A Star Joins Your Class

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 It was 8:30 in the morning when you were quietly sitting at your desk in your Math class at Hinode High School. You were in (Grade/Year) and considered yourself a hard-working student, but were more of an introvert and kept to yourself. This meant you mainly participated in class when you were asked to, sat away from other students, and didn't have many friends. You weren't shy at all, just a little quiet and tried to avoid trouble at all costs. You were certainly not a morning person either and hated Math. You were pretty good at math, but it bored you just like almost everything else in school. Letting out a long yawn, you let the music blast from the headphones you were currently wearing, and allow it to take you into your own world before class begins. The Sun's rays dance through the window you were gazing out at, and consume some your skin with warmth. Just an average day...or so you thought.

You snap out of your haze, when you notice a bunch of your female classmates run into the room like a stampede. Some were jumping up and down with excitement while others smiled to the point they were rubbing their cheeks. What's going on?  you thought. Nothing is exciting about Math class, let alone at this time of day. You take out one of your headphones to eavesdrop.

"I can't believe he's actually in this class!" Your classmate beams.

"I know right?! What if he gets to talk to me? What do I say?" Another says.

"Get in line sister; we're all dying for that chance!" The other replies.

Who are they talking about? Your mental questions were interrupted by the bell ringing. Time to get started. You put away your phone and headphones, take out your textbook and notebook and prepare for what's to come. However, you couldn't help but be curious on what those girls were talking about. Who is coming today and why was he so important? The teacher enters the room and goes to her desk.

"Ohayo class! I'm sure you have heard about your newest classmate, but I must ask you give him the privacy he deserves and of course welcome him just like any other. Anyone who makes him feel uncomfortable or talks to him when unnecessary, will have consequences. Understood?"

"Hai!" Everyone replies including yourself.

"Great! Come on in Asahina-san." The teacher states.

The door to your classroom slowly opens and girls start to gasp. All the male students look a bit impressed too. The poised young man you were hearing about enters the room and reveals himself as Fuuto Asakura. The biggest teen idol you knew about and every Japanese girl's heartthrob.

No. Frickin. Way.

You have been a big fan of Fuuto ever since you heard his first song. But what makes you different than your classmates is...you have self control and will not freak out over it. You were stoked of course, but not a crazy fangirl.

Fuuto stands in front of the class and bows to everyone. Girls squeal eager as ever. He comes up with a gentle smile.

"Good morning everybody. My name is Asahina Fuuto, but you know me as Fuuto Asakura. Looking forward to a good year with all you. Especially all of you lovely ladies." He says with a wink.

Girls were about to jump out of their chairs until the teacher gave them a glare that said 'keep it together'.

"Thank you Fuuto. You may have a seat wherever you like." Your teacher says.

That was a smart move. You figured out she said that because she didn't want any of her students getting mad at her for choosing his seat like she did for everyone else. So she left the decision up to him.

Wishing On A Popstar (Fuuto Asahina X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now