Chapter 2- Through The Sewers

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Lia's POV

We ran through the sewers, with me leading. My senses are telling me to go somewhere. I just don't know where. "We're close. I can feel it." I told the others. We came to a halt when we turned left. The place where the serpentine now lives was just ahead. As we near it, we expect to hear hisses. Instead, we heard moan like hisses. We quickly, but quietly, went inside and found serpentine all walking around weirdly. "What's going on here?" Jay asked me. "Do I look like I know?" I said while giving him a 'duh' look. Then, the snakes saw us and started running towards us. We tried to dodge them but there were too many of them. "Guys! We're gonna have to fight them sooner or later." Reynalyn shouted. "I was hoping you would say that." Cole said and we fought the wave of snakes.

"Ninjasssss! Over here!" We heard Scales shout from one of the homes. Clarity used her powers to lift the snakes and we make our way to Scales. "Hurry!" Scales shouted as he waited from the doorway. When we're all inside, Scales blocked the door then sighed. "Ssssso glad you're here ninjassssss." Scales said worried. "Scales, what's going on? What's wrong with the other snakes? Why are they trying to bite us? Why--" Jay panicked. "You'll soon know." Scales said as he slithered to a lever on the wall. He flicked it and a passage leading down opened. "But before I tell you, we musssst get to sssssafety firsssst." Scales said as he pointed down the passage, "Thisss way. Pleasssse, do hurry." We quickly ran down the passage as Scales closed the entrance.

Scales' POV (didn't expect that did ya?)

(Warning: Lots of S's)

When we got to the sssssecret placcce, my wife and sssson wassss waiting for our ssssafe return. "Did any of them passsssed through?" My wife asssssked. I shook my head and she sssssighed in relief. "What's this place?" Lloyd assssked. "This iss where we hide sso that thosse infected onesss can't infect uss." Scalessss Jr. replied. "Infected? What do you mean?" The girl in purple asssked. I sssighed. "We don't know how, but the other snakesss sseems to be infected with ssome sssort of viruss." I replied. "A virus? How did the other snakes infect each other?" Kai asssked. "We believe that it was passssed from snake to ssnake by venom." My wife replied (sorry, I don't know the name of Scales' wife). Jusst then, the entranccce door burssst open and in came the infected sssnakes. "Run!" The girl in yellow shouted. I lifted Jr. to my back then I grabbed my wife'sss hand and we sssslithered after the ninja. But, one of the infected onesss got my wife and pulled her out of my grasssp. "No!" I yelled. I put Jr. down then tried to pull my wife away before she getsss bittten. Unfortunately, my tail wasss grabbed and an infected fangpyre bit me by the hand. I manage to ssslither away. But I wasss not able to grab my wife. We climbed out of the sewerssss and Cole covered it up. "Phew! That was close." Jay sssssighed. Ssssuddenly, I felt pain shot through my veinsssss. I remembered that I wassss bitten. "It's not over yet." I ssssaid then yelled in pain.

Jay's POV

We were still catching our breath when Scales suddenly said, "It's not over yet." Then yelled. He started moaning in pain and his body was starting to look rotten. "What's happening?!" Reynalyn panicked. "I-I-I w-wasss b-bitten. P-p-protect m-my s-ss-son." He managed to say as his body quickly turned rotten. "I love you, daddy." Jr. said with tears in his eyes. "D-don't l-let a-any of the i-i-infected ones-s-ss get a-nyone els-ss-se b-bitten." He said then moaned. Lia quickly grew some vines that twisted to make a cage. "Don't worry, Scales. We'll find a cure." Lloyd said. Scales yelled once more as his head slowly turned rotten. "F-find..... C-c-cure..... F-find.... G-golden.... M-moon......... F-f-flower!" He shouted as his whole body turned into a zombie-like color. "Daddy!" Jr. yelled as he tried to hug his daddy from the outside of the cage. Scales growled then tried to bite him. Lia quickly pulled Jr. away before he gets bitten. "Daddy! No!" Jr. kept on shouting as Lia held his hand tightly. Lia turned Jr. to face her, "Shh. It's alright. We'll find the cure and everything will be alright, ok?" Lia asked him as she wiped a few tears from his little eyes, "But, we can't find it if you're scared. So I need you to be brave. We won't let anything bad happens to you. You'll see your daddy, soon. For now, we'll be here for you." Lia said then hugged him. We all smiled slightly. But deep inside, we were scared like Jr. Who knows what will happen. But just like Lia said. We need to be strong if we ever wanna find the cure.

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