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 The entire night was filled with songs, dances, and emotion. You got your own private seat watching your favorite popstar perform live! An opportunity you were never able to afford, let alone get a VIP pass and preparation for. It took all of your willpower not to cry tears of gratitude. He was phenomenal and did this to make you feel better. It's crazy to think this was the same boy you yelled at and got you a detention today. It's safe to say, he meant his apology and you were even.

"Thank you all for coming! Goodnight!" Fuuto says, and exits the stage after the curtain falls.

"Follow me (f/n)." One of the security guards says to you.

You get up and follow him from backstage to a hallway of rooms. He leads you to a room and opens the door for you. Inside is a basic lounge with couches, a table, a mirror, and water fountain.

"Wait here until your ride arrives ma'am."

"Okay, arigato." You say with a bow before taking a seat on one of the couches. He closes the door and leaves you by yourself.

Ten minutes or so pass and someone enters the room, turning your attention to the door. It was Fuuto, the one you've been wanting to talk to all night. He was out of costume and looked exhausted.

"Hey (f/n)."

You smile extremely wide and run up to him, not caring about how much your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. You throw your arms around his chest and bring him into a warm embrace. Fuuto was surprised by this but returned the hug.

"Arigato, Fuuto-kun. SO much..."

"You're welcome. Did you enjoy the show?" You both let go.

"Enjoy it?! I LOVED IT! You were amazing, entertaining, and you did all of that VIP prep for me...I seriously can't thank you enough."

"So we're even?" He asks as he scratches the back on his head.

"Yes, we're even. Just please don't get me in trouble again."

"Got it. Speaking of, how's your hand?"

"It's fine. I'll take off the bandages later."

"We should get you home now. It's getting late and you have school tomorrow."

"You have school tomorrow too, you know."

"Yeah, but I'm not going."

"But it's only your second day. Can you afford to miss it?"

"Have to. I have a magazine photo shoot and interview in Hokkaido." He says with a frown.

"That's far!"

"I know, I can't get out of it either. Can you let me know what I miss? I swear I won't take advantage of you."

"Yeah, that's fine."

He smiles at you. You could tell he appreciated it.

"In fact, I'm heading to the airport after you get dropped off. The limo should be here by now. Let's go."

You nod and follow him outside. Most fans have left by now, but a couple security guards escorted you just to be sure nothing happened. The limo door was opened for Fuuto and you followed him in.

"No Yamada this time?"

"He's already on his way to the airport. He just rode with you to the venue to make you feel more comfortable."

"That's thoughtful of you, though you technically kidnapped me." You smirk.

"Oh stop, you know I had good intentions."

You giggle with a nod. Fuuto yawns and relaxes in his seat. The limo moves and you make yourself comfortable in the wide, soft, black leather seats.

"Are you sure it's okay to drop me off first instead of you?"

"Your place is on the way and I still have a few hours. I don't have a private jet yet either."

"I just thought it would have been easier on both of you if you rode together, then checked in together."

"I wanted it this way."

He wanted it this way? In other words, he wanted you two to be alone. Fuuto really went above and beyond to make up for his screw ups. Thinking about that made you blush.


"Hmm?" He said with his hands behind his head.

"Earlier today, I thought you were a jerk that just wanted to take advantage of not just me, but every girl he saw. But if you were, you wouldn't have done what you have tonight. You wouldn't have even apologized, and that's all I really needed. But it meant a lot to me, I'll never forget it. I said some rude things too, and I'm sorry." You give him a sincere smile.

"Thanks (f/n)..."

Fuuto returns the gesture then slowly closes his eyes. His body goes limp and he's sound asleep. Poor thing, he was so tired. You knew you would have been too if you had a school day, rehearsal, then concert til late at night. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. His face looks so pure and innocent, he doesn't snore, and he looks so comfortable. You grab one of the blankets from the cabinets and drape it over him being careful not to wake him.

As the car ride goes by, you start getting sleepy yourself. Your eyelids get heavy, your chest feels still, and your consciousness fades.

~45 minutes later~

Your arm being shook wakes you up and so does a cool breeze. You open your eyes and adjust them to the light before turning your head to the right.

"You're home ma'm." The chauffeur tells you and offers his hand.

You were about to tell Fuuto good luck and goodnight, but he was completely knocked out. But what stood out to you more was that his head was resting on your left shoulder. He looked more calm laying on you and you found it adorable. You brush a piece of his bangs out of his face.

"Goodnight Fuuto."

You get out of the limo and bow to the driver, then watch it fade down the road. You make your way up the stairs to your tiny apartment. An eight hundred foot studio with a few furniture pieces and bed. A place you don't let people visit because you're too embarrassed for them to see, the only place you can call home. You were grateful Fuuto wasn't awake to see it. Looking at your phone, it was 3:00 in the morning and you had a few hours to sleep before getting ready for school, then work afterwards.

Back to reality. 

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