3's Company, 4's a Crowd, & Baby makes 5

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In the BMore lounge, Danny is sleeping on the couch with a blanket and pillow. BMO is asleep on the end table. Everyone else was seated in the Meeting Room. Jay and Des were sitting next to each other. Baby Finn was in the playpin. Fiona was nursing a cup of joe, trying to stay awake.  

BMO's alarm clock goes off, and Danny immediately wakes up beyond tired. He reaches over and pushes BMO's button to turn off the alarm. "Haha!" BMO says. Danny blinks a few times.

"H-huh? I'm up..!" Fionna quickly shot up, accidentally spilling her coffee on the table. thankfully there wasn't that much left in it. "Sorry." She clean is up with her sleeve."

"Dan, if you're going to be living in the office you could at least be on time for work," Hermes scolds from the other room.

"I'm sorry. I was up really late working on the ship," Danny explains. He gets up and climbs off the couch to get some grub.

"Alright, people. I will now outline today's 12-point agenda. We'll begin with point one, then race forward-" Hermes was interrupted by a clattering sound.

Danny gets a bowl of cereal, pouring in the milk, and walks to the table, eating his food. "Concerning our pest problem: Somebody's been leaving food around and it's attracting pests. And I, for one, am getting tired of cleaning those traps," A trap snaps, and a painful squeak is heard. "I got this." Cake leaves to take of it. 

"Thank you. Now..." He flicks a button and a graph appears on the big screen. It is a straight line that inclines ever so slightly at the end. "As this graph indicates, our water and milk consumption has tripled in the past weeks. I noticed Danny had been here for weeks, so I ask that he explain himself. Danny?"

Danny doesn't answer. He is taking a shower in the Emergency Chemical Burn Shower. He's humming to himself while he washes himself.

"Am I cracking up, or is Dan living here starting to get in the way of bus-" He is interrupted again by the sound of the ship's engines, which Danny is using to dry his hair. The sound immediately wakes up Fionna, she looks at Danny and shrieks.

Jay hits the emergency shutdown button. "What are you doing? You're going to burn your head off!" Fionna scolds Danny.

"Don't Sweat it I've set them to no stronger than a hair dryer!" Danny exclaims, pointing to his hair.

"Won't that affect its function in space?" Professor Mo tells him.

"No sweat I'll recalibrate them before our next assignment," Danny shrugs as he goes to change into his everyday clothes.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, Fionna. Live a little," Cake says. Fionna looks doubtful but drops it anyway as their boss calls for them.

Fionna, Cake, Fred, Dr. Z, and Hermes enter Giovanna's laboratory. Giovanna opens the drawers, looking for something. Cake and Danny were somewhere in the building, snooping around together.

"Professor, We need to talk to you about Danny," Hermes starts. "He's a nice guy but we think it's about time he got his own place."

"Oh, fuff! He's not causing any trouble. Besides he's still improving the ship to travel further distances. Now, if you don't mind, I'm rather busy. I seem to have mislaid my alien mummy that was gifted to me by my first clients," She picks up a small coffin and opens it. It is empty. "This sarcophagus should contain the remains of Emperor Nimballa, who ruled Zuban 5 over 29 million years ago."

Danny walks past the lab eating the mummy. "Hey, Professor, Mm! Great jerky!" He says before he walks back to the ship.

"My God, this is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!"

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