An Unusual Day Back

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"Wake up (f/n)!"

Your head and shoulders shaking cause you to open your eyes.

"Huh?" You say in a groggy tone.

Opening them more clearly reveals Fuuto kneeling beside you with his hand on your back. His gorgeous orbs getting lost in yours. You admire his features without looking too obvious about it.

"Thanks a lot for worrying me you baka!" Fuuto yells as he stands up.

You rub your eyes and wipe your mouth which has slight drool coming out of it. That's embarrassing...

"Hold on, what are you talking about?"

"You fell asleep while we were on the phone last night."

Looking up you notice you're still at your dining room table, books opened, and a drool spot on one of the pages. Uh oh...looks like you blew it.

"Oh man, gomen Fuuto! I didn't realize I was that tired otherwise I would have ended the phone call sooner. But to be fair, you fell asleep on me in the limo."

"True, I did, But I thought something terrible happened! I was on the plane thinking the worst....dammit!" Fuuto shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair.

Your head falls ashamed. He was right. If it was the other way around, you probably would have thought something was wrong with him too.

"My bad, really. Work took a lot out of me."

"What do you mean work?"

"I have a full-time job Fuuto. I'm a waitress at the cafe around the corner. How else am I going to pay for this dump?"

Wait a second...Fuuto's in your apartment! Why did you just now realize it? He's seeing how poor you are and what little resources you have. You really didn't want a rich boy like him to see this, especially after how he made you feel being a VIP. You didn't even let your best friend come by unless it was absolutely necessary. You bury your face in your folded arms on the table in front of you.

"What is it now?" Fuuto questions lowering his voice.

"I...I didn't want you to see this..." You say without looking up.

"See what?"

You stand with your face as red as an apple and fists clenched with frustration.

"This crappy apartment! It's humiliating. It's small, clearly I don't have much, and compared to you, I'm nothing. I'm broke okay?!"

"...(f/n), I don't care."

"Really? You're not going to make fun of me and call me poor like everyone else? I don't even like my best friend (friends'/n) come over."

"No. Look I know I can be mean and stuck-up, but I know everyone is not as fortunate as I am. I get millions of yen for just a concert, you don't. But I didn't know you lived alone either. Aren't you a bit young for this?" He asks honestly.

That question gives you an unsettling feeling in your stomach. It hurt you to remember the reason you're living this way and you try not to think about it. You're only a High School student, you shouldn't be living alone and paying all these bills just yet.

"...I'd rather not talk about it..."

"Fine. But I'm still mad about you making me worry. As punishment you're coming with me today."

How is that a punishment exactly? As bewildered as you were by that, you don't care enough to ask.

"Punishment? What are you my Dad?"

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