New York Day 2

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Last night was a blur the night came and went but I'm glad that Tessa enjoyed herself, and networked. Today she needed to be at a shoot early so I was going to go sightseeing. I dressed in a comfortable pink colored leggings and tank top set and slipped on my slides, I grabbed my jacket just in case there was a breeze, I checked myself out in the mirror grabbed my tote bag, and was on my way. New York was its place. I stopped to take a picture of a cute flower shop when I lost balance and fell to the ground. "ouch" I said louder than I expected, I wasn't even hurt it was just a natural reaction. " Let me help you up", I looked up to see Treyvor holding his hand out, I grabbed it and got up while picking up my phone which just so happened to have a shattered screen. "I know you don't," he said while looking directly into my face making me nervous so I quickly looked around just not directly at him. "Yeah we met last night I was with my friend Tessa," I said hoping he would remember. "You are indeed Amber," he said while forming a smile. "Yes I am her, well Amber" yea I'm making this way too awkward. " You are bleeding," he said while grabbing my hand. Well, it isn't that bad just a little cut from the glass, I said not trying to panic from the sight of the slightest bit of blood. "Let me get your phone fixed for you", you don't have to it's fine I can get it fixed myself just point me in the right direction I said knowing that he was a busy person and probably had a ton of things to do instead of getting my phone fixed. "I insist my car is parked over there come on," he said and I followed right behind him. He drove a nice all-black C-class Benz not doing too much or too little just the right amount, he even opened my door for me.The ride was silent until he broke it. "So what brings you to New York", the golden question" I chuckled about. "Well if you must know I'm out here to support Tessa and I'm going to stay out here with her for the duration of her test trial with your business, there's not much for me so today I decided I was going to go site seeing I did want to see this dance studio but I didn't plan on doing that until tomorrow". "So are you a professional or do you dance for fun," he said while driving. "I didn't study dancing but I did take professional classes so I'm not just out of here looking foolish while dancing". His phone rung and he answered it and proceeded to cancel his meeting for the rest of the day, why would he do such a thing, he ended the call. "You know you didn't have to do that, not for me anyways I'm sure a phone isn't going to take that long to get fixed". He smiled and pulled into a parking lot of an outlet, "Come on," he said but first he got out of the car and came around to my side and opened the door for me thank you," I said and then I followed closely behind him because I had no clue on how to find the store. We made it into the phone store and the people greeted him as if they knew him, he must break phones often. "What can we do for you today Mr. Nelson," the guy at the front desk asked. "I would like to get this phone fixed also add a screen protector and phone case" he responded politely grabbing my phone from my hand. "I'll send my assistant to grab it when it's done she'll be paying you'll let her know to leave you a nice tip", he then turned to me "Is that alright with you," he asked, I shook my head yes in response, "you have to use your words so that I know what you want," he said looking into my eye, I damn near jumped out of my skin because sir why are you looking at me like that "yes thank you it's fine," I said quickly, I've known him for like 2 seconds and he has me barely able to talk. "Do you like ice cream?" he asked me "Yes I love ice cream it's my favorite dessert" He looked at me sharing like clucks he's probably like guess I didn't ask all that's just trying to be nice and she thinks were friends. "Great we're going to get ice cream" We left the phone with him leading the way out of the mall to a cute ice cream stand. "Hey Phil can I get cookies and cream on a cone and for the lady" he said looking back at me. "Ill like strawberry ice cream with whipped cream and strawberry drizzle in a cup please", "Coming right up you two have a seat". We sat at a pretty close table the weather was pretty nice, the sun was out and I was enjoying it. "Do you have a boyfriend"? Trevor asked without any hesitation, he's one of those who get to the point type of guy I see. "No I do not have a boyfriend, I have a husband, he looked pretty taken back by my response. "I see, well your husband is a very lucky man", "I don't have a husband, I just found it odd that you would think I'd have a boyfriend instead of a husband". He chuckled before answering "touche but I thought you were a little young to be married so early do you not enjoy going out and living," he said grabbing our ice cream from Phil we both said thank you and begin to eat. "How old are you he asked but I was too busy watching him devour the ice cream, I guess he noticed before he cleared his throat and smirked a little. " I'm uhh 21 yup im 21" Tessa is going to die laughing when I tell her about this. "We should head to my place," he said standing up, I was so confused but I just followed him because for some reason I felt that I could trust him.

Hi readers, this is probably the longest page I have written in this book, I just wanted to capture the entire moment in one part. I hope y'all enjoyed it and like I said before please vote and also leave suggestions, ideas, and tips on how I can improve the story, thanks again for reading.

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