Your Past Revealed

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  Beep, Beep, Beep...

     All you hear is beeping noises, people chatting and moving about, and air being shot up your nose every few moments. In addition to your right hand being warm and wet with something holding onto it. Getting enough energy to take in your surroundings, you open your eyes.

     You see you're lying in a bed in a slightly bright room, an IV in your left arm, an a heart monitor going off next to you. Clear to see, you were a patient in a hospital, but you can't seem to remember why. However, what catches your eyes the most, is Fuuto holding your hand, asleep on his other arm at your bedside. No wonder your hand was warm and sticky, it's sweat! He has bags under his eyes and is completely knocked out. But he doesn't look sick long have you been in here?

"You're awake! ...Oh (f/n)'s so great to see you're alright!" A voice says.

     Kaname gets out of the chair he was sitting in across the room and approaches you slowly, with an expression screaming pure relief.


"Yes, sweetheart, it's me. Take it easy now. I'm going to get Masaomi. Fuuto, wake up bud." He says lightly shaking Fuuto's shoulder. Fuuto begins to move.

"He was more worried than the rest of us. He refused to eat, sleep, or leave your side all this time." He explains before leaving the room.

     Fuuto cracks his neck and sits up straight. Turning your way, he finally realizes you have awoken.

"(f/n)!" Fuuto cries and pulls you into a tight hug. You feel teardrops land on your shoulder as he sobs a little.

     This was hands down the best feeling in the world. You carefully wrap your arms around his back avoiding getting tangled in you IV and oxygen chords. He lets go and holds your shoulders not taking his eyes off of you.

"What the HELL were you thinking?! You scared me to death! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" He shouts.

"What...what are you talking about? What happened?" You ask confused.

     Fuuto lets go of you and lightens his expression. He didn't occur to him that you wouldn't remember.

"...You tried to commit suicide. I heard you didn't show up for school or work the day after you stopped responding to my text messages. I was still sick at the time, but I didn't care. I snuck out of my house and had my chauffeur drive me to your house. I heard a girl screaming for help and raw fear when I reached your door. I ran inside finding your place trashed and a girl named (best friend's/n) holding you in her arms next to bottles of empty pills and a pile of vomit. I called an ambulance and you've been here ever since. I recovered from the flu while I was here in the bed right next to you because I refused to leave, so I'm okay now. You however have been in a coma for over a week now with little signs of improvement...I was beginning to think...I lost you forever..." Fuuto explains.

     Fuuto wipes away his tears and sniffles. He doesn't care about being a tough guy anymore, you meant everything to him and you nearly died. Hearing his story appalls you and brings back memories of that day. The photo you saw, the medications you took, how ugly your apartment now is, and everything else.

"I...I'm so sorry..." You begin to cry in your hands.

"Tell me why. I need to know!" Fuuto demands.

     He has the right to know too because it involves him. Even though it will hurt both of have to come clean.

"The truth is...I have been hiding my depression and pain for a very long time. The reason why I have such little money and live alone is because I was abandoned two years ago. I was an accident. A baby that was never wanted by my father who was only dating my Mother. But, she died two years ago in a car accident. With her out of the picture, my Father packed his things and I never saw him again. I was forced to get a job, find my own place, and provide for myself ever since. I was never wanted and now alone."

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