Conversing With The Eldest Trio

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(A/N: Kaname is obviously not in the photo, sorry!)

You're awoken by your phone going off for your back up alarm. It was there just in case you ignored your alarm clock at home. But you weren't at home, and you remembered that once you saw the sleepy boy with his arms wrapped around you. He was clinging onto your upper body as if he was protecting you from something.

My favorite my best friend is holding me in a loving way...this is awesome!

As much as you didn't want to move and just stay where you were, you reach your arm out to the extent it will go and silence your phone alarm. Turning towards Fuuto, you were surprised the alarm didn't wake him up as well. His flu must have him really tired. His chest moves in a rough constant motion. He coughs slightly even in his sleep. He's clearly congested and his chest was sore. You can't help but feel bad for him; he's suffering and you've been in his spot before too.

You wiggle both of your arms free from his grasp, and remove the cloth that still managed to stick to his forehead. next, you put it back into the water bowl then gently lay your hand on his forehead.

He's even more warm than yesterday!

This made sense because most symptoms of an illness don't fully register until the next couple days. He doesn't need a cool rag, he needs a damn ice pack or something! You sigh and shake your head. There's only so much you can do to help him, and you certainly want to, but you have to go to school, then work afterwards. Especially since your shift yesterday was cut, you really need to be there.

As gently as possible, you scoot out of Fuuto's bed, grab your things and leave his room. Since you slept in your uniform, you felt a bit gross and you don't have time to go back to your apartment. Since time is cutting close to you having to start walking to campus, you look around for the bathroom to attempt to get ready. You enter the elevator and click on the fifth floor button. A few doors down you notice a sign by a door saying "Bathroom". You approach it quietly and knock on the door. You take that as your sign that it's available and open the door.

You were right! You enter and are amazed at what you see. This bathroom was huge! You prepare yourself to the best of your ability with the hairbrush and travel sized toothbrush from your school bag; you're always prepared and for a time like this you loved yourself for thinking ahead. You help yourself to the toothpaste sitting on the sink counter and do whatever else you need to in the time limit you have.

Once you were ready, you begin to leave the Sunrise Residence until you heard a series of voices coming from down the hall. Taking a look around you find yourself on an awning level floor that leads to a huge living and dining room downstairs. Gazing over the black railing, you see a tall blonde man with glasses setting up the dining room table with drinks and breakfast trays. Two young men, one with short brown hair and dress shirt and the other with longer blonde hair and wearing a kimono, were sitting at the table eating their meal and drinking coffee. Technically, you stayed at their house without introducing yourself to them which is a bit rude. Might as well say something while you're here.

You casually walk down the small staircase with a smile a bow to the three of them.

"Ohayo. I'm (l/n)(f/n), Fuuto's friend. I apologize for over staying my welcome and sleeping here without permission. Gomen."

There was a brief pause as they exchanged looks. The one preparing breakfast gives a short laugh.

"Ohayo to you. My name's Ukyo, Fuuto's sibling. You didn't over stay your welcome, you looked exhausted and we didn't mind you being here." The one with glasses says to you with a sophisticated grin.

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