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I woke up in the hospital feeling pain all over my body, I look around the room when a nurse came in.

"Oh thank God your awake Ali."

"What... Why am I here?" My voice nearly crack.

"Calm down... Don't talk so muvh your voicebox isn't healed yet."

I frantically look around the room as I remember the night after. "Billy...Billy Loomis and... Stu... Macker." I tried to say something but I couldn't.

"Oh your asking for your boyfriend? Okay I'll tell him to come in." She nodded and walks out of the room.

Boyfriend? No! She's not getting it! When the door opens I saw what frightenes me, I saw pure evil.

"Hey Ali..."

Hey Ali... HEY ALI?!! after everything he did to me HEY ALI is the first thing he'd say?!

I start to shake my heart started to beat rapidly, seeing him scares me.

"Calm down..." He sat next to an empty chair next to me.

"Get the fuck away from me." I murmured.

"I will tell everyone about what you did."

"If you do... It's over for your parents."

No, not them they're all that I have I can't lose mom and dad, I felt my eyes getting teary I lean back to my bed as I cry desperately wanting to just disappear.

"Shh..." He stand up and sat on side of my bed.

"I love you Alianna and nobody is gonna stop me from wanting you." He caress my hair.

God I don't feel anything from him other than fear and anger.

"You can hate me all you want, but you belong to me now."

"I don't belong to you or anyone." I spat out.

He just gave me a small grin before the nurse came in.

"I'm sorry to disturb but I need to check if she needs something and I need to check the patient's blood sample."

Both of us look at the nurse, Billy Nodded before he got up and leaned down looking like his kissing me but really his mouth is against my ear.

"If you tell another living soul, I will hunt you and all your love one's to death." He threatened.

I gulp and then he peck my forehead, "I love you." He then went out probably standing by the door.

"I'm so sorry about what happened Miss." The nurse said as she takes a look at my dextrose.

"How long have I been here?"

"Three days I suppose."

Three days?!

"Have my parents come to visit yet?"

"Unfortunately no we tried to reach out for them but they said they're in a important meeting, thry were horrified when thry heard about what happened to you."

I slowly nodded.

I was later on discharge fromthe hospital and Billy's the one who picked me up, rather than my parents.

I felt scared whenever I'm with him but I got in the car anyway.

I heard the door close gently by Billy and he runs across his car and then on his other side of the car, he got in and starts the car.

"I wanna go home." I look straight to the road.

"You can't." He starts to drive.

"Billy... Please I want to go home my parents must be worried sick."

"Your parents didn't even jump on another plane the moment they found out that you were almost killed."

"By you!"

"I didn't kill you babe I just put you out of your misery, if I let you see what we did to Sidney fucking prescott it would traumatize you."

"I'am traumatized enough."

"See, imagine you get to see all that, I'd never want you to be scared if was stupid of you to go to Stu's party."

"He insisted on me going."

"If only I knew I would've not let you go."

"You're not the boss of me."

We had a one and one conversation and I was feeling a lot scared if I keep talking he would probably kill me.

He stop infront of my house, he got out of the car and open my side car door... Real gentleman but really what a fucking devil he is.

He help me walk towards my front door and when I open my door my mom and dad jump on me.

"Oh my darling Alianna!" My mom hug me.

"How have you been? Are you okay?" My father constantly ask me questions.

"I'm alright Dad."

They let us sit on a the couch, Billy sat next to me.

"So what happened?" My mom sat down opposite us.

Billy rub his hands together as I sit straight he looks at me before he looks at my parents.

"I was getting worried for Ali and then I called Stu to check if she went to hid party, when I was calling he told me someone is trying to kill them when I got there Ali was on the ground stabbed and Stu was on the phone trying to call for help. Thank God I made it on time. " He made up some fucked up story.

What a great story maker.

"Oh that's horrifying thank God Ali is alive" My mom said.

"Why don't you stay here for dinner Billy, honestly this is all we can do to thank you for saving our only daughter." Dad suggested.

"Oh right I'll make food right away!" Mom stood up and went to the kitchen.

"I'll set the table, you two stay here and rest." My dad left.

Billy sit back and gently hold my hand, I wanted to slap him there and then but if I would I would put my parents in danger.

"Convincing story." I commented.

"I prepared it."

I rolled my eyes and scoff, "Seriously when are you leaving me?"

"Oh no love I will never leave you."

"What did I do to make you do this to me." I'm trying my best to fight my tears.

"Because I love you instantly."

He leans in and kiss me, my lips remain unable to move, I don't feel anything other than scared.

He pulls away and my father came to us, "Why don't you guys go to your room Ali we'll call you if it's done." He smiles.

Billy nodded and help me get up, he help me to the stairs until we enter my bedroom.

"Billy... Please leave me alone."

"Now that we're free of doing this you'll push me away?"

I sat on my bed.

"You killed... You killed my friends."

"We don't need them."

"You killed your girlfriend I would think you would do the same to me when you get what you want."

I started to sob.

"Baby, I would never get bored of you."

He stands infront of me caressing my hair, he slowly leans in and kiss me.

Fear of getting hurt I kiss him back he gently push me against my bed laying on top of me.

"You're so beautiful." He said between us kissing.

I cupped his face pulling him more in as I depend on his kiss.

I started to feel butterflies—No, no, no, no! I cannot love this evil person no! His the one who killed Tatum and Sidney.

The Devil in disguise|| Billy Loomis ffWhere stories live. Discover now