Calm nights in

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I hit submit on my final assignment of the semester I was excited to be done with this semester, grade school is what I am looking forward to most undergraduate school was a breeze for me so I couldn't wait to give grad school a run for its money. I fell back on my bed with a sigh is relief I honestly didn't know what to do with the rest of my time the night was still young and just knew I would spend it in my bed binge-watching The Vampire Diaries. My thoughts were interrupted by my roommate Tessa. Every time she enters my room she either wants something, needs my help with something, or wants me to go somewhere there's no in-between.
What did I do to be blessed with your presence I said sitting up and waiting for her response. Well if you must know me and a few of my friends are going out to celebrate the semester ending and I wanted you to come with us. You don't have to drag me along with your friends I know you want me to feel included but I don't wanna be a buzz kill plus you know parties aren't my thing is said while getting off of the bed walking out of my room towards the kitchen with Tessa on my trail. Please just come know that you are always welcome whoever I am. I rather stay in tonight and catch up on my show. I knew you were watching it without me Tessa said taking the Apple from my hand and walking away. I laughed to myself and began to prepare my snacks for my team me in.
20 minutes had passed and Tessa finally came out looking like a supermodel she was so beautiful from her hair to her gorgeous smile, she was the full package. "How do I look" she asked while doing a 360 twirl. "You know you look gorgeous as always" I responded while cutting up some banana and throwing it into the blender with the other fruits. Don't wait up she said while grabbing her keys and heading out the door before I could respond. I grabbed my smoothie and snacks and headed into my room dimming the lights and turning in Netflix and seeing Damon Salvatore appear on my screen oh how much I missed him.

How are y'all liking the beginning so far? I'm most likely going to update this book a lot because I have lots of ideas for it. He is sure to leave a vote and comment with any suggestions, thanks for reading.

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