A Threat

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 The sound of your alarm clock makes you want to smash it into a million pieces. You only managed to get two hours of sleep not only because of the time you made it home last night but because your adrenaline was still pumping from the amazing day you had. With a groan, you throw your blankets off of you and crawl to your alarm clock to shut it off.

Today is going to suck. You weren't trying to be negative, but you knew there was no avoiding it with little sleep, a school day, then your shift at your full-time waitress job at your local cafe. Additionally, to Fuuto not being in class today. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? After what happened yesterday in class, a good thing, but with the forming of a friendship and insanely jealous girls around you, a bad thing.

You carry on with your morning routine, eat a small breakfast, and leave your apartment walking in the direction of Hinode.

~Time Skip~

You make it to your first class; Math. You're still a bit early, so you do your usual of reviewing notes, finishing up homework you should have done last night, and listen to music. Your phone goes off for a text message.

?: Ohayo (f/n), it's Fuuto. Sorry I fell asleep on you last night. I was really tired. But I hope this made things right between us. I have to get back to the shoot now though. Don't forget to let me know what I miss! <3 ;)

You: It's okay Fuuto! I had a great time and I fell asleep in the limo too! I won't forget, but good luck with everything.

Your idol just texted you! Your heart flutters reading his word and seeing the emojis he put in. Putting your phone away, your classmates followed by the girl you never liked, Tomaru Kana, approaches you with her arms crossed. OH boy, this can't be good.

"How could you do that to Fuuto-kun?!" Kana yells in your face.


"You yelled at him in front of everyone! Your hurt his feeling so bad, he didn't show up at lunch and looked like he was on the verge of tears after you left!"

Fuuto looked upset after you were kicked out of class? He looked a bit down when he apologized to you, but thought that was just then, not all day long. Ouch...You rub your forehead and yawn. It's too early in the morning for this crap.

"Actually, that's not what happened. He came and found me and apologized during lunch yesterday."

"You really think I'm going to believe that? How stupid do you think I am (l/n)?"

"Very." You say honestly.

"How dare you you little twit! I oughtta...I'm only going to say this once, leave Fuuto alone, if you bother him again, you will be sorry!"

"I'm sooo scared. I think you're just jealous that i had the guts to stand my ground against a celebrity." You say rolling your eyes and resting your face in you scarred up hand. You honestly couldn't care less about what this girl has to say.

Kana clenches her fists and growls at you.

"What are you a dog now? Oh wait, I already knew that."

A couple girls snicker at your comment from before Kana. That insult had to burn. YOu sure do have a smart mouth when you want to. Kana slams her hand on your desk.

"i mean it, stay away from Fuuto or else!"

The bell rings signaling it's time to start class. Kana and her crew take their seats and you just continue to mind your business. People start to look confussed when they notice Fuuto isn't sitting next to you. Your teacher comes in and takes attendance.

"(l/n)-san, I hope you learned your lesson yesterday."

Wow, that was really mature Sensei. You stand up and bow towards her and the remainder of the class.

"I apologize for disrupting the class, it won't happen again."

"It better not (l/n)-san, and Fuuto isn't here today. Did you scare him off?" Kana says rudely.

"No actually, he told me why he isn't present this morning. He's having a magazine photo shoot and interview in Hokkaido today and can't make it."

Girls gasp at what you said.

"How would she know?" Someone says.

"She's probably making it up. Fuuto isn't close to her or anything." Another says.

"Enough class! Asahina-san told me this himself, she's correct. Thank you for the info (l/n)-san, please be seated."

You nod and do what you are asked. At least the teacher defended you, but then you start to think about the outcome of what you said. Looking over at Kana who is shooting daggers at you with her angry eyes isn't a good sign. Now people might start thinking you're stalking him and are beginning to become an important person in his life. Only to cause more issues to uproar. You regret admitting that to the class.

Could things get any worse? Yes (f/n), much worse.

~Time Skip~

After working six hours on little sleep and loads of coffee, you trudge to your apartment door opening it. What a day you have had. You wish it didn't have to be this way. Balancing out school and work and working your tail off to do so. But you don't have a choice. You live alone, you have bills to pay, and you have to eat.

You jump onto your bed face first and sigh. All you wanted was to relax, but you have homework to get done. As you sit at your dining room table, you take out all of your books and prepare to get going. Except your phone rings and stops you.

You: "Hello?"

Fuuto: "Hey (f/n), it's me. I've had a crazy day and I'm about to get on the flight back home."

You: "Hey Fuuto...that's great..."

Fuuto: "Aww come on, why don't you sound excited to hear my perfect voice?"

You: "Gomen, happy to hear from you but I...I'm..."

Fuuto: "You're what? Are you okay?"

You: ...

Fuuto: "(f/n), are you there? Hello?"

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