A Popstar's Sick Day

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  Fuuto got picked up from school and you continued the rest of your day. On your way home you decide to send him a text to check up on him.

You: Hey! How ya feeling?

Fuuto: Miserable. I don't remember much either. I just remember waking up in my bed a few hours ago.

You: I carried you to the Nurse's Office after you fainted. Not sure who picked you up though.

Fuuto: My brother Ukyo did, he told me. Thanks for the help.

You: Anytime. If there's anything else you need just let me know. :)

Fuuto: In that case, I could use some company. Wanna come over? Or do you have work?

You: I do have work, but I can call in sick.

Fuuto: lol I'm the sick one here baka. XD It's fine, go to work.

You: Nope, you're more important. What's your address?

Fuuto: The third floor of the Sunrise Residence. You can look up the directions.

You: Okay, on my way.

With this in mind, you make a quick phone call to your boss at the cafe.

Boss: Hello?

You: "Hey, it's (f/n), I can't come in today, my friend is very sick and I need to take care of him."

Boss: "Oh that's alright, I was going to call and tell you not to come in anyway because i scheduled too many servers."

You: "Then it works out perfectly! Arigato."

Boss: "No problem, hope your friend feels better."

You: "Me too. Sayonara!"

This excited you. Now you get to see where he lives! It's only fair anyway since he's seen yours. The walk only lasts about fifteen minutes and you soon arrive at the Sunrise Residence. This building was nice! Who knew a famous person would live here rather than his own private house?

You enter the building and see the front desk receptionist. You go up to her and tell her you're being expected by Fuuto and she tells you the room number. Entering the elevator, you arrive on the third floor and outside of his room. Being polite as you are, you ring the door bell.

He doesn't respond. You open the door with caution preparing yourself for whatever it is you are about to see. He's ill and he's a boy after all. Peeking your head in, you see the room is a bit dark, there's a small desk, a keyboard with sheet music, a decent sized flat screen TV, records and posters on the wall of him and other bands, and various books and papers. You quietly take a few steps in and see the performer himself laying in the bed sound asleep. You pull up the chair that was at his keyboard and sit beside him.

I'll wait for him to wake up. He needs the rest. You turn your head towards his bedside table which has a small lamp, a bowl of water with a rag, a water bottle, a tissue box, and medicine. He must be in pretty bad shape. Poor guy. After a short moment, Fuuto stirs and rolls facing you. Ever so slowly, opening his eyes, he looks up at you and smiles.

Wishing On A Popstar (Fuuto Asahina X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang