Beauty and the Beach

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     Your eyes flutter open and welcome the rays of the morning Sun, staring at the curtains on the windows and watch them flowing in the wind while feeling warm, muscular arms wrapped around your waist in a comforting embrace.

" Princess."

     Turning your head you see your now boyfriend Fuuto cuddling you in a cloud-like bed. It was Queen sized, decorated with navy blue and grey sheets surrounded by white furniture, and assorted beach themed decorations. Very unique in style.

"Ohayo Fuuto."

     The first thing you do when you realize this is look under the sheets to confirm you were wearing clothes, which you were. Thank God. You were wearing the shirt and sweat shorts Fuuto had given you the day prior.

"Relax, I didn't do anything."

     You release a sigh of relief. You two had JUST got into a relationship; it's way too soon for that. You guys are also a bit too young for that. Fuuto begins to run his fingers through your (h/l), (h/c), silky hair.

"...But I bet you wanted me to. You lucky, lucky girl." Fuuto purred in your ear.

Your face turns as red as an apple and you cover your face with the blankets.

"Fuuto! Don't say things like that!" You whine.

"Nani? You know it's true."

"Shut. Up."

He laughs and lets you go, then rests his arms behind his head. Something was on your mind though...

"It's not the first time we've slept in the same bed anyway."

"True. Can't argue that. But that was a different situation! Um...what happened last night?" You ask him coming out of the covers.

"You fell asleep on me that's what! We came back from our walk on the beach, I ordered us some food, changed outfits, you remember that much right?" He asks.

"I do."

"We were sitting on the couch watching a movie, and you fell asleep on my shoulder. You were completely knocked out. I even tried shaking you awake and you didn't budge! However, I know you had a long day yesterday and probably were exhausted, so I carried you to bed and joined you after I took a shower."

"Oh Fuuto, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude...thanks for taking care of me though."

"It's whatever. Besides, I enjoyed watching you sleep for a while."

"Oh really?"

Just the thought made you blush.

"Come to think of it, we both have a habit of falling asleep on each other, no matter where we are. In your limo, on the phone, etc." You point out.

"You're right, we sure do." He agrees.

     You grin and stare at the ceiling. Watching the fan swirl, admiring the starfish and fishing net wall decor, and relaxing tropical paintings. The sound of waves and swaying palm trees are music to your ears. Just being somewhere that was not school or work put your mind at ease. After what you've been through, you needed a break. Let alone with your new popstar boyfriend!

"So, what are we doing today?" You ask him.

"Whatever you want. We can go swimming, shopping on the boardwalk, go out to dinner, anything."

"How about you pick? I'm fine with anything but am happy just spending time with you."

"Damn straight. All of the above then."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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