Rooftop Rage

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The sound of your footsteps echo throughout the halls, your shadow bounces of the rows of lockers, and your heart pounds against your rib cage. You couldn't help but feel pain from sadness and rage because of Fuuto. He had some nerve to call you names and get you sent to the Disciplinary Office. You were no goodie two shoes; you've been to the office before, but rarely.

You suppress another sigh before opening the door and approaching the desk.

"Sign in then take a seat." The receptionist says to you.

You do so. This office always felt like a prison visitation center. The staff were very stern, loud, and treated you like criminals because broke some stupid rule. But there was no getting out of this one.


You raise your hand and follow his gesture into the office.

~Time skip~

You end up getting detention. A detention for that is a bit extreme in your eyes. You were more punished for being a disruption to the class rather than what you said to Fuuto. Which was true, but you felt like you should have just been given a warning since you have a mostly clean record. The only other times you had detention would be if you were late or something similar. This won't look good on your applications to University! You did your best to focus on the rest of your classes without releasing all of the built up frustration this horrible day gave you.

Before you know it lunch time comes around. That bell was music to your ears. If you didn't get a break soon, you would explode like a stick of dynamite. You grab your bento from your locker then go up to the rooftop garden. Students were allowed to eat lunch up there, but not many did because it was a bit far from the cafeteria and sometimes the weather wasn't so great.

Once you arrived, you sit on a bench not having an appetite anymore. You thought you were hungry, but what happened this morning made you not in the mood for eating. Instead, you set it down beside you and take out your phone. You see text messages from your best friend (friend's/n) from outside of school wondering how your day was going, but you don't bother to respond to them; You don't want to take your anger out on her.

Scrolling through your music playlist you see the last song you listened to, "Get Ready Tonight" by Fuuto Asakura. That damn popstar that gave you a problem in math class.

"That bastard!" You yell then throw your phone across the garden.

You see the phone land in a rose bush and get stuck in the vines. Your breathing gets heavy and you close your eyes trying to calm down.


You turn around and see the last person you wanted to see.

"What do you want Fuuto?!" You bark.

Fuuto slowly walks up to you with his hands in his pockets. His expression is serious with a bit of regret. While yours shows fury maybe even malice. Completely out of character for you.

"...Gomen." He says.

His apology surprises you. He actually said it? He sure did.

"Yeah, right." You say with an eye roll.

"No really, I'm sorry. It's just one has ever stood up to me like that. The look on your face before you left was an eye opener for me; you were obviously hurt. It devastated me."

"Well maybe what you said devastated me. I didn't even do anything to you and you insult me and attempt to take advantage of me just because I'm a good student. And now, I've been humiliated in front of my class, I have detention today, and it will be going on my permanent record. Thanks a lot!" You yell.

Wishing On A Popstar (Fuuto Asahina X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now