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In the hospital, Ali woke up with a bandages on her head she shales in fear remembering what happened the night after the incident.

"Do you remember what happened?" An officer ask.

Ali seems more into shock, I mean she nearly got murdered last night.

"I... don't remember." She began to cry

Even though she does remember what happened... Every single detail that happened last night she couldn't find the words to say it.

Her parents barge in looking so worried for their only daughter, her mother gasp and immediately embrace Ali.

"Oh darling are you okay?" Her mother ask.

Ali broke down in tears hugging her mother.

Ali's dad stared at her worriedly as the officer stood up and sighed.

"She needs a minute to process everything." He said.

Ali's Dad nodded and the officer walked out.

"Mom, Casey— where is Casey?!" She ask frantically still shaking.

Her mom slightly push her away looking at her eyes.

"Mom..." She cries.

"She was found hangin from a willow tree just infront of her house, she was gutted out and you were found on their porch unconscious." Her father said.

Ali's eyes streaming down with her own tears she clutch on her mom's arm shaking in fear.

"Casey—" She cries

Her parents broke down in tears again embracing their daughter.

"We thought you were dead Ali." Her father sobbed.

Later that day Ali is discharged and went home, she immediately fell asleep while crying in her room.

The next day is monday so even though she is still in recovery she has to go to school.

"Mom please I have a test in English today." She groans

Her mother was trying to stop her from going to school and just stay home and rest but she insists.

When she arrives in school reporters and camera's were after her, she hurriedly got in school avoiding the paparazzi.

"How insane was that night?" Tatum pop out beside her while she took out some of her things in her locker.

She looks at her confusedly.

"I'm Tatum, you must be Ali." She said.

She just nodded in response and continues to pretend she's doing something in her locker.

Stu arrives and kiss Tatum's cheeks while he giggles, his eyes travels to Ali and he smile.

"Hey Ali, you alright?" He ask

Ali looks at him. "I nearly died last night Stu but yeah sure I'm fine." She smiled sarcastically.

"Come hang out with us after school in the fountain and tell us what happened Ali." Tatum said

Ali scoff and walks away still gluing her eyes on the couple, when she made a right turn she bump into someone.


She looks at the person and it was Billy, he looks at her.

"Im sorry." He said

"Your fine." She replied and quickly walks away.

The Devil in disguise|| Billy Loomis ffWhere stories live. Discover now