New York Day 1

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I grabbed my last bag off from baggage claims. I know the last time we talked Tessa was having a heart-to-heart in the kitchen at 7 in the morning, well later that day she had a conversation with Lance and decided that she wanted to follow her dreams so here we are a week later in New York City, I came to support her there's also a dance studio here that I wanted to look into, I'm a pretty good dancer I dance in high school but when I got to college I just fell straight into my books. Also, I'm just here to support my girl..... Anyway back to the story.

"Amber hurry our Uber is here" I grabbed my bags and hurried to get in the backseat, as the lady drove I looked out the window and the many different buildings that made me feel tiny, Tessa was recording videos and taking pictures. " We are going to have so much fun New York doesn't owe us a thing," Tessa said while checking the pictures she took. "Calm down power puff the first thing on our list to do before partying is meet your potential boss," I said reminding her. I don't wanna sound like a mom but she did invite me here to get away from my boring life but also because I'm responsible and I'll make sure she gets everything that is supposed to get done. I've been looking out for her since we were in middle school she's older than me by a year but you'd think I was much older, the only thing that changed was time and our age I am now 21, and she's 21 turning 22 in the next month. I love her dearly and wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. I was knocked out of my thoughts when we came to a stop, we were in front of the Ritz Carlton or shall I say our home for the next few weeks if she likes the job they are offering her. I liked the fact that we didn't have to pay for anything and that they were perfectly fine with her having me tag along.

After we got settled showered and everything Tessa had to go to her meeting I didn't tell you all much about what she was trying to get into. So Tessa was a drama major her minor was like chem or something because her mom didn't believe that she would make money off of a drama major. This company The Black Enterprise supported up-and-coming actresses and actors they also had some big names under their belt and she felt like they could help her get her feet wet, but working with them I wouldn't be surprised if she was in a movie the next week they are just that good.Back to the story.

Tessa had to go to a meeting to a meeting so that left me in the room, we had a pretty good view of the city so I sat at the window table and enjoyed some snacks I got while I was at the airport I opened the Wattpad app to see what was new on there I love Wattpad. I decided on just taking a nap we had been traveling the whole day I could only imagine how tired Tessa could be fresh off the plane having to go to a life-changing meeting I'll catch you all when I get back up

2 hours later

"Amber get up," Tessa said while shaking me. When I instantly wake up I'm confused about everything my brain has to load when I'm freshly awakened. "You seem happy did the meeting go how you wanted it to" I said sitting up and putting my back on the headboard. "It was amazing they are even throwing a party tonight to celebrate the new people they just signed on," she said "That's great I said embarrassing her into a hug. "So find your best party fit because you are my plus one plus my boss is mouth-dropping," she said while getting up from the bed and calling her mom with the news. I didn't like parties but this was to celebrate her accomplishments this isn't about my anxiety and antisocialness so I would just suck it up and go it's only one night what could go wrong.

TodayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora