The end of a beautiful night

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Dinner was going great we had been laughing a lot and getting to know each other. It was pretty fun. I had learned that he had 2 siblings, he was 28 years old and a Pisces, you know the basics. His likes and dislikes. I possibly had drunk the whole bottle of wine and got too chatty myself. I don't know in my head I was living on the edge, I don't drink often and it's not easy for me to get out of my comfort zone, but here I was having dinner with a wonderful man, and talking his ears off. Back to the story.

"Amber I think you've had too much to drink," Trey said looking at the empty bottles. "We should dance," I said standing up and holding my hands out waiting for him to accept my offer, he eventually caved in grabbing my hands while chuckling. We danced slowly to the tune of our energy because there was no music playing, we were just enjoying each other's company. We had been dancing for what felt like hours, but in a good way, I felt as though I was floating and my happiness was carrying me. Trey seemed to be enjoying himself so he couldn't stop smiling. "I think we should go it's getting pretty late," Trey said. "Such a party pooper we just got here," I said feeling a bit sad that the night was c to an end, I enjoyed spending time with him. "Do I at least get a goodnight kiss?" I asked looking up at him. I knew it had to be the liquor talking because I had never been so brave and bold in my life, my mom always said whatever you say while drunk is honestly how you feel, you just have a bit more courage while drunk. He kissed me on the forehead which had my cheeks on fire, and grabbed my hand and proceeded to lead me outside to the truck. We got in and I laid my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

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