money towards a foundation of the winner's choice stay tuned for the fight".
We all looked at each other before rapidly running to our rides.

I better not see a single scratch on my baby.

"Everyone who is everyone is attending just to see Kat fight that idiot, who ever gets knocked out or surrenders first loses- looks like Kat made a to the death battle". Hayley read out loud from her phone.

"She is so mad!".

"He is so dead!". They all hollered talking about Kat's idea.

Just the thought of that scum laying a finger on her irritates my soul. As if he could feel my anger Oliver pats my back.

"Don't stress you know she'll cause a number on him".

Nodding we drove off to see her.

~•Katherine Leon•~

Wrapping up my knuckles I felt my veins pulse throughout my body. Biting my lip I contained the smirk trying to escape.

Prepare to feel my pain Christian.
He fell right into my trap, He came bearing with apology gifts hoping I'll forgive his 5 years of torture. Hell no.

This I couldn't forget nor will I forgive that easily. It was my life that he fucked with and I won't let anyone else try to control it.

After he took me out he gave me a lambo and other luxury gifts I took him here and gave my proposition. If he wins I'll forgive him If he loses he has to publicly announce what he did to my band and I. It's the least he could do for closure, for all those years of humiliation.

Clenching my jaws I breathed in heavily. Gathering all my fucking rage I felt my body heating up so fast lava girl would be jealous.

"Kat". His voice just irks my souls, turning around to see him his eyes pleaded but his mind wants control.

"If this will make you feel less hatred I'll do it, I could just announce what I did to you to the world right now just for you but I must feel what you felt all those years". His sugar coated words spew out trying to reach me.

I stayed quiet for bit trying to keep my cool, I opened my mouth to reply back when someone almost crashed into me if I hadn't moved a bit.

"Christian! Is she putting you up to this?! That crazy bitch is trying to end you can't you see?!". I tuned her out and stared deep into Christian's dull eyes.

This has nothing to do with her. Can't she just mind her own business. Watching him I could tell he still feels a pull towards me. His glossy eyes tried to talk to me but it didn't reach me like it used to do.

"Calm down Juliet! I love you but I can't listen to you right now". His words were like knives stabbing her heart, Juliet wiped her tears off as new ones replaced them. He actually loves?! Ha.

"Why?! She's trying to end your career, everything that you work hard for will be gone if you carry on with this".

Girl bye.

"It was Kat who got me up here, if it weren't for her I would've been in a ditch, this is the least I could do to help her dark soul mend a little". With that said he walked away. Dark soul? Bitch it's all bloody and gore.

"Welcome everyone! The fight will begin now, will the fighters please step out". Roman announced,calling us to the mat.

Chuckling I walked towards the center.

"You are not gonna get away with this whore, I don't know what kind of spell you have over Christian but he is mine". She screamed out making me cringe. I almost vomited, does she really think I want that piece of shit back.

"Honey, I have someone way better than that piece of shit but thank you though-for making Andrew see that he was better off without you, that he deserved better". Laughing I looked back at her, I pointed at myself so she can understand better.

"Good luck with my damaged goods though". I winked before jogging to the ring. Time to fuck it up!


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